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Brixton 'Splash' 2017 street festival - news and discussion

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It was directed at me. He admitted that in the OP, in the first few pages and again throughout the thread. Maybe I shouldn't have bit but I did... maybe it's my own fault idk. It would've been nice to have a bit more support though.
I would have a look, but might start pulling my hair out over it. Stan's a grade A tit. Sorry that happened to you.
It was directed at me. He admitted that in the OP and again in the OP. Maybe I shouldn't have bit but I did... maybe it's my own fault idk. It would've been nice to have a bit more support though.

It was a public traducing it what it was U75 white people deciding what is and is not racist, that results in bigots being tolerated on this site. Racism is tolerated here.
It wasn't Jasper who asked but fair enough.
Yeah, I know, but my reply was to him. I have big problems with his definition of racism and think it's massively unhelpful, as I said before, but any answer I give to you here will also be read by him. Sorry, just don't want any more of that.
Yeah, I know, but my reply was to him. I have big problems with his definition of racism and think it's massively unhelpful, as I said before, but any answer I give to you here will also be read by him. Sorry, just don't want any more of that.

Thats because your bereft of any credible definition to offer.
When men can tell women what the definition of sexism is, then white people can tell black people about the definition of racism and who should be defined as a racist. Until then stay in your Godamm lane and fight white privilege
What is traducing?
Imsure you ve l
Yes, that must be the answer. The answer cannot be the one I gave.

I've discussed this topic on here on other threads, with far more interesting people than you.

Really? I'm all ears? How may of these 'interesting people' were black. Because if its on this site, it cant have been many. Post me a link to these enlightening and interesting discussions I'll take a peak.
When men can tell women what the definition of sexism is, then white people can tell black people about the definition of racism and who should be defined as a racist. Until then stay in your Godamm lane and fight white privilege
You're a fucking simpleton. Nothing you have posted has been worth reading. You're a joke.

I reckon you're a far-right fifth columnist. How much are they paying you to shit all over race relations?
Additionally (and I said that I wouldn't post any more but I just can't stop myself), I'm going to just assume that you always fight against rascism and as such will apply to new roles etc in the future. With that in mind, how do you think you will come over to a potential new employer when they read your posts? As a reasoned, seasoned, been in the trenches and made a difference kinda guy, or just someone who likes shouting about stuff with veiled threats and a subversive nature?

It's an honest question from a black kid who's parents grew up in Selsden and brought me up to realise that there will always be people that annoy you, and that you won't get on with, but that that is immaterial of colour, and that I can be whoever I want to be if I want to be it enough
You're a fucking simpleton. Nothing you have posted has been worth reading. You're a joke.

I reckon you're a far-right fifth columnist. How much are they paying you to shit all over race relations?

Repetition ? Is that how you convince yourself your right, mindless repetition and personal attack? Like most white men of your kind, your a just a coward hiding behind an avatar . A weak, little white man that wouldn't say boo to a goose, if caught in real life.

Weak, insipid and ignored in real life, you get your rocks off by becoming a big man on line.

The worst kind of coward is the anonymous kind, you fit the bill perfectly.
Ironically, I'm watching the football with my mate Mickey. He was talking about a guy and I asked him to describe him.

'Brown shoes, tallish, honky hair '
' wtf mick? What is honky hair? '

So yes, us blacks can be rascist too, something I saw loads of time at the Brixton hotel back in the day when a white kid came in and everyone went' popo'.

If you can't see it, or actually actively deny it then your part of the problem and not part of the solution.
Additionally (and I said that I wouldn't post any more but I just can't stop myself), I'm going to just assume that you always fight against rascism and as such will apply to new roles etc in the future. With that in mind, how do you think you will come over to a potential new employer when they read your posts? As a reasoned, seasoned, been in the trenches and made a difference kinda guy, or just someone who likes shouting about stuff with veiled threats and a subversive nature?

It's an honest question from a black kid who's parents grew up in Selsden and brought me up to realise that there will always be people that annoy you, and that you won't get on with, but that that is immaterial of colour, and that I can be whoever I want to be if I want to be it enough

Thanks for your concern. You have to be finanacially independant to say what you like and ensure you're not moderating your politics to accommodate racist sentiment or institutionalised racist policy.

I detest racism and there is plenty to detest here. If someone want to explore my blog, videos and the rest they'll get a more balanced view. Racism and bigotry must always be confronted and to be fair this thread called my name, I didn't come looking for it, it was pointed out to me but now I have seen it, I intend to expose it for what it is.

This site has a consistent history of attacking me led by its Editor its not going to happen next year, without rebuttal and resistence.
If it's real, he has almost as little self-awareness as Bonathan Jishop, but if anything even more self-regard.:eek:

Thanks for your opinion, however if you could refrain from insults and simply point me in the direction of your debates defining racism I'd be grateful. Thanks.
Thanks for your concern. You have to be finanacially independant to say what you like and ensure you're not moderating your politics to accommodate racist sentiment or institutionalised racist policy.

I detest racism and there is plenty to detest here. If someone want to explore my blog, videos and the rest they'll get a more balanced view. Racism and bigotry must always be confronted and to be fair this thread called my name, I didn't come looking for it, it was pointed out to me but now I have seen it, I intend to expose it for what it is.

This site has a consistent history of attacking me led by its Editor its not going to happen next year, without rebuttal and resistence.

That's not really what I asked is it.
Thats what I read and I gave you an straight answer.

Hmm. Could read it again please, cos me and my mate Mickey are starting to form our own opinions about you and they aren't necessarily complimentary. At the moment we aren't certain that we are comfy with you representing us.

I'd really appreciate a straight answer to clarify stuff.
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