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Brixton 'Splash' 2017 street festival - news and discussion

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Ed says he's not debating with me as Im a racist. Thats me he's talking about, a black man, with a record longer than his age of fighting racism ! But he's cools to spend hours on here criticising others but he aint got the balls to stand up in public and debate these issues? He has lost both his objectivity and the courage of convictions and he's the fucking moderator are you kidding me?

Debating with you would be pointless, given that you have no credibility whatsoever. It's tragic (but not surprising) that you're trying to turn this into a race issue. Pathetic.
Oh dear, oh dear why do white men like you love to talk in such overly aggressive and competitive tones? If your such a bad ass come out from behind your keyboard and debate these issues in public? I note your avoidance in answering this specific offer to move this debate on and test some of the more absurd allegations or assumptions made on this site. Are you up for it Mr Moderator?

He said, in aggressive and competitive tones.
Oh for fucks sake do keep up I'm Labour now...

Or rather, "again". Doesn't say a lot to dispel the accusations of political opportunism that are made about you, does it? :D

...its like dealing with some old boy who thinks there's still a war on.

There is still a war on.
Not that a member of the Labour Party can be expected to remember the class war, even a member of the bright and shiny Corbynite tendency.
Don't think having the Oxford English Dictionary on your side will protect you in an Urban75 bun fight.
I often hear white men repeating that old canard stating they're colour blind, and saying as you do about ethnicity that ' It matters not a jot to me'. Lambeth is 40% non white and Brixton even more diverse... This site for example has supported local campaigns, can you name any that are specifically challenging racism? Can you sign post me.

Race and Class go together in Brixton. Brixion has changed. When I was first here it was mainly people of Caribbean descent. They came here to do working class jobs. Recently I was chatting to a retired lady who came to London from the Caribbean to work here as a nurse. Its a history that should not be forgotten. She was typical of the many Black people who came here post war. As she said she was asked to come here to help rebuild the country post war.The contribution of people from the Caribbean was important in post WW2 UK.

A campaign where race and class overlap is the opposition to the loss
of the shops by the Rec in the arches. This was a loss of small business run by more recent immigrants. From north Africa and Portugal. Shops that were affordable places for locals.

Another campaign is the Brixton Rec. Which was under threat several years ago and was listed recently. One reason was its significance to the Black community.

When I was campaigning to get the Rec listed people from the Black community told me that one of the good things about the Rec was that its one place were people of all backgrounds mix.As one person from the Black community said to me we would not have got to know each other without the Rec.

Brixton was a place where people from
different ethnic backgrounds learnt to get on.

The worst thing about gentrification is that this will be lost. This is as much about class as race.
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Give it up, Editor....He is definitely not worth it. Bet Labour are so glad he's back in the fold after the dismal showing he polled when Steve Reed won the seat in Croydon.

One thing I dislike more than stupidity is political cowardice and the tendency on here to play the man not the ball. Theres a dispute over Splash and my ' relevance and credibility, lots of mouthy white men spouting off. I offered a public debate to discuss in a civilised way and this is what I get? Its utterly pathetic. This site is all mouth and no trousers.
Race and Class go together in Brixton. Brixion has changed. When I was first here it was mainly people of Caribbean descent. They came here to do working class jobs. Recently I was chatting to a retired lady who came to London from the Caribbean to work here as a nurse. Its a history that should not be forgotten. She was typical of the many Black people who came here post war. As she said she was asked to come here to help rebuild the country post war.The contribution of people from the Caribbean was important in post WW2 UK.

A campaign where race and class overlap is the opposition to the loss
of the shops by the Rec in the arches. This was a loss of small business run by more recent immigrants. From north Africa and Portugal. Shops that were affordable places for locals.

Another campaign is the Brixton Rec. Which was under threat several years ago and was listed recently. One reason was its significance to the Black community.

When I was campaigning to get the Rec listed people from the Black community told me that one of the good things about the Rec was that its one place were people of all backgrounds mix.As one person from the Black community said to me we would not have got to know each other without the Rec.

Brixton was a place where people from
different ethnic backgrounds learnt to get on.

The worst thing about gentrification is that this will be lost. This is as much about class as race.

I agree and those campaigns are/were very important but they do not reflect the political priorities of the black community in Brixton or Lambeth and over 20 years I would expect to see this sites involvement in more campaigning on specific race issues.
Debating with you would be pointless, given that you have no credibility whatsoever. It's tragic (but not surprising) that you're trying to turn this into a race issue. Pathetic.

Its not for white people to determine my credibility, neither is it for this monocultural little hipster site, If you want to test your gobshite proposition Id be happy to attend any meeting you'd care to arrange on this or any other issue. Otherwise its all bullshit as usual with this little clique.
Debating with you would be pointless, given that you have no credibility whatsoever. It's tragic (but not surprising) that you're trying to turn this into a race issue. Pathetic.

Its amazing how many people on this thread deny my 'credibility' and yet are never seen or indeed known in the black community, on a site that has no black moderation, that pays its own way ' through anonymous donations' whose volunteer Ed has been working ' free' for 20 years and who has lots to say about black people in Brixton on the site, but wont debate in public? And you say I have no credibility ? You're havin a
Oh come on. He's got form.

