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Brixton supermarket & pub inflation watch


"Red Guard"(NLYL)
Thread to highlight inflation in local outlets.
Kick off - 1. Tesco Acre Lane
4 pt milk hiked from £1.45 to £1.55 (7% week on week - 42.2% year on year - from £1.09)
2 litres sugar free ginger beer 80p from 70p (12.5% week on week - 78% year on year - from 45p)

I was alive and kicking during the Barber boom inflation, and don't remember it as bad as this.
Mind you we only had miners strikes then, not Covid shut-dolwns and BREXIT (ssh!....)
The Tesco Acre Lane price will be the same across the country as they have national pricing (except in convenience stores where prices are 3-5% higher). If you want to see the inflation in the ONS detailed basket of goods that make up CPI it's here in the large spreadsheet in the ONS link below. Table 8 shows the moving annual average % for the 12 months to end of August. Milk does indeed have one of the highest inflation rates in the food category (low-fat at 40%!). Milk prices were kept artificially low over the years by the supermarkets squeezing the milk companies (eg Arla) who in turn squeezed the farmers who sold into them to the point where it was becoming uneconomical for the farmers. I guess it's the raw inputs like feed prices that have caused the sudden rise in prices. I doubt that the farmers are getting a better margin.
I was in the Coop yesterday looking at the pizzas. I'm sure the price has gone up in last few weeks.

I'm going to start taking photos of prices.

I was in boots Brixton today and waiting in queue. As person in front was buying powdered baby milk which they now have anti theft seals on. Takes time to remove them.

In my coop they moved things around to deter shop lifting. Staff told me as I could not find something and they said they had moved it

Given the prices keep going up what are people supposed to do?
I was in Stockwell Lidl today. Actually looking for the £8.99 pyjamas - but the cheese shelf was a fright. These imported German manufactured Edam, and similar slices used to be £1.49 - £1.79 for 400g. Now its £2.99.
Of course they do still have cheese slices for £1.79 - but these are now cheddar etc (presumably UK sourced) and only 150-200g.
Morrison Camberwell branch bit of a rip-off joint now.
454 g jam now £1.19 (was 79p - 50% increase) similarly marmalade is 89p now (was 49p)
Standard price for bottled beer is now £2 (was £1.70)
The old £1 specials (Lancaster Bomber etc) are now £1.09

Is this just inflation - or could it also be this?

The debt-financed private equity takeover of Morrisons is fast shaping up to be a deal for the ages.
With Morrisons already struggling to hold its position as the number four player, record inflation hurtling down the track, and a prolonged era of ultra-low borrowing costs about to come juddering to a halt, the decision of American financiers Clayton Dubilier and Rice to push ahead with a £10bn take-private bid looked highly questionable.
But after a once-in-a-generation shake-up of the supermarket rankings saw Morrisons ejected from the “Big Four” club, executives at CD&R may be wishing they’d swallowed their pride and walked away. (ToryLaugh)

PS I suspect bottled beers went past £2 at Sainsburys on Tusel Hill months ago?
Morrisons is merely following the inflationary trend that is affecting all the supermarkets. The Grocer trade magazine publishes a comparative basket of 33 items each week (randomised from a much larger list so the SMs don't game the system). Morrisons is no worse than the others. In fact, year-on -year their inflation is less than their competitors. Given their relatively high exposure to the North, Midlands and Scotland, they are also more vulnerable to Aldi and Lidl (and in fact are now #5 behind Aldi according to the latest Kantar figures).
Morrisons is merely following the inflationary trend that is affecting all the supermarkets. The Grocer trade magazine publishes a comparative basket of 33 items each week (randomised from a much larger list so the SMs don't game the system). Morrisons is no worse than the others. In fact, year-on -year their inflation is less than their competitors. Given their relatively high exposure to the North, Midlands and Scotland, they are also more vulnerable to Aldi and Lidl (and in fact are now #5 behind Aldi according to the latest Kantar figures).
Not sure what's in the "basket" there. 5% year on year to 3rd October - possibly toilet rolls with Morrisons, who seem to have generally cheaper more ample stocks.
But their jam has gone up 50% - whereas Lidl did the same trick a couple of years back - rebadging "jam" as "conserve" and re-rating it from 65p or so to £1.49.
Funnily enough in one of the local Lidls (can't remember which) they recently has Apricot "jam" for 65p as a special. I should have bought the lot! I suspect it was old stock, because the jars were the old-style Lidl jars from 4 or 5 years back.
I was in the Coop yesterday looking at the pizzas. I'm sure the price has gone up in last few weeks.

