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Brixton Somerleyton Road development, Ovalhouse and Brixton Green - funding, proposed rents etc

Investigation / review...

But very different things in the world of AfA. An "investigation" is potentially an audit by their Fraud and Investigations staff, or a check of spend receipts and delivery.

This is an awards officer looking through the file. Proportionality will be their approach.
Thank you, Gramsci, for your (as always) accurate account of the Somerleyton Rd Development structure.
The Steering group is chaired by Cllr Jack Hopkins, who took over from Cllr Pete Robbins.
So ward Cllrs, along with the relevant Cabinet members and the Steering group chair remain the ultimate accountable face for LBL for residents. At officer level Stuart Dixon has now taken over a lot of what Neil Vokes did at the beginning, and he is, in my opinion, very experienced, wise and of the same outlook as Neil. Some people may have met him on Saturday.

The management of SixBrixton is a separate agreement between LBL and BG - it was agreed at Steering Group that any 'meanwhile use' on the site would be a good thing, and BG, (with a lease from the council) took on the refurbishment of the building, bringing in BlockWorkout etc. It is not part of the Steering Group or Igloo's management remit, but it has been a good base for consultation meetings - I would say the ward councillors are the best route wrt accountability.

Thanks for correcting me on Cllr who is Chair. Do you know why Cllr Hopkins is now Chair. As he is Cabinet member for Jobs and Growth not housing.

As for Ward Cllrs being best route for accountability. They are briefed on what is happening by officers but from what I have seen they are not consulted. They for example did not know about Fitch Court residents being moved to the site until the decision had been taken. So imo they know as much about what is happening as ordinary resident.

Is a Coldharbour Ward Cllr on the steering group? I think one Ward Cllr should be on it. They know the area and could be way to give a easy way to provide accountability- ie questions and queries from residents.

I also think that the Council should put on the Future Brixton website an explanation of how this project is managed.

Most people do not realise that key decisions are taken by senior Cllrs.

Interesting that the Number 6 meanwhile use is a separate agreement between Council and BG. This imo is a mistake. As shown by the recent debacle.

What happens at Number 6 reflects on the scheme as a whole. If there had been more oversight of it by Steering Group rather than the Council just handing it to BG then some of the unpleasantness may have been avoided.

Someone was told on Sat ( forget which post) the decision to turf out the existing groups and replace them by Green Man was a decision by BG alone. Which does surprise me. I would have thought that the Council at some level would have had to agree this.

I would like the Council ie Cllr Hopkins to give the Council view on what has happened at Number 6. Ultimately its there building.
Gramsci you've had a good go at explaining things, and possibly i'm being really slow to comprehend but genuinely I still do not understand the organisational structure.

I can't believe it's beyond the wit of man to have a simple organisational structure chart, as most offices manage to have on their walls. I can't understand how a partnership embarking on a multi-million pound regeneration can't manage this, particularly as they are essentially funded from taxpayers' (our) money.
Naturally, they haven't responded to my request via email and Twitter that they take down the defamatory material.
Has anyone got any means of contacting them via email/web? There's no point ringing them because I need to send them a legal message.

For a group that is supposed to be all about listening to the community, they are bizarrely hard to contact.
What I am saying is that according to the structure BG role is limited (in theory).

That's the theory. A skim through the minutes for the Steering Group which have been mass uploaded this afternoon going back over the past two years tells a different picture. It seems that Brixton Green is involved right at the top level of the overall Somerleyton regeneration.

A few points from the minutes:

13 May 2015 [pdf]

Brixton Green has been developing the brief for the OCB business plan – will go out to tender by end of the week.

Several Meetings still left to take place with Bruce, Brad, Daniel Omisore and Leke (Grant Thornton). GT continue modelling overall scheme.

15 April 2015 [pdf]

Brad to circulate high-level principles for non-resi spaces.

Brixton Green to provide draft brief on housing co-op.

18 Feb 2015 [pdf]

OH doing business plan for theatre and Carlton Mansions. Bruce and Brad leading on others.

21 Jan 2015 [pdf]

Brixton Green to look at Housing Mix

Brixton Green, Council to respond to questions from R.K.’s paper.

Brixton Green to circulate brief for OCB and then send out to tender once agreed.

15 Oct 2014 [pdf]

Brixton Green to update on OCB business plan

20 August 2014 [pdf]

D.R. outlined the business plan draft by Jess Steele developed with input from Brixton Green and Cllr Hopkins.

23 July 2014

Jess Steele met with Cllr Hopkins, council officers and Brixton Green trustees to develop a draft brief to tender for the new community body business plan.


