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Brixton 'Splash' 2017 street festival - news and discussion

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Erroneous comments about personal beef with the ED lol?. Ive never met him and rarely I have written about him ever, he's not that important to me, on the other hand see Eds comments here and he's like a dog with a bone, he cant let go. Such his consistency of criticisms one would have thought he's being paid to do so..
Feel free to elaborate on that particular accusation about me being paid. Go on Jasper. I fucking dare you. Or if you can't back it up, shut the fuck up with your idiotic defamatory shit.

Your move.
On a broader note, I also think site does a disservice to black people in Brixton. U75 should have a public discussion on racism in Lambeth, given the Runnymede Trust has determined, for the second year running, that Lambeth is the most racially unequal borough in the UK. There are massive issues of racism and discrimination that would benefit from additional public scrutiny and discussion What is your strategy around talking racism in Lambeth? Does U75 have a Diversity Strategy, how is the editing function informed by black concerns, priorities and issues and how's that reflected here?
You don't seem to understand how a forum works, so let me explain. Anyone can start a thread on any topic they like. Just like you have done in the past. If you want a public discussion on racism in Lambeth, then feel free to start the discussion. It's as simple as that.
How about U75 who runs it? Who are you accountable too? Whats the diversity of its representation on the management and workers of U75, because this forum is strikes me, using a well known phrase as 'hideously white' in the majority of its articulations and perspectives.
Again, you're displaying your lack of knowledge here. The site is run by volunteers. No one gets paid. We have no 'workers' or 'management.' The mods have zero influence over what gets discussed, so long as it stays within the site rules, which are remarkably easy going compared to most popular sites. We've had mods of all persuasions: white, POC, lesbian, gay. It matters not a jot to me, neither should it to you.
What was the diversity of the board on Brixton Splash ?
Oh really would you like to put this too the test? Im happy to publicly debate with you or indeed anyone else. Lets see if people are prepared to publicly articulate these views in front of audience.

An audience of your friends from Respect, perhaps? :D

I'll wait....as for the support I enjoy I am happy to disprove your myopic monocultural political analysis.

Monocultural, eh? That's a good one!

BTW, it's not a "political analysis" that you responded to, it's a straightforward (know what that is?) representation of views I've heard about Splash. Nothing political about it, except you trying to make it political.
Feel free to elaborate on that particular accusation about me being paid. Go on Jasper. I fucking dare you. Or if you can't back it up, shut the fuck up with your idiotic defamatory shit.

Your move.
Im glad you're not formally paid because that would add insult to injury. I'll take you on public debate because I can see how brave you really are all that strong talk and all. Your move.
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You edited history, and you don't like being reminded of it. Tough shit.

Yawn no-one outside this little clique gives a shit. Me? Im happy that you wish to keep talking about me, increases my online ranking for advertising revenue. So please dont stop on my account. I just thought it was fucking funny, you know 16 years on...and all...
Don't you ever stop shit-stirring, and acting like a pissant?

Oh the tiresome whinge of the white commentariat bores me incredibly. These anonymous brave hearts, with strong fast fingers.
Not what he said, and sad that you reach for the racism card as a first resort, rather than replying to any of the points he made. 3 decades and nothing changes with you, does it? Still go for monstering first, debate second. :)

Sorry my 'race card' is trumped by your white privilege card. All day everyday.
You don't seem to understand how a forum works, so let me explain. Anyone can start a thread on any topic they like. Just like you have done in the past. If you want a public discussion on racism in Lambeth, then feel free to start the discussion. It's as simple as that.
Again, you're displaying your lack of knowledge here. The site is run by volunteers. No one gets paid. We have no 'workers' or 'management.' The mods have zero influence over what gets discussed, so long as it stays within the site rules, which are remarkably easy going compared to most popular sites. We've had mods of all persuasions: white, POC, lesbian, gay. It matters not a jot to me, neither should it to you.

So a site that waits for black people to start a discussion on racism because what? It doesn't concern you? There's me thinking challenging racism was also white peoples responsibility. Mods of all persuasions ? Im impressed. How many do have and how many are black?

I often hear white men repeating that old canard stating they're colour blind, and saying as you do about ethnicity that ' It matters not a jot to me'. Lambeth is 40% non white and Brixton even more diverse, this demography of people and issues should be reflected here in terms of personnel and content. It's no where near being representative of Brixton. This site for example has supported local campaigns, can you name any that are specifically challenging racism? Can you sign post me.