I'm going to start taking photos of prices.

I was in boots Brixton today and waiting in queue. As person in front was buying powdered baby milk which they now have anti theft seals on. Takes time to remove them.

In my coop they moved things around to deter shop lifting. Staff told me as I could not find something and they said they had moved it

Given the prices keep going up what are people supposed to do?

At Tesco on Brixton Hill they have the powdered baby milk behind the screens next to the tobacco.
Not sure what's in the "basket" there. 5% year on year to 3rd October - possibly toilet rolls with Morrisons, who seem to have generally cheaper more ample stocks.
But their jam has gone up 50% - whereas Lidl did the same trick a couple of years back - rebadging "jam" as "conserve" and re-rating it from 65p or so to £1.49.
Funnily enough in one of the local Lidls (can't remember which) they recently has Apricot "jam" for 65p as a special. I should have bought the lot! I suspect it was old stock, because the jars were the old-style Lidl jars from 4 or 5 years back.
The items vary each week. It's the same items across all the big supermarkets (or equivalent if own brand) in that particular week. The 5% is the blended average YOY of the 52 weeks' "baskets".
Brixton (main) - finally the computer scan price of 80p matches the shelf price for Tescos own-brand Fiery Ginger Beer. I guess Sainsburys will be £1 or more now - they were 70p in the early summer when Tescos was 50p.

Only went there this morning to get an FT - to read about the financial meltdown - and guess what
WAR TIME BRITAIN - no papers at all in Tescos Brixton (except yesterday's SLP - and yesterday's Evening Standard which was printed before Kwasi Kwarteng got the sack evidently)

Every little helps....
At Tesco on Brixton Hill they have the powdered baby milk behind the screens next to the tobacco.

Tbf there is something about this that I find winds me up

Plenty of wealthy people in London who aren't affected by post pandemic/ Ukraine collapse of the economy.

People must be desperate if they shop lift baby milk.

It's no laughing matter. As I see your post got a laugh. Pretty disgusting that some find this funny.
Brixton (main) - finally the computer scan price of 80p matches the shelf price for Tescos own-brand Fiery Ginger Beer. I guess Sainsburys will be £1 or more now - they were 70p in the early summer when Tescos was 50p.

Only went there this morning to get an FT - to read about the financial meltdown - and guess what
WAR TIME BRITAIN - no papers at all in Tescos Brixton (except yesterday's SLP - and yesterday's Evening Standard which was printed before Kwasi Kwarteng got the sack evidently)

Every little helps....

I used to get FT from office in City. That's been stopped as most are WFH.

Mixed feelings on financial meltdown.

Would have liked to read FT view. Which is a good paper. Even if I don't agree with all its politics

Brexit was supposed to mean that "we" took back control.

It's not the case

I'm no Tory but I'm not happy that IMF and international so called credit rating agency like Moody can dictate economic policy of sovereign states.

And effectively decide who will be minister in charge of economic policy etc
I used to get FT from office in City. That's been stopped as most are WFH.

Mixed feelings on financial meltdown.

Would have liked to read FT view. Which is a good paper. Even if I don't agree with all its politics

Brexit was supposed to mean that "we" took back control.

It's not the case

I'm no Tory but I'm not happy that IMF and international so called credit rating agency like Moody can dictate economic policy of sovereign states.

And effectively decide who will be minister in charge of economic policy etc
I got it from the LJ Co-op! Plenty of copies of the FT there in this up-and-coming-area.

Briefly the opinion pieces say there is no point in Liz Truss hanging around as Jeremy Hunt is now UK CEO.

One disappointing thing with the FT their saving tables are well out of date.
Halifax is now doing 3.4-3.7% fixed term ISAs, and Santander 3.7%-4.0% Fixed term ISAs.
The FT is wittering on about various fringe banks offering less, which surprised me.

There was a choice item of gossip in the FT which would have appealed to you:
A Deloitte vice-chairman is quitting after a drunken rant at Royal Ascot which was sexist, racist and bullying.
Stephen Cahill, a senior partner and one of the accountancy giant's 25 vice-chairmen, 'offended every collective group' of minorities during his 30-minute tirade, sources told the Financial Times.
Most recently head of the firm's executive compensation practice, Cahill will retire following 14 years at Deloitte.

His departure follows an investigation into events on June 14, when around 30 Deloitte employees from Cahill's department went to the Ascot horse races for a social event.

Such are our masters!
I got it from the LJ Co-op! Plenty of copies of the FT there in this up-and-coming-area.

