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Brixton Somerleyton Road development, Ovalhouse and Brixton Green - funding, proposed rents etc

I managed to retrieve the original statement using Google cache. It seems pretty much the same as was posted up in 8 sections here in this thread on 25th June by a new user from Brixton Green apparently.

It seemed to me that what editor was complaining about was a local property developer compounding the agony by citing this information, or verbal rumour based on this, or from the same source.

I can't see how these issues are resolvable without a bit of compromise. Its all a bit complicated - and difficult.
I was making the point that their lies were read by a lot of people and locals were discussing the fabricated allegations. The 'reach' of defamatory claims may prove an important factor later. I'm certainly not letting this one go because the suggestion that I endangered the safety of children is fucking outrageous.
And the other definitions? My point was they can be used both ways so it is not unreasonable for a reader to assume you are implying something bad
Only the third one supports your assertion and that's from a P. G. Wodehouse book. I'd say that would make it very difficult indeed to make a credible case that anyone was being accused of misappropriating money.
The Wiktionary link confirms that "trousering" has essentially the same meaning as "pocketing", anyway.

So it's up to readers of the Buzz article to decide for themselves whether the word was chosen to give a hint of misappropriation of funds. I guess BG took their cue from the general tone of the rest of the piece.

I'd say they are guilty of an emotive response to a sustained series of low-level proddings. Sounds familiar perhaps?
The Wiktionary link confirms that "trousering" has essentially the same meaning as "pocketing", anyway.

So it's up to readers of the Buzz article to decide for themselves whether the word was chosen to give a hint of misappropriation of funds. I guess BG took their cue from the general tone of the rest of the piece.

I'd say they are guilty of an emotive response to a sustained series of low-level proddings. Sounds familiar perhaps?
Private Eye always uses it in the context of barristers consultants chief executives MPs etc "trousering" outrageous fees, expenses etc.

THEY don't allege those trousering the money are not legally entitled to it - merely that the system is rigged in their favour. G & Ts all round!
Private Eye always uses it in the context of barristers consultants chief executives MPs etc "trousering" outrageous fees, expenses etc.

THEY don't allege those trousering the money are not legally entitled to it - merely that the system is rigged in their favour. G & Ts all round!
Yep. Exactly. That's the common understanding of the meaning.
I'd say they are guilty of an emotive response to a sustained series of low-level proddings. Sounds familiar perhaps?
You can dismiss them as 'proddings' if you like, but I'd call them entirely reasonable requests for clarification and openness myself. Thank fuck someone is questioning what's going on here.
Private Eye always uses it in the context of barristers consultants chief executives MPs etc "trousering" outrageous fees, expenses etc.

THEY don't allege those trousering the money are not legally entitled to it - merely that the system is rigged in their favour. G & Ts all round!

So you would interpret that buzz article as suggesting the two named members of BG were taking the money for themselves in fees/expenses, rather than passing it on to others to spend on the various community projects etc?

Or that they were using the money for projects which brought the two named individuals financial gain?
So you would interpret that buzz article as suggesting the two named members of BG were taking the money for themselves in fees/expenses, rather than passing it on to others to spend on the various community projects etc?
Well, there's a loaded question right there.
So you would interpret that buzz article as suggesting the two named members of BG were taking the money for themselves in fees/expenses, rather than passing it on to others to spend on the various community projects etc?

Or that they were using the money for projects which brought the two named individuals financial gain?
Did you read what I wrote?

To go back towards first principles - since that is what you seem to want, Brixton Green in their response to the 16th June Brixton Buzz article said this: "Jason Cobb has also made accusations that Brixton Green has been “pocketing” money from Lambeth Council. The only funds Brixton Green has received from Lambeth Council were to pay for the Blockworkout gym equipment, an upfront hire fee for use of Number Six and repayment of costs Brixton Green incurred for engagement and events we carried out on behalf of Lambeth Council."

I can't actually find where Jason Cobb used the word "trousering" - can you help here?

Furthermore even Brixton Green are not alleging that Jason Cobb has said particular people are stealing money intended for the project - are they?

So what is you point sir?

I am approaching the time of life where I would rather debate the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin. Can't you seek to emulate my example?

Read the report. Jason article brings out main points.

The development costs have double from first estimate. Whilst the Council say the scheme is still viable.

Makes much of how this scheme is co produced. With BG :

Other conversations came about through Brixton Green’s ongoing community

page 279 of (draft) Cabinet report

Extensive consultation is still taking place,for example at the community event which took place
on Saturday 27th June 2015 when all the emerging designs were shown and generally supported by the local residents.This dialogue will remain a key aspect of what makes the Somlerleyton Road project unique and will continue until the project is fully complete.

As Jason points out they are referring to the street party. This party which had protest about the way BG was engaging with the community. No mention of that in the report.

So the report is the usual boring whitewash to be rubber stamped by Cabinet. No real discussion of community engagement. On how to improve it.
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I'd like to see some figures to support the claim that the designs were "generally supported by the local residents".

How many residents? 5? 20 100?

Maybe they asked 2 residents and they generally supported it.
I wonder if futurebrixton noticed that the person they pictured on their website was holding a Reclaim Brixton leaflet and wearing a Brixton Fightback t-shirt? :)

Their report adds:

It was clear that people were very supportive of the new outdoor spaces. The community-growing garden was especially popular. You had some interesting ideas for this space including an edible garden, a seating area and opportunities for children to grow food.
Hmm. What happened the last time an Edible garden was proposed around Brixton?

