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Australian heat waves & bushfires

Two articles with fascinating facts on just how bad it's been have caught my eye...

Nasa said plumes from blazes around New Year's Day had crossed South America, turning skies there hazy, and moved "halfway around Earth" by 8 January.

"The smoke is expected to make at least one full circuit around the globe," the US space agency said.

Ben Shepherd, of the NSW Rural Fire Service, said his colleagues had dealt with 4.2m hectares of burning land this season, compared with the typical 300,000 hectares.

Converting those figures, that's 16,216 sq, miles compared to 1,158 sq. miles! Greater London is 606 sq. miles, so 16,216 sq. miles is almost 28 times bigger than the size of Greater London, and that's just for the burning land area in New South Wales. :eek: :(
As cupid_stunt mentioned above the smoke has circumnavigated the world.

Australian news
The smoke from Australia's bushfires has circumnavigated the globe
Smoke from bushfires burning across southeastern Australia has travelled around the earth and back to Australian skies, NASA said on Wednesday (AEDT). Scientists using data from the NOAA/NASA Suomi NPP satellite traced the movement of the smoke, which has also triggered an unusually large number of fire-induced thunderstorms.
Whole way from Canberra to Sydney today was like going through a smoke tunnel. Smoke as far as you could see (or not) on either side of the road. We’ve decided to cut short our time in Oz and go back to Thailand. It’s just not pleasant being here.

Well you know there has been a lot of criticism over photoes like these, apparently koalas don't drink like this. It can cause the water to go into their lungs and they die. Lots have died as a result of pics like this, and people unintentionally copying and doing the wrong thing. So they are currently saturating social media and the news to educate people that koalas need to be fed from a bowl they can lap from.
I mean all that carbon based smoke floating abaht

It'll be a huge amount of CO2 dumped into the atmosphere, and a large number of carbon sinks (aka trees) taken out of the system. A lot of these sorts of events will contribute to a positive feedback process that makes other such events more likely.
Hailstones the size of golf balls. :eek:

Yeah, we have a hail warning for tomorrow so we'll have someone monitoring the weather in the office at work. We'll shut up and go home early if need be. It's too dangerous to be outside and people want to get their cars undercover. After big hail storms they have 'storm sales' in car yards, you can pick up a good bargain if you want a car that needs panal work and windows ;)
After the deadliest bushfires, now the Australia is blessed with hailstorms destroying property. What else could they have wished for at this hour of desperate need? Climate change gurus ought to have some explanation.
After the deadliest bushfires, now the Australia is blessed with hailstorms destroying property. What else could they have wished for at this hour of desperate need? Climate change gurus ought to have some explanation.
Are you saying that people who support the idea of man made climate change better have a bloody good reason for why all this climate change is happening?
Are you saying that people who support the idea of man made climate change better have a bloody good reason for why all this climate change is happening?
On the contrary, I am saying they have a vague idea of these phenomena of frequently occurring extreme events, especially of droughts and floods. But on this occasion, these two events of extreme heat and bushfires followed by hailstorms, I doubt they can conjure a scientific explanation. Rather ask the meteorologists for an explanation.
That's been debunked as complete nonsense, it's just certain media outlets, mainly those owned by Rupert Murdoch, trying to deny climate change.

See this post, and link below, - Australian heat waves & bushfires

That’s interesting to read, but obviously arsonists aren’t helping the crisis.

That’s interesting to read, but obviously arsonists aren’t helping the crisis.

But, that's all bollocks.

A story in the Murdoch-owned national broadsheet, The Australian, also falsely claimed that 183 arsonists had been arrested in the “current bushfire season”. That piece also went global. It was tweeted by Donald Trump Jr and followed up by InfoWars, a right-wing US website, which stated: “Authorities in Australia have arrested close to 200 people for deliberately starting the bushfires that have devastated the country, yet the media and celebrities continue to blame ‘climate change’ for the disaster.”

The number was a gross exaggeration. It was arrived at by counting a range of bushfire-related offences other than arson – including contraventions of fire bans, for example – and used annual figures, not those for the current fire season, which began in September. The Australian subsequently updated its story.

NSW’s Rural Fire Service has said the major cause of ignition during the crisis has been dry lightning. Victoria police say they do not believe arson had a role in any of the destructive fires this summer.

Who should we believe, the fire service & police or the Murdoch media?

Read the full article...

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