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Brockwell Lido Breakfast Club 2010

Yeah, second in a fortnight. The problem is that Fusion has an informal agreement with Lambeth Council to lock the park gates, once the gym has closed. The staff have been forgetting to do this, leaving the park, and lido, open to all :(
The staff have been forgetting to do this, leaving the park, and lido, open to all :(


The staff are pretty poor on the whole.

I was in last Wendesday afternoon. 4 people behind the counter. One serving the queue, three hovering about looking confused....

the £5.20 thing does my head in as well. Get more change or make it a straight £5 to get it.....

I plan to go early Wendesday morning. Hope it's open.
Tricky - his response to your complaint is very funny.. Telling you off for daring to cc other people on your complaint.

In the two months since I've joined the gym I've found the front desk service really crap..

Some of the staff are good and helpful, a lot of them just seem to stare into thin air.

They've lost quite a few of my class bookings...

I've filled in a customer complaint form, asked a manager to call and never heard anything back.

Gym machines that were out of service when I joined still haven't been fixed..

The on line booking service hasn't been working properly since I joined.

Although the classes are really good, I'm having second thoughts about renewing my membership due to crappy service.
Closed all day? Must have been quite a robbery to close the Lido on the hottest day of the year :(:hmm:

Sorry - is it LIDO / Fusion staff who are supposed to lock the gates? Or Lambeth?

Not that the park isn't accessible with the gates locked, of course!
Tricky - his response to your complaint is very funny.. Telling you off for daring to cc other people on your complaint.

It wasn't actually *my* complaint, but a well loved, and very well known lido regular. He knows far more that I do ;)

But yeah, after a so so start from Fusion, the change in management seems to have been caught on the hop as we hit the first real busy period for this season. Four morning closures this month really isn't acceptable. The experience of previous staff is all around - they love the the lido so much that they continue to swim as users.

*still not happy about the cafe situation either* :(
i went there sunday am, got that 9.55, sure a big queue, but i wasn't in till 10.35 :facepalm: 2 people on the tills workin very slowly, it was a pretty agonising wait in the heat. Could get people in much quicker with correct change line or something.
I rang about 15 mins ago, and they said still closed, but they were hoping to open in the next 10 or 15 mins and to call back and check...now permanently engaged.
Just called before setting off for a swim. Pool is closed for the rest of the day due to a chemical imbalance but earlier on it was closed due to a police investigation as it says on the website..

"Due to a police investigation Brockwell Lido swimming pool is currently closed. The gym, cafe and studios are open as normal. Please check here regularly for updates or call us on 020 7274 3088."
Got this this morning.. hope it's open sometime today - need a swim!

I would strongly recommend calling ahead before going!

Dear xxxxx,
We have our pool engineers on site tomorrow from 7am. We will do everything possible to ensure that the pool is back in operation however I would really appreciate it if you can let all early swimmers know that it is highly unlikely that it will be open within the first couple of hours at least.

Thank you so much and do let me know if you have any queries.

I passed at 7.20, and popped in. Pool still closed. Promised back open by midday today. Engineer was not present at this time.

He also said it would certainly be open tomorrow morning.

I find it shocking that they can't get an engineer quicker than 24 hours. The service contract must be shit.

I would have thought the pool in the summer is business critical in terms or making money, especially on very hot days, so to not protect that with a good maintenance contract is very poor planning.
Find the chronic underinvestment in the Lido proper, incredible; uneven paving slabs, loose safety rails in the pool, missing grout, poor paint surface. The cynic in me says that its being run down on purpose :(
Find the chronic underinvestment in the Lido proper, incredible; uneven paving slabs, loose safety rails in the pool, missing grout, poor paint surface. The cynic in me says that its being run down on purpose :(

I recognise the features that you mention, but I don't think this is deliberate. Fusion has a 25 year lease to manage the Lido. Strict management checks via Brockwell Lido Users are built into this, with a formal system of feedback back into Lambeth Council.

This summer however has shown that something is seriously wrong with the management of the lido. It is no coincidence that Jermey (site manager) and Paul (pool manager) both left with very little notice before the start of the new season.

The current staff simply don't know or understand how the lido works. We have had four closures already because of the chlorine, and two break-ins. The Fusion website currently is trying to paper over the break-in on Monday, by explaining the pool closure as part of the chlorine situation.

This *isn't* the case. There is a build up of Yoof in the early hours in the car park, that Fusion can't manage. This is all down to the continued failure of the staff to lock the park gate / politely ask Yoof to leave.

The police were involved late again last night, having to move the kids along who were partying in the car park. A locked gate offers no resistance however, and they were back a few hours later.

Add in the cafe situation, and for the first time in fifteen years, I am very concerned about what is happening at the lido right now :(
Not sure a locked gate or a polite request is going to sort the yoof issue.

or why they would claim a robbery closure is chorine - a robbery is not thier fault, whereas chlorine management is, presumably! Unless the robbery was a maliscious act by someone who knew their way around and sabotaged the chlorine.

But that would be a conspiracy theory!

Anyway, v v frustrating, and I wanted to SWIM!

LOL at Nanker P's explanations - but I enjoy the Lido, don't want to slag them off or kick them when they are down. It can't be an easy thing to manage, overall.
This *isn't* the case. There is a build up of Yoof in the early hours in the car park, that Fusion can't manage. This is all down to the continued failure of the staff to lock the park gate / politely ask Yoof to leave.

The police were involved late again last night, having to move the kids along who were partying in the car park. A locked gate offers no resistance however, and they were back a few hours later.


The "yoof" thing isn't just the lido though. Yesterday there was a heavy police presence due to a large gang of kids up by the BMX track, (who to be fair were just being noisy and not particularly doing anything wrong - but it was a large enough group to be intimidating and also, as with any large group of teenagers, it looked like trouble could kick off quite easily). This has been a problem a lot recently - I've seen fights kicking off between large groups of (mostly) teenagers but with some older men who should know better on a fairly regular basis. These have ended up outside my front door a couple of times - on one occasion the whole group charged round from the playground area.

I know that there are also groups in the park at night because I hear/see them from my window when I'm trying to sleep.

Locking the gates by the lido will make no difference - everyone here knows how to get into the park at night - increased patrolling of the park might help but I guess that the police don't have the resources to be hanging around the park in case of trouble?
i went last saturday for the first time and it was bliss.

although mostly now at paddling pool across the hill as much safer with a water loving toddler.
They had two security guards guarding the doors when I went to pilates at 7am yesterday.

Yeah, I was in at 6.30am the other day and there were guards on the door.

That's gotta be a waste of money.

It was really busy....hadn't realised there were so many nutters willing to get up at the crack of dawn to get in cold water!
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