Onto the site and questions of money, please pray tell me, how does the site pay for itself? Who owns the site? What's the business model behind it? All seems very odd? Maybe you can explain Ed?
Im glad you're not formally paid because that would add insult to injury. I'll take you on public debate because I can see how brave you really are all that strong talk and all. Your move.
There's nothing to debate. Your pathetic attempt to slur my character by suggesting that I was being paid has just backfired in your face. You bullshitted and you got caught out. Game over.
An audience of your friends from Respect, perhaps? :D

there used to be a degree of diversity amongst the Brixton forum mods but there is only one mod now.
there used to be a degree of diversity amongst the Brixton forum mods but there is only one mod now.

Really because Ed's just informed me he has the United Nations of Mod representation, someones telling porkies. Ed?

Monocultural, eh? That's a good one!

BTW, it's not a "political analysis" that you responded to, it's a straightforward (know what that is?) representation of views I've heard about Splash. Nothing political about it, except you trying to make it political.
Onto the site and questions of money, please pray tell me, how does the site pay for itself? Who owns the site? What's the business model behind it? All seems very odd? Maybe you can explain Ed?
Be glad to. The site is funded by anonymous donations that cover the server costs every month. No one gets paid. No one makes any money. No favours are granted. There is no business model: it is a free and open community resource and has been for over two decades. It's open to anyone to debate issues that interest them.

How much did you get paid for your involvement with Splash? Or in your previous campaigning roles? I do hope you'll be as open as me here.
There's nothing to debate. Your pathetic attempt to slur my character by suggesting that I was being paid has just backfired in your face. You bullshitted and you got caught out. Game over.
Oh dear, oh dear why do white men like you love to talk in such overly aggressive and competitive tones? If your such a bad ass come out from behind your keyboard and debate these issues in public? I note your avoidance in answering this specific offer to move this debate on and test some of the more absurd allegations or assumptions made on this site. Are you up for it Mr Moderator?
Yawn no-one outside this little clique gives a shit. Me? Im happy that you wish to keep talking about me, increases my online ranking for advertising revenue. So please dont stop on my account. I just thought it was fucking funny, you know 16 years on...and all...
What advertising revenue do you earn?
Be glad to. The site is funded by anonymous donations that cover the server costs every month. No one gets paid. No one makes any money. No favours are granted. There is no business model: it is a free and open community resource and has been for over two decades. It's open to anyone to debate issues that interest them.

How much did you get paid for your involvement with Splash? Or in your previous campaigning roles? I do hope you'll be as open as me here.
Anonymous donations have funded 20 years? Is that financing done publicly on line? Are these donors known to you but anonymous to the public? How long have you been involved in this position. In relation to Brixton Splash no board members were paid anything at all ever during my tenure.
No time for racists, sorry.

Oh dear, the dear mention of white men sends Ed into meltdown. Are you calling a black man a racist Ed. Is that proper moderation ? I assume from your comment that you and no doubt other on here (please declare yourself) believe that black people can actually be racist towards whites? Can you clarify?
An audience of your friends from Respect, perhaps? :D

Monocultural, eh? That's a good one!

BTW, it's not a "political analysis" that you responded to, it's a straightforward (know what that is?) representation of views I've heard about Splash. Nothing political about it, except you trying to make it political.

Oh for fucks sake do keep up I'm Labour now, its like dealing with some old boy who thinks there's still a war on.
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Oh dear, oh dear why do white men like you love to talk in such overly aggressive and competitive tones? If your such a bad ass come out from behind your keyboard and debate these issues in public? I note your avoidance in answering this specific offer to move this debate on and test some of the more absurd allegations or assumptions made on this site. Are you up for it Mr Moderator?

Ed says he's not debating with me as Im a racist. Thats me he's talking about, a black man, with a record longer than his age of fighting racism ! But he's cools to spend hours on here criticising others but he aint got the balls to stand up in public and debate these issues? He has lost both his objectivity and the courage of convictions and he's the fucking moderator are you kidding me?
Give it up, Editor....He is definitely not worth it. Bet Labour are so glad he's back in the fold after the dismal showing he polled when Steve Reed won the seat in Croydon.
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