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Brixton Somerleyton Road development, Ovalhouse and Brixton Green - funding, proposed rents etc

One of Brixton's biggest property developers wrote to me yesterday to tell me that Brixton Greens defamatory claims about me "were all over town," adding that he believed that there was "no smoke without fire."

Given the untrue and damaging nature of the allegations - and the amount of time they were left online before they vanished without explanation - the onus is now very much on Brixton Green to make sufficient redress in this matter, and in a timely manner.

I sincerely hope you have the wherewithal to give them a proper shafting.

You should have plenty of evidence, and I don't approve of bullying.
So according to SLP the basic story is that these groups have been using the building for free and want to continue doing so, but BG say they should use it according to the official hire terms (whatever they are).

What are the hire terms?
Have they changed since the groups were first allowed to use the building?
In what way have they been infringed?

Would be good to have some journalists interested in getting to the basic facts of the situation rather than all these vague articles.
The allegation that I have spent money to "discredit" them, plus the claim that I alleged they "pocketed" money are nothing but Brixton Green lies.
Having checked back through various BB articles I see that you did describe them as "trousering up funds". Perhaps that is what they were unhappy about?
I sincerely hope you have the wherewithal to give them a proper shafting.
You should have plenty of evidence, and I don't approve of bullying.
The problem is if it gets legal. I was threatened with being sued for libel by the previous owners of the Dogstar many years ago, and had no alternative but to issue a grovelling apology and undertaking (not wishing to lose my house).

My advice would be to seek to resolve this situation amicably if at all possible. The complainant has apparently not threatened legal action here, but is applying psychological pressure by making allegations in revenge for their slight (as they perceive it).

Cool it I think. People have to co-exist. Doesn't mean they have to agree with each other, or how they make their living. Making further counter allegations is going to simply escalate the situation.

Excuse my passive aggressive sermon.
The problem is if it gets legal. I was threatened with being sued for libel by the previous owners of the Dogstar many years ago, and had no alternative but to issue a grovelling apology and undertaking (not wishing to lose my house).

My advice would be to seek to resolve this situation amicably if at all possible. The complainant has apparently not threatened legal action here, but is applying psychological pressure by making allegations in revenge for their slight (as they perceive it).

Cool it I think. People have to co-exist. Doesn't mean they have to agree with each other, or how they make their living. Making further counter allegations is going to simply escalate the situation.

Excuse my passive aggressive sermon.
They made some quite serous allegations about me in an official statement, including the claim that I entered No 6 Somerleyton Road with a mob of people, caused a disturbance and disrupted a community youth project, resulting in the young people having to be sent home "for their own safety".

Those allegations were wholly untrue and just removing them without explanation is not good enough. I want them to make it crystal clear that they made the story up.
They made some quite serous allegations about me in an official statement, including the claim that I entered No 6 Somerleyton Road with a mob of people, caused a disturbance and disrupted a community youth project, resulting in the young people having to be sent home "for their own safety".

Those allegations were wholly untrue and just removing them without explanation is not good enough. I want them to make it crystal clear that they made the story up.
I reckon they could - and should - accept that their allegations are wholly untrue. Asking them to confess to lying might stick in their craw.
I reckon they could - and should - accept that their allegations are wholly untrue. Asking them to confess to lying might stick in their craw.
There's no other way to word it, I'm afraid. I was nowhere near the building when this supposed disturbance took place.
One of Brixton's biggest property developers wrote to me yesterday to tell me that Brixton Greens defamatory claims about me "were all over town," adding that he believed that there was "no smoke without fire."

Given the untrue and damaging nature of the allegations - and the amount of time they were left online before they vanished without explanation - the onus is now very much on Brixton Green to make sufficient redress in this matter, and in a timely manner.

Well, you know what "they" say about wealthy property developers...most of them live in their own little worlds, where they see themselves as public-spirited heroes, rather than as exploiters and gits.
Having checked back through various BB articles I see that you did describe them as "trousering up funds". Perhaps that is what they were unhappy about?

Here's the link:

"Castaing and Carroll wasted no time in trousering up funds to help support their new pet project. £9,486.42 was handed out by the Big Lottery Fund to help support the original aims. Match funding was stated as coming from the Walcott Foundation – an independent grant making foundation for people living in Lambeth."

Trousering up money from the Big Lottery Fund is true. They applied for funding and they got it.

Here's what the mysterious Brixton Green claim:

"Jason Cobb has also made accusations that Brixton Green has been "pocketing" money from Lambeth Council."

This is completely untrue.

Plus also the Brixton Green lie that I have been spending money to discredit them - something that Brixton Green has fabricated.
The problem is if it gets legal. I was threatened with being sued for libel by the previous owners of the Dogstar many years ago, and had no alternative but to issue a grovelling apology and undertaking (not wishing to lose my house).

My advice would be to seek to resolve this situation amicably if at all possible. The complainant has apparently not threatened legal action here, but is applying psychological pressure by making allegations in revenge for their slight (as they perceive it).

Cool it I think. People have to co-exist. Doesn't mean they have to agree with each other, or how they make their living. Making further counter allegations is going to simply escalate the situation.

Excuse my passive aggressive sermon.

The complainant has a very poor understanding of psychology, if the above is the case.
There's no other way to word it, I'm afraid. I was nowhere near the building when this supposed disturbance took place.
Here's what the mysterious Brixton Green claim:
"Jason Cobb has also made accusations that Brixton Green has been "pocketing" money from Lambeth Council."
This is completely untrue.
Plus also the Brixton Green lie that I have been spending money to discredit them - something that Brixton Green has fabricated.
Was this on a page with a link like "Brixton Green's statement" on the RH side of their website?

