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Brixton Somerleyton Road development, Ovalhouse and Brixton Green - funding, proposed rents etc

I also have met some of them. I think most of what they do is good.
So that means you've met Stephen Jordan - seconded - chair and Dinah Roake - co-opted Vice chair?

They seem to function at a policy level on a par with Neil Vokes for example at LB Lambeth Housing & Regeneration.

Meanwhile Brixton Green keep throwing parties (consultations?) to keep the Moorland masses on board.

Not saying this is wrong - but it is not democracy is it? Like the early Roman Emperors, they try to keep the people involved and supportive with "bread and circuses".

Tricky Skills does seem to be getting them to provide more information on their activities. It would be good if they were able to give us the truth about Somerleyton Road - instead of sounding off like an election pamphlet claiming all the credit.
Not saying this is wrong - but it is not democracy is it? Like the early Roman Emperors, they try to keep the people involved and supportive with "bread and circuses".

The thing about bread and circuses is that you actually got that. I have some time for the Romans.

Now all we get is being told to get off our backsides and go to to the next consultation by Cllr Hopkins.

That is the Cllr Hopkins who chairs the Steering Group for Somerleyton road project. The minutes of which Jacko has just decided us plebs can have a look at. :facepalm:
The thing about bread and circuses is that you actually got that. I have some time for the Romans.

Now all we get is being told to get off our backsides and go to to the next consultation by Cllr Hopkins.

That is the Cllr Hopkins who chairs the Steering Group for Somerleyton road project. The minutes of which Jacko has just decided us plebs can have a look at. :facepalm:
He ought to ensure those minutes are published if he has any sense. How can you expect people to be happy if stuff is done behind the scenes?
Now all we get is being told to get off our backsides and go to to the next consultation by Cllr Hopkins.
We have to work together to make sure that’s not the case. But we also need to shout about the good stuff happening now – like Block Workout and all at Number 6, Steadman Scott’s boxing at the Rec, Ovalhouse coming soon, grow:brixton, the list goes on.

My challenge to you is find out what’s going on, make sure your voice is heard or sit back and let it pass you by. It’s your future.
So obviously Hopkins has been posting on Brixton's most popular forum and keeping Brixton's most popular website updated to ensure that as many people can find out what's going on?

Oh, wait.. :facepalm:
So obviously Hopkins has been posting on Brixton's most popular forum and keeping Brixton's most popular website updated to ensure that as many people can find out what's going on?
Oh, wait.. :facepalm:
He could - but councillors have had a mixed reception. I can only cite Steve Bradley and Jeremy Klein about that. For some reason I seem to recall Steve Bradley attracted a lot of flack just for being Steve Bradley. Maybe Jeremy Klein fitted in better.

Both those were opposition councillors. I think Cabinet Members trying to debate issues could easily come a cropper.

Talking of which remember the copper - Brian. He lost his job in Brixton over his postings as "The Commander" didn't he?
I think bulletin boards and public officials have issues with each other.
He could - but councillors have had a mixed reception. I can only cite Steve Bradley and Jeremy Klein about that. For some reason I seem to recall Steve Bradley attracted a lot of flack just for being Steve Bradley. Maybe Jeremy Klein fitted in better.

Both those were opposition councillors. I think Cabinet Members trying to debate issues could easily come a cropper.
They can always use the Brixton Noticeboard forum to post up any info up as there's no obligation to get into a discussion there. But if Hopkins is sincere in what he says then he should be using all available channels to reach out to locals, and be prepared to face dissenting and doubting voices too.
Talking of which remember the copper - Brian. He lost his job in Brixton over his postings as "The Commander" didn't he?
Not really, no, but it brought him to the attention of a wider audience. I thought he brought a lot to the boards.
They can always use the Brixton Noticeboard forum to post up any info up as there's no obligation to get into a discussion there. But if Hopkins is sincere in what he says then he should be using all available channels to reach out to locals, and be prepared to face dissenting and doubting voices too.
Not really, no, but it brought him to the attention of a wider audience. I thought he brought a lot to the boards.
You are right - Cllr Jack Hopkins could use the noticeboard. I am wondering whether he has got involved with Somerleyton Road because of the aggro. He kept a close eye on the Police Consultative group when it fell within his remit. The CPCGL were always falling out (with each other rather than the Police).

With respect to Brian Paddick he may have done a good thing airing his views on Urban 75, but the right wing press had a good go at damaging him - using in part what he said on Urban, plus stuff about his personal life they got elsewhere. And surely he was transferred from Brixton because of it.
They can always use the Brixton Noticeboard forum to post up any info up as there's no obligation to get into a discussion there. But if Hopkins is sincere in what he says then he should be using all available channels to reach out to locals, and be prepared to face dissenting and doubting voices too.