Really ? OK lets do this, I have been fighting racism for 30 years. Since you know my 'form' can you provide me with the list of instances where I have erroneously raised issue of racism that has then been proven to be false? Given my ' form' here must be lots of, you know, examples you can sight?
Or rather, "again". Doesn't say a lot to dispel the accusations of political opportunism that are made about you, does it? :D

There is still a war on.
Not that a member of the Labour Party can be expected to remember the class war, even a member of the bright and shiny Corbynite tendency.

Oh its the Brixton Revolutionary Left, full of pompous arrogance and no traction with black working class communities.
I don't know I resigned two years ago.
I thought you resigned in 2012 after the Splash board publicly distanced themselves from your threats towards small Brixton businesses who did not respond to your demands for donations towards Splash? It is interesting that you were quietly allowed to remain on the board for a further two years or so.
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Well this has been an interesting little debate of no consequences whatsoever.

Its no wonder that the majority Brixton black people avoid this site.

From a black perspective (easy now) this is what I have determined from this poor debate.

1. We know this site has no black moderators.

2. We know that this site has rarely, if ever, supported specific antiracist campaigns in Brixton over its 20 year existence.

3. We know that black people are largely absent from this online space/debates.

4. We know that this site has been critical of Brixton Splash and the people associated with it, the majority of whom are black.

5. We know that the majority of white posters on this site don't have a very favourable view of my own work and track record in fighting racism and representing black communities.

6. We know that the few commentators there are on here, think that black people can be just as racist as white people.

7. We know that the Editor thinks Im a black racist, but is afraid, lacks conviction, hasn't got the balls to defend his views in public.

8. We know that despite the offer of a public debate, by me to test these and other views and assumptions described above, no one from this site is prepared to debate with me publicly on the views expressed here.

9. We still do not know how this site is funded?

10. We don't know who the majority of anonymous posters are, off duty police officers? members of the security services? UKIP members, paid police informants etc.

You do the maths Im going to write an article. Have a lovely Xmas and ethnocentric New Year to all at U 75 and can we thank the 'anonymous donors' whose generosity has funded this site and its Editor for 20 or so years. Remarkable...
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I thought you resigned in 2012 after the Splash board publicly distanced themselves from your threats towards small Brixton businesses who did not respond to your demands for donations towards Splash? It is interesting that you were quietly allowed to remain on the board for a further two years or so.

Then you thought wrong sunshine. There was no distancing. I remained the operational lead until my resignation enjoying the full support of the board. By the ways some small business didn't contribute but most did contribute, which is why we are able to keep going. They funded us every year consistently. Sorry to disappoint.
Then you thought wrong sunshine. There was no distancing. I remained the operational lead until my resignation enjoying the full support of the board.

"Sunshine" :D.

The Brixton Splash Board wish to state that the comments made on the blog of Lee Jasper & those iterated elsewhere by Lee Jasper in relation to the Brixton Splash local business engagement were the personal views of Lee Jasper and had not in any way been endorsed by or discussed with the Board.

Lee Jasper has offered his resignation as Chair of Brixton Splash and the Board have accepted with immediate effect.

"Full support" :D.
lol ! Funny thing is I wrote that. That was just a tactical move, I remained in charge 'not discussed by the board' should not be read 'not supported' which is why I stayed on.
lol ! Funny thing is I wrote that. That was just a tactical move, I remained in charge.

Indeed. I said this was probably the case at the time.

Your lack of honesty and transparency along with a puppet board destroyed Splash. Well done, Mr Local Hero.
"Sunshine" :D.

Oh dear Rushy you've gotten it wrong, yet again.

When I left Brixton Splash, we had cash in the bank and growth, sorry again to debunk these misplaced grievous assumptions, but thems the facts.

I left when the event had reached its peak.

A great event that was a victim of its own success not failure.

Hey but dont worry, this is U75 Brixton, where facts are in short supply and black people even shorter still.

"Full support" :D.
Well this has been an interesting little debate of no consequences whatsoever.

Its no wonder that the majority Brixton black people avoid this site.

From a black perspective (easy now) this is what I have determined from this poor debate.

1. We know this site has no black moderators.

2. We know that this site has rarely, if ever, supported specific antiracist campaigns in Brixton over its 20 year existence.

3. We know that black people are largely absent from this online space/debates.

4. We know that this site has been critical of Brixton Splash and the people associated with it, the majority of whom are black.

5. We know that the majority of white posters on this site don't have a very favourable view of my own work and track record in fighting racism and representing black communities.

6. We know that the few commentators there are on here, think that black people can be just as racist as white people.

7. We know that the Editor thinks Im a black racist, but is afraid, lacks conviction, hasn't got the balls to defend his views in public.

8. We know that despite the offer of a public debate, by me to test these and other views and assumptions described above, no one from this site is prepared to debate with me publicly on the views expressed here.

9. We still do not know how this site is funded?

10. We don't know who the majority of anonymous posters are, off duty police officers? members of the security services? UKIP members, paid police informants etc.

You do the maths Im going to write an article. Have a lovely Xmas and ethnocentric New Year to all at U 75 and can we thank the 'anonymous donors' whose generosity has funded this site and its Editor for 20 or so years. Remarkable...

Wow. The legends are true. You truly are a fucking idiot. Actually, no, you're even thicker than your reputation would suggest.
I'm going to declare myself!!

What happens next?
So lets examine your thinking here. You believe black people are racist to whites. Can you give us some examples and whats your analysis that drives you to that stunning conclusion. Ed can chip here, if he can find his balls this morning. Ed love, their in your kitchen on a plate...
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