Briefly the opinion pieces say there is no point in Liz Truss hanging around as Jeremy Hunt is now UK CEO.

One disappointing thing with the FT their saving tables are well out of date.
Halifax is now doing 3.4-3.7% fixed term ISAs, and Santander 3.7%-4.0% Fixed term ISAs.
The FT is wittering on about various fringe banks offering less, which surprised me.

There was a choice item of gossip in the FT which would have appealed to you:
A Deloitte vice-chairman is quitting after a drunken rant at Royal Ascot which was sexist, racist and bullying.
Stephen Cahill, a senior partner and one of the accountancy giant's 25 vice-chairmen, 'offended every collective group' of minorities during his 30-minute tirade, sources told the Financial Times.
Most recently head of the firm's executive compensation practice, Cahill will retire following 14 years at Deloitte.

His departure follows an investigation into events on June 14, when around 30 Deloitte employees from Cahill's department went to the Ascot horse races for a social event.

Such are our masters!
What are they saying is the highestt interest instant access account?
Tbf there is something about this that I find winds me up

Plenty of wealthy people in London who aren't affected by post pandemic/ Ukraine collapse of the economy.

People must be desperate if they shop lift baby milk.

It's no laughing matter. As I see your post got a laugh. Pretty disgusting that some find this funny.

I thought the same - really quite disconcerting when essentials are locked away behind a screen.
I got it from the LJ Co-op! Plenty of copies of the FT there in this up-and-coming-area.

Briefly the opinion pieces say there is no point in Liz Truss hanging around as Jeremy Hunt is now UK CEO.

One disappointing thing with the FT their saving tables are well out of date.
Halifax is now doing 3.4-3.7% fixed term ISAs, and Santander 3.7%-4.0% Fixed term ISAs.
The FT is wittering on about various fringe banks offering less, which surprised me.

There was a choice item of gossip in the FT which would have appealed to you:
A Deloitte vice-chairman is quitting after a drunken rant at Royal Ascot which was sexist, racist and bullying.
Stephen Cahill, a senior partner and one of the accountancy giant's 25 vice-chairmen, 'offended every collective group' of minorities during his 30-minute tirade, sources told the Financial Times.
Most recently head of the firm's executive compensation practice, Cahill will retire following 14 years at Deloitte.

His departure follows an investigation into events on June 14, when around 30 Deloitte employees from Cahill's department went to the Ascot horse races for a social event.

Such are our masters!

What are they saying is the highestt interest instant access account?
This is what they said in toto - sorry for the scan quality
Best of luck with Oak North Bank etc!FT.jpg
I thought the same - really quite disconcerting when essentials are locked away behind a screen.
Baby formula has become a popular item for theft. Whether it is being resold, returned for store credit or cash, or mixed with drugs, baby formula is considered a “high shrink” item. Unfortunately, the cost of formula and the amount of theft that occurs on an annual basis has forced many retailers to keep it locked up or in highly supervised areas

Baby formula has become a popular item for theft. Whether it is being resold, returned for store credit or cash, or mixed with drugs, baby formula is considered a “high shrink” item. Unfortunately, the cost of formula and the amount of theft that occurs on an annual basis has forced many retailers to keep it locked up or in highly supervised areas

in what way is any of that funny?
in what way is any of that funny?

See no answer to this.

It's the way DaphneM goes on.

Implication that theft of baby formula could be done to the fact that that some people are struggling is in this posters eyes laughable. As any implied criticism of the status quo is lefty exaggeration of reality.

Hence post that says this is down to organised crime. Not people getting desperate.
As you know, you and I are supposed to be on mutual ignore, which prohibits you from referring to me in any way, so can you stop please?
Had a surprise this afternoon. Caught the train back to LJ from Streatham so popped into Aldi next to Streatham station.
Those 22p cans of baked beans which are now 37p when you scan them at Lidl turned out to be truly 22p at Aldi.
Also there were loaves of both white and wholemeal bread for 39p (medium sliced)
Lidl wholemeal is currently 72p and their seeded loaves are £1.09.

I didn't buy an Aldi loaf so can't comment on quality.
As you know, you and I are supposed to be on mutual ignore, which prohibits you from referring to me in any way, so can you stop please?

Appears we aren't. As you say previously you had me on ignore I'm quite happy with that. If you put me on ignore then you won't have to interact with me. If you put me on ignore all you have to do is make yourself refrain from commenting on my posts. Which you did even though you put me on ignore. It's not that difficult.

I never asked to be put on mutual ignore. Nor did I want it.

I'm not the one who started this. So don't play the victim.
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