So - can anyone explain now what is the exact involvement of Brixton Green at Somerleyton Road please?

Plus it also seems that ex-Greenwich & Woolwich MP Nick Raynsford was invited to advise the Somerleyton steering group.

11 June 2014 [pdf]

Cllr Hopkins to invite Cllr Nick Raynsford (MP for Greenwich and Woolwich) to meet/advise Steering Group.

I've no idea why. Has he any local connections? I know that Cllr Joanne Simpson of Prince's ward use to work for him.

Are there any other connections there relating to the Somerleyton Road Steering Group?
Nick Raynsford is a housing expert iirc. Was Director of Shelter.
It seems a bit like the way LJAG are involved with certain projects in Loughborough Junction - eg preparing the (previous) masterplan.

They work (unpaid as far as I know) in conjunction with council representatives and seem to be involved in decisions such as choosing consultants etc.

I've nothing against LJAG but it's always seemed vague where the accountability lies, and how an organisation gets itself into that position. Presumably you have to present yourselves as serious enough to the council and then you are potentially involved in council-funded projects possibly influencing decision making at a fairly high level. But these groups (LJAG or BG) don't seem to be selected in a particularly democratic way. They just have to exist and offer themselves up. And, as a local resident, if one of these groups is promoting an agenda that you don't agree with...well, you just have to make your representations to your local councillors I guess. But those groups can clearly have a strong influence regardless of whether they represent the views of the people in their area.

Of course, the fact that they are voluntary means that to be a meaningful part of one, you have to be able to afford to give a considerable amount of your time for free which is not an option open to everyone. I say considerable, partly based on those minutes which suggest that they are doing more than offering feedback etc...they seem to be preparing briefs and all sorts.

(None of this is necessarily an objection to either LJAG or BG or their intentions - rather, a possible objection to the structure we seem to have that allows this.)
I have noticed that recently this thread has had a lot of people looking at it. I expect officers, BG and Cllrs are taking a look.

So suddenly all the minutes go online.

This is annoying to say the least.

The Terms of Reference for the Steering Group stated back in 2013 that the minutes would be published. After the first three meetings, this came to an end.

There is nothing suspicious here, just all round shoddy work. Why state that you will publish the minutes, and then go on a two year sabbatical? It's just another example of the lack of transparency in the whole project.
editor that.

As an entity they must have a registered address. Recorded delivery to a registered address is served.
I finally got a reply to my email and have been told that my letter has been 'forwarded to their board for their response'.

I've already had some legal advice and it appears my case is a very good one indeed, so unless they immediately remove my name from their inaccurate statement and apologise for the defamatory remarks I shall take whatever action I see fit to remedy the situation.

There are plenty of witnesses who can confirm that BG's version of events is wholly false - including the two police officers who were on the scene.
That's the theory. A skim through the minutes for the Steering Group which have been mass uploaded this afternoon going back over the past two years tells a different picture. It seems that Brixton Green is involved right at the top level of the overall Somerleyton regeneration.

So - can anyone explain now what is the exact involvement of Brixton Green at Somerleyton Road please?

Thanks Tricky for looking at this. This is the question that needs answering. From what you have posted up I am also afraid that whatever body is set up to manage the site will be run by the leading lights in BG.

To upload all the minutes now which go back several years and expect ordinary residents to be able to take it in and have a view on how the scheme has been developed is fucking annoying.

I am livid.

I lived on the site and was prepared to take part in consultations on the site. Now I find all this has been going on and I did not know anything about it. Fuck you Lambeth Council.

The fluffy consultation exercises like on Saturday did not go into the real issues. Which only were discussed behind closed doors. The consultation exercises are not were the real decisions get made.


On Saturday I chatted to someone who had joined BG a while ago. Said he had not had much in the way of updates from BG. So I assume these minutes were not circulated to BG members either.

So when one is talking about BG its Brad and the other leading lights. The grass roots members know as much as I do about what is going on.
The Terms of Reference for the Steering Group stated back in 2013 that the minutes would be published. After the first three meetings, this came to an end.

There is nothing suspicious here, just all round shoddy work. Why state that you will publish the minutes, and then go on a two year sabbatical? It's just another example of the lack of transparency in the whole project.

One would have thought that BG, representing the community, would have been insisting that minutes go online.
The Terms of Reference for the Steering Group stated back in 2013 that the minutes would be published. After the first three meetings, this came to an end.

