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George HW Bush (Bush Sr) dead

Finally the world is well rid of him. Endless battles turn the land into hell on earth and that is also because of him. We should never forget that, thousands of people died in Middle East during the US invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Since then the enemies of humanity have continued their campaign of murder. Now just have a look at that, who is a role model.

That is the True History of the Islamic State of Iraq And Syria - Dystopian Political
He was a distinguished torpedo bomber pilot in the Pacific in World War II and had enough integrity to oppose Trump, shame about the 72 years in between.
I'm not sure either of those things are enough to recommend him as a decent human being. Particularly the first.
The Imperial Japanese Army was definitely worth bombing - although Bush clearly didn't learn anything from the war, since he went on to support equally barbaric right-wing Latin American regimes as head of the CIA in the '70s.
Pretty sure the US didn't restrict themselves to purely military targets.
Finally the world is well rid of him. Endless battles turn the land into hell on earth and that is also because of him. We should never forget that, thousands of people died in Middle East during the US invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Since then the enemies of humanity have continued their campaign of murder. Now just have a look at that, who is a role model.

That is the True History of the Islamic State of Iraq And Syria - Dystopian Political

Iraq 2003 was Bush II - "Dubya". Not Bush I - "Pukey George".

They were both utter fuckwads as President, though.
Iraq 2003 was Bush II - "Dubya". Not Bush I - "Pukey George".

They were both utter fuckwads as President, though.

Connections between them run both ways and there's no difference between both of them. And as you said, this is the essence of what they were.
tbf george W and raygun both look better than the orange one :facepalm:
fuck even nixon and JFK look better.
He hasn't managed to start a war but the obvious incompetence and inability to act like a head of state
I dont think Trump wrote that for some reason
Neither do I, there are WAY too many big words in it and they've been spelt correctly. given Trump's penchant for carrying grudges I wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't even read ir
Major did a lot of cunty things - CJB, rushed rail privatisation etc. but managed to do so while appearing like a benign and almost comedic figure. Never give a break to quiet and polite tories, they’re still bastards.
fuck that, he was murder to latin america, pinochet endorser and Condor backer
Dude was Director of the CIA during a particularly murky period, even by the standards of that organisation.

None of which I doubt, and nor do I doubt the cuntish credentials of either Mr Major or Mr Bush senior.

Are/were they less cuntish than, respectively, Thatcher, Hague, IDS, Cameron and May, and Reagan, Bush Jr, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Trump?
Everywhere that flag draped coffin goes the cameras follow...the never ending funeral. Suddenly he's a god.
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