If so I tried 2 different ways of retrieving that and the link is no longer available either for 1st July or 29th June.

Which suggests they have either realised, or been legally advised that they have been defamatory and it has been well and truly taken down.
Maybe he does, but a LOT of people are aware of the dodgy claims they published. I've had no end of people ask me about it.

From what I've heard up this end of town, the conclusion is "Brixton Green are talking shite. What have they actually done for Brixton?".
I'd ask this publicly of Brad Carroll, too: "What substantive goals have your organisation achieved for the people of Brixton, Brad?"
I reckon they could - and should - accept that their allegations are wholly untrue. Asking them to confess to lying might stick in their craw.

They thought they had some leverage on Brixton Buzz/Urban that they didn't possess. This included the posts that they claimed were deleted, but which they were merely too witless to find. They've made their bed, and now they get to lie in it.
Was this on a page with a link like "Brixton Green's statement" on the RH side of their website?

If so I tried 2 different ways of retrieving that and the link is no longer available either for 1st July or 29th June.

Which suggests they have either realised, or been legally advised that they have been defamatory and it has been well and truly taken down.

Here are the two passages that were mysteriously removed from the Brixton Green website last night with no explanation:


Where have I said that Brixton Green has "pocketed" - or even trousered - money from Lambeth Council? This is the claim that has been made against me.

Oh I see, Lambeth Council, not the lottery people. It's the same action, wrong body.
Add to that a partisan management of the boards and it's no surprise most local politicians stay well clear.

I don't know if it would be possible to construct such a thing. Urban75 isn't it, anyway.

Neither is Question time in House of Commons according to Joe public.

What you forget is that the world is imperfect.

If one goes back to 18th C Britain the kind of discourse that went of the in coffee bars of the time would not have been out of place here.

Despite the partizan management you are still here. You are not banned.

Thanks for putting this up. Take it thats its in todays edition.

Interesting Jacko says that Council has "ongoing dialogue with those involved".. "and want to ensure tensions are resolved"

Thats a pretty damning statement.

Its saying that the Council have had to step in to sort out Brixton Green hamfisted way of dealing with the local community.

From what I heard it was one the the Councils better officers who has stepped in to try and sort out the mess BG created after seeing it here and on Brixton Buzz. (and Tricky Skills I know the people at Number 6 are grateful for your coverage.)

So BG who are supposed to be in touch at grass roots level with the community have made such a cock up of it that a Council officer is trying to deal with it.

And I am not blaming all of BG for this. Some of them are ok. Dinah who I have met. Who CH1 mentions in previous post.

Its Mr Brad Carroll who should resign from BG imo.

It also makes me question what is the point of having BG as a community partner on the scheme?

Mr Carroll talks about "Bigger picture". Thats not down to him that down to Council and also to some of the Councils better officers.
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Thanks for putting this up. Take it thats its in todays edition.

Interesting Jacko says that Council has "ongoing dialogue with those involved".. "and want to ensure tensions are resolved"
In his previous cabinet portfolio Cllr Jack had to sort out stormy ructions at the Community/Police Consultative Group which he actually seemed to handle quite well. What a pity Boris then conceived the brilliant idea of abolishing police community consultation after 30 years in Lambeth (presumably it was inefficient and costly).
In his previous cabinet portfolio Cllr Jack had to sort out stormy ructions at the Community/Police Consultative Group which he actually seemed to handle quite well. What a pity Boris then conceived the brilliant idea of abolishing police community consultation after 30 years in Lambeth (presumably it was inefficient and costly).

Except in this case its a senior Council officer who has been trying to deal with the community tensions.

The SLP article does not go into all of it. So maybe I should not add to much.

In the article Cllr Hopkons is being sympathetic

After all the Council have given BG a place on the Steering Group , Number 6 and some funds for which we do not what for. BG have been treated as a favoured group. This contrasts with the way my Coop was treated. All we asked was permission to stay until Carlton Mansions was needed for the project.

The clowns who are main players in BG cannot manage one building. Really Jacko should start to question the set up of the Steering Group.

I still think BG could ride this out and end up running the finished project.
Which suggests they have either realised, or been legally advised that they have been defamatory and it has been well and truly taken down.

As editor says after complaints from him it suddenly disappeared.

I guess the more sensible elements in BG saw the statement was a load of rather nasty bollox. Its got Brad all over it.

I wonder if everyone on the board of BG was even consulted about it.

The way its written show ineptitude. A short to the point non personalized statement would have worked better in PR terms. Still its an amusing read in hindsight. Not so funny for the editor
As editor says after complaints from him it suddenly disappeared.

I guess the more sensible elements in BG saw the statement was a load of rather nasty bollox. Its got Brad all over it.

I wonder if everyone on the board of BG was even consulted about it.

The way its written show ineptitude. A short to the point non personalized statement would have worked better in PR terms. Still its an amusing read in hindsight. Not so funny for the editor
I managed to retrieve the original statement using Google cache. It seems pretty much the same as was posted up in 8 sections here in this thread on 25th June by a new user from Brixton Green apparently.

It seemed to me that what editor was complaining about was a local property developer compounding the agony by citing this information, or verbal rumour based on this, or from the same source.

I can't see how these issues are resolvable without a bit of compromise. Its all a bit complicated - and difficult.
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