I see that chef's school is still on the, err, menu. I winder how many local people said they wanted that?> And who's going to run it?


Their report adds:

Hmm. What happened the last time an Edible garden was proposed around Brixton?

I see that chef's school is still on the, err, menu. I winder how many local people said they wanted that?> And who's going to run it?



A while back I put in long comment saying the site was in danger of being over developed. They were trying to cram to much into the site. This would have effect on those who lived on the new development and has this been taken into account. No answer to that so that probably just got shelved somewhere.

Thing is about a lot of this consultation is that its asking about things one is not going to oppose. Like do u think "A place to play" is a good idea. Well no I hate kids. :facepalm:.

The more controversial issues are decided by the Steering Group. Such as the amount of affordable housing, what kind etc etc. How and who will manage it. These discussions take place without broader community involvement.

The second comment I would make about the street party is that Igloo are doing there job which is to produce detailed plans that will be put into a planning application. Architects have been assigned to do design work. Igloo work for the Council.

So what is Brixton Green for exactly? Brad in the SLP article goes on about the "bigger picture" of this project to redevelop this large site and that BG have "worked hard to bring positive change". This is Council project with Igloo as the consultants to manage aspects of this large project. Not BG. The "bigger picture" is the one the Council is taking lead on.

BG were supposed to be the experts on "community engagement". It was telling that the Saturday event was an Igloo event not BG. Not an accident. I think some in Council know that BG brand is not universally liked.
Lambeth Labour/Jack Hopkins setting out their stall prior to tonight's report back at Cabinet http://lambethlabour-labourclp132.nationbuilder.com/somerleyton_redevelopment_takes_a_step_forward

he other distinctive thing about development is the genuinely collaborative approach to planning and design. Residents have been involved right from the start, providing ideas for what they and their neighbours need in this part of Brixton

I like the way Carlton Mansions HC has been written out of the narrative of how this project is being developed with residents.

Even after the last brick has been laid at Somerleyton, residents will continue to be in control as the final development will be managed by local people through a new housing cooperative.

Someone asked me last weekend why I was not involved in this. Its because some officers and Bennett do not want me around. I know as I have been told this.

And no mention of the debacle around Number 6 managed by Brixton Green.
And no mention of the debacle around Number 6 managed by Brixton Green.
Actually there was a mention of this in the cabinet item about Somerleyton Road.
Cllr Jack kind of glossed over it, saying words to the effect that there had been a problem and people had fallen out, but it was now all sorted.
I don't think Tricky Skills was around to record audio on Somerleyton - it was as if everyone evacuated at the end of the Cressingham item.
Actually there was a mention of this in the cabinet item about Somerleyton Road.
Cllr Jack kind of glossed over it, saying words to the effect that there had been a problem and people had fallen out, but it was now all sorted.
It's not even slighted sorted with most of the parties involved furious with Brixton Green. They've been an absolute disaster and it's going to get a lot worse for them.
<snip> I don't think Tricky Skills was around to record audio on Somerleyton - it was as if everyone evacuated at the end of the Cressingham item.
Sorry about that. I can only speak for myself, but it had been a very long day and some of us had only eaten once since breakfast in order to get there on time*.

*To clarify: In order to get into the cabinet meeting, and attend the protest before it, I set off at 5.20ish, and was either waiting around, walking, or protesting every minute until 7pm. The meeting began at 7pm and our segment took until (I think) 8pm, maybe later? Sorry that Somerleyton people were let down. I had a voice recorder with me, and switched on; I suggest that anyone who can attend such a meeting does likewise.
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Sorry about that. I can only speak for myself, but it had been a very long day and some of us had only eaten once since breakfast in order to get there on time*.

*To clarify: In order to get into the cabinet meeting, and attend the protest before it, I set off at 5.20ish, and was either waiting around, walking, or protesting every minute until 7pm. The meeting began at 7pm and our segment took until (I think) 8pm, maybe later? Sorry that Somerleyton people were let down. I had a voice recorder with me, and switched on; I suggest that anyone who can attend such a meeting does likewise.
I'm not criticising anybody at all - and the Somerleyton Road item was not for decision, but a report on progress to date.

Because of this the chairman of Brixton Green (Stephen Jordan), and Brad, and Deborah from Oval House were there to hear what was said. They were not sitting at the table and did not speak to the item.

I don't think any Somerleyton people (meaning those involved in the earlier issues) were actually there at the meeting.
It's not even slighted sorted with most of the parties involved furious with Brixton Green. They've been an absolute disaster and it's going to get a lot worse for them.
Looks like Councillor Jack feels his remit is to present an appearance of normality then. I guess people wanting to challenge this at councillor level would have to take it up with him, since he seems to have been given oversight of the project at the moment.
Actually there was a mention of this in the cabinet item about Somerleyton Road.
Cllr Jack kind of glossed over it, saying words to the effect that there had been a problem and people had fallen out, but it was now all sorted.
I don't think Tricky Skills was around to record audio on Somerleyton - it was as if everyone evacuated at the end of the Cressingham item.

I was around for Somerleyton, but I didn't record any audio. I was still slightly spooked after Brad decided to sit next to me for the Cressingham debate, and then attempted to enter into a WEIRD game of staring me out.

He freaked me out slightly, so I decided against recording any audio.

It was all incredibly odd.
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