True, but perhaps consider that they probably have a comms policy which will put many layers of sign off in place & individual officers will be restricted from posting 'personal' opinions as they'll be acting under the name of Lambeth. That & their firewall.
True, but perhaps consider that they probably have a comms policy which will put many layers of sign off in place & individual officers will be restricted from posting 'personal' opinions as they'll be acting under the name of Lambeth. That & their firewall.
Sure, but straightforward, non controversial and useful things like the dates of meetings, consultations, open days, press releases and hastily organised street parties etc could be posted up here without fear of breaking any comms policies.
He could - but councillors have had a mixed reception. I can only cite Steve Bradley and Jeremy Klein about that. For some reason I seem to recall Steve Bradley attracted a lot of flack just for being Steve Bradley. Maybe Jeremy Klein fitted in better.

Clyne. :)
Steve Bradley got a lot of stick from Mrs. Magpie as she mistook him for Steve "smiling shark" Reed. She was suitably apologetic when she realised her error! :)

Both those were opposition councillors. I think Cabinet Members trying to debate issues could easily come a cropper.

It's no excuse for not engaging with the electorate.

Talking of which remember the copper - Brian. He lost his job in Brixton over his postings as "The Commander" didn't he?
I think bulletin boards and public officials have issues with each other.

The main issue being truth.
It's no excuse for not engaging with the electorate.
Call me old fashioned, but I think proper consultation would demand mutual respect, and I'm not sure this would happen on here.
It would be possible for politicos to take on views from Urban, but that could not be formal democracy as there are many constituents who don't/can't use Urban. Maybe if Urban 75 really wanted to try it it could be in a designated "democracy thread" where we agreed not to be abusive, profane, undermining etc etc.
You are right - Cllr Jack Hopkins could use the noticeboard. I am wondering whether he has got involved with Somerleyton Road because of the aggro. He kept a close eye on the Police Consultative group when it fell within his remit. The CPCGL were always falling out (with each other rather than the Police).

I think he got to be Chair as it was political move. To put emphasis on jobs and growth, which is his remit as Cabinet member, on all the wonderful benefits this ground breaking scheme will bring to the surrounding area. Jacko is the man to do it.

I doubt whether moving Green Man to Number 6 was Brixton Greens decision. Would not be surprised if Jack wanted Green Man Skills Zone onsite. And BG would be only to happy to oblige.
Call me old fashioned, but I think proper consultation would demand mutual respect, and I'm not sure this would happen on here.
It would be possible for politicos to take on views from Urban, but that could not be formal democracy as there are many constituents who don't/can't use Urban. Maybe if Urban 75 really wanted to try it it could be in a designated "democracy thread" where we agreed not to be abusive, profane, undermining etc etc.

Urban is one avenue that can be used. A lot of people cannot make Council consultation meetings due to work , childcare commitments or disability. The internet is important to them.

Its also becoming increasingly used as a lot more people ( particularly younger) have smart phones.

Mutual respect is unnecessary to consultation. Just a few ground rules on behaviour is all that is needed. I do not have to like Nu Labour Cllrs to be able to sit down and deal with them.
Urban is one avenue that can be used. A lot of people cannot make Council consultation meetings due to work , childcare commitments or disability. The internet is important to them.

Its also becoming increasingly used as a lot more people ( particularly younger) have smart phones.

Mutual respect is unnecessary to consultation. Just a few ground rules on behaviour is all that is needed. I do not have to like Nu Labour Cllrs to be able to sit down and deal with them.
Talking of personal attacks - were you aware that Jim Dickson worked for a PR company with offices in London and "the Gulf"?

I amazed at how Lambeth Council has become riddled with PR and consultancy at all levels. How can we trust the judgement of cabinet on the big issues facing Lambeth when their agenda is set by international PR rather than the needs of residents?

The sort ot thread that would really appeal to me would be one asking councillors about their second jobs and how these add to "the Lambeth experience" - as well as doubling their salary (or more).
Call me old fashioned, but I think proper consultation would demand mutual respect, and I'm not sure this would happen on here.
It would be possible for politicos to take on views from Urban, but that could not be formal democracy as there are many constituents who don't/can't use Urban. Maybe if Urban 75 really wanted to try it it could be in a designated "democracy thread" where we agreed not to be abusive, profane, undermining etc etc.

I'm not sure that what you propose would actually constitute "democracy" either, mate. I'd go along with agreeing not to be abusive, but profanity is a commonplace, and "undermining" is generally a matter of perspective. Restricting behaviour to that which might not offend the very people we elect to represent us, seems to me to set them on a pedestal that they've done little to deserve.
Again, I look back to the '80s and remember immensely "robust" arguments with councillors, with plenty of swearing and cussing taking place on both sides, and you know what? It got shit done.
Don't agree with this.

I think the way politics was practised in Lambeth from the late 1970s to the mid 1990s left a lot to be desired. And I am not sure it did get the job done. Stuff like the provision of social housing was largely done by the LCC then the GLC. I heard many tennants moaning how things had gone down the pan since Lambeth took over when I was involved in the Weir Estate/Clapham Park Estate area back in the 90s.