There is nothing suspicious here, just all round shoddy work. Why state that you will publish the minutes, and then go on a two year sabbatical? It's just another example of the lack of transparency in the whole project.

Thats the generous view.

The other is that sections of the Council and BG leading lights are working together. BG is not an independent organisation. Its in fact part of the Labour administration. This is shown by the minutes you quote.

As I said about informal networks in previous post.

The history of BG is that it came out of the Brixton Business Forum. Members of that are still on the board.

They are close to the Labour administration.

Its why they loath Brixton Buzz, Urban75. I doubt if the minutes would have gone up without Tricky Skills and editor keeping the issue of Number 6 in the public eye.
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(None of this is necessarily an objection to either LJAG or BG or their intentions - rather, a possible objection to the structure we seem to have that allows this.)

Good post.

As I am up LJ way now I have met some of the leading lights in LJAG.

You will have to take my word for it but LJAG are nothing like BG.

The bullying tactics used by BG at Number6 is not something that LJAG would do. I have had to deal with BG when I lived on the site. What happened at Number 6 did not surprise me

The "meanwhile" space at LJ ( The Platform where the cider festival was) and the farm operate without the kind of heavy handed "management" that BG have form on.
Its why they loath Brixton Buzz, Urban75. I doubt if the minutes would have gone up without Tricky Skills and editor keeping the issue of Number 6 in the public eye.
I'm happy to be loathed if that's what it takes to get true accountability for this "community" project, although most of the credit has to go to Tricky Skills .

I'm also happy to use whatever tools I have at my disposal to fight inaccurate, damaging and defamatory comments being written about me.
Good post.

As I am up LJ way now I have met some of the leading lights in LJAG.

You will have to take my word for it but LJAG are nothing like BG.

The bullying tactics used by BG at Number6 is not something that LJAG would do. I have had to deal with BG when I lived on the site. What happened at Number 6 did not surprise me

The "meanwhile" space at LJ ( The Platform where the cider festival was) and the farm operate without the kind of heavy handed "management" that BG have form on.
I also have met some of them. I think most of what they do is good.

But there are nonetheless people who feel they are pushing some kind of middle class gentrification agenda. For example, there is a certain amount of local objection to the pedestrianisation thing (as discussed on other threads). I'm sure some of those people may feel a bit about LJAG as some do about BG.

When I spoke to someone associated with that scheme, they expressed a certain amount of exasperation about the objections and the claims that the community have not been consulted properly. From their point of view they'd gone out of their way to try and get people's input but struggled to get a lot of people interested. Then suddenly there are petitions to the council etc.

It's very hard to work out what's actually going on in these situations. Are the "community" objectors just a very small but vocal contingent? Do groups like LJAG or BG sometimes get caught up in their own enthusiasm about a project so much that they can't objectively judge how much support there is for it? Very hard to tell especially when you're just reading about it on internet sites with their own agendas.

I'd note that LJAG stay away from U75 on the whole too.

I'm not trying to say that LJAG and BG are equivalent or disbelieving your own personal experiences with BG. Just, the above is a bit of an explanation why I remain a bit sceptical about some of the allegations being made against BG. I think it's clear they have failed to communicate in various ways. Maybe they have been heavy handed in some things. Like I said before I don't want to automatically defend them. But although their role in everything is a bit hazy to say the least, some of the accusations being made against them are equally vague and most don't seem solidly substantiated at all.
To me it's still very unclear exactly what did happen at Number 6.

I did talk to those involved. I have held back from posting up some of what I have heard. It all rings true. And was told to me by someone I do not know well.

I also have experience of dealing with BG. I get on with most people. I am not someone who goes out of there way to antagonize people.

Its not that BG are pursuing middle class gentrification agenda. Its worse. Its that they want to control the site and are not beyond lying and bullying to get there way. LJAG are fluffy in comparison to BG leading lights.

Lying as in for example saying it was them that persuaded Oval house to come here. Its bollox.

What annoys me is when I talk to people as I did last Saturday (and at other times) there are those in Council and others who realise BG have an attitude problem to say the least. But as BG have so much political clout no one can say anything in public. Its frustrating.

I now want BG taken off the Steering Group. As someone said to me on Sat it says something when some like me would trust the Council to run the scheme without BG.
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But although their role in everything is a bit hazy to say the least, some of the accusations being made against them are equally vague and most don't seem solidly substantiated at all.
I do hope you're not referring to the claims I'm making them against them. None of their posts have been deleted from here or Buzz. That was a lie, as was their rather more serious claim that I disrupted and endangered a class full of children.
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