I guess if you considered using Urban 75 as a component of a range of democratic consultancy that is fine. But I do feel that it is not necessary or productive to be offensive.
Talking of personal attacks - were you aware that Jim Dickson worked for a PR company with offices in London and "the Gulf"?

Actually, I did, yes. Because I looked him up recently to see who he was and what he did. He was very supportive of the objections to the Higgs scheme in LJ. He attended many meetings and spoke against it at the committee hearing. He also responded quite quickly to me emailing him about another local issue. So my impression is he does his job quite well. How much time he devotes to it compard to his other activities I don't know.
Actually, I did, yes. Because I looked him up recently to see who he was and what he did. He was very supportive of the objections to the Higgs scheme in LJ. He attended many meetings and spoke against it at the committee hearing. He also responded quite quickly to me emailing him about another local issue. So my impression is he does his job quite well. How much time he devotes to it compard to his other activities I don't know.
I'm not saying he is bad, inefficient or anything. Just that we don't know where he is coming from - and he has kept his cards close to his chest.
When he became Labour Group leader in late 1994/early 1995 following the Blue Badge scandal he was working for the Housing Corporation I believe. We all know what they did - support and provide funding for Housing Associations - a very Labour thing to do.

But what does Four Communications do? I would love to know.
Don't agree with this.

I think the way politics was practised in Lambeth from the late 1970s to the mid 1990s left a lot to be desired. And I am not sure it did get the job done. Stuff like the provision of social housing was largely done by the LCC then the GLC. I heard many tennants moaning how things had gone down the pan since Lambeth took over when I was involved in the Weir Estate/Clapham Park Estate area back in the 90s.

I guess if you considered using Urban 75 as a component of a range of democratic consultancy that is fine. But I do feel that it is not necessary or productive to be offensive.

Certain people here get off on being profuse with profanities or offensiveness. Who cares really; most people grow out of it and most also aren't really offended by it; it's mainly just tiresome attention seeking.

I don't think it's the main reason people with public roles avoid discussion boards though. I think it's more to with the fact that they are there representing their real selves and in many cases organisations whose party lines they have to be careful to stay within. So they can't always say exactly what they want and they also open themselves to accusations that could have significant consequences in their personal or professional lives, regardless of whether they are true or not.

On the other hand those they are "debating" with can hide behind anonymity and are free to say all sorts of things (and be accused of things) with most likely zero consequence to them.

Add to that a partisan management of the boards and it's no surprise most local politicians stay well clear.

I do think the structure of an internet forum is a good one for having discussions, though. Unlike real-life debates people can't bluff with selective facts because google is always at the ready, and everything is recorded so people can't pretend they have or haven't said something. Plus, it's accessible to many people and discussions can be spread over time rather than requiring folk to show up at certain locations and times in order to participate.

If there was a way to have some kind of discussion board for local issues, perhaps with a requirement for people to use their real identities, and with a suitably carefully structured moderation system, then I think that could be a very good way to give folk a way of properly questioning and engaging with those who are supposed to represent them. Whether or not people were allowed to use swearwords would be a minor issue.

I don't know if it would be possible to construct such a thing. Urban75 isn't it, anyway.
The core business for Four Communications appears to be politcial lobbying. From what I understand, the company helps to smooth through planning applications for developers.

Better Elephant explains:

"After Labour lost to the Lib Dems in 2002, both the former Labour Council Leader, Southwark’s Councillor for Regeneration (Steve Lancashire) and Lambeth Labour’s Jim Dickson teamed up to found a consultancy offering developers “political support in the face of public opposition” to their planning proposals. The company they founded is called ‘Four Communications’ and has assisted developers on a large number of high-profile South Bank developments."

Some of the Lambeth and Southwark planning projects that Four Communications appear to be involved in include:

Elizabeth House

Valentine Place

Albert Embankment

Clapham Leisure Centre - note the email address at the foot of the document and

Vauxhall Bondway

Of course there is no suggestion that Cllr Dickson has worked on any of these projects. We have seen a similar situation with Helen Hayes MP. She has stated that even though the company that she was a Director of worked on policy such as the Brixton Arches, she decided not to take an active role in matters that might compromise her.

In fact she even went as far as telling Brixton Buzz that she wasn't aware that the company she is a Director of recommended to Lambeth Council that the Brixton arches be "improved."
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I haven't got any links or pics, but apparently No. 6 Somerleyton and the mysterious Brixton Green have made the front page lead in the South London Press today.
One of Brixton's biggest property developers wrote to me yesterday to tell me that Brixton Greens defamatory claims about me "were all over town," adding that he believed that there was "no smoke without fire."

Given the untrue and damaging nature of the allegations - and the amount of time they were left online before they vanished without explanation - the onus is now very much on Brixton Green to make sufficient redress in this matter, and in a timely manner.
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