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I know nothing of her, but just so her degree isn’t taken as evidence of any mendacity: Oxford BAs are not automatically upgraded to MAs - after 7 (not 1) year one can apply (and I think pay) for the upgrade. Not doing so is in fact imo a sign that you’re not a dick (because otherwise - you’re happy to append a paid-for qualification to your name??).
Whatever - she's doing her job look - demolition of Patmos Lodge. I knew Caribbean elders in that sheltered accommodation. Now they can fuck off!
Probably bit unfair to pick on Eleanor Purser personally. Reading what she said at the meeting and it's this:

Lambeth Council’s Eleanor Purser suggested that developments in the ‘iconic’ borough with its ‘world class cultural offer’ needed to be responsive to their location and be ‘with and for the community’, or else get short shrift from the council. ‘Any intervention – or lack of intervention – which brands itself regeneration has to be really thoughtful and is unlikely to emerge without challenge of critique about its authenticity’.

Purser added that one of the borough’s key aims is to increase the office provision with a workspace fund to pump-prime affordable workspace for local businesses, against a ‘real appetite to come here’ that is being felt from outside firms too.

This is the script that all senior Council employees have to follow. It's the same one they all say. To be able to learn this script and spout it out at meetings like the one I posted a PPE from Oxford is needed.

It's a intellectually demanding job to be a senior officer in Lambeth. :D

Point is anyone with a PPE in the arts from Oxford will do. So yes she's just doing her job. If it wasn't her it would be another Oxford graduate. As that is how the system works. The problem in end is the system.

An elite of people really run things in this country. She is just one small example. Interchangeable with others from the same pool. It is this that needs to be got rid of.
It’s pretty odd you seem to have this campaign against a council employee - she is just doing her job.
I would pick on anyone who comes here to iconic Lambeth for 5 minutes wanting to know down old people's homes for redevelopment - even if it is their job.

I also think that spoof degrees are over-represented at Lambeth Council. She may have one - and we also have two Lambeth Councillors who have honorary degrees who habitually are referred to as "Dr" - which is not correct usesage.
With regard to the use of this honorific, the policies of institutions of higher education generally ask that recipients "refrain from adopting the misleading title"[4]

Government by spivs for spivs apparently!
I would pick on anyone who comes here to iconic Lambeth for 5 minutes wanting to know down old people's homes for redevelopment - even if it is their job.

I also think that spoof degrees are over-represented at Lambeth Council. She may have one - and we also have two Lambeth Councillors who have honorary degrees who habitually are referred to as "Dr" - which is not correct usesage.
With regard to the use of this honorific, the policies of institutions of higher education generally ask that recipients "refrain from adopting the misleading title"[4]

Government by spivs for spivs apparently!
A propos honorary degrees
The Sydney Morning Herald said this:-
It would be fair to question the criteria that saw gifted people-puncher Mike Tyson bestowed a doctorate from an Ohio university in 1989. The institution's president told The New York Times that Tyson's achievements demonstrated that "hard work, determination and perseverance can enable one to overcome any obstacles".

The custom of awarding honorary degrees is said to have gained steam in the 1600s when Oxford and Cambridge made a habit of decorating visiting royals.

Personally I quite like the idea of Dr Mike Tyson. He does collect antiquarian books and has an original copy of Machiavelli's "The Prince"
Apologies Gramsci and CH1
...what is PPE ?

PPE was born of the conviction that study of the great modern works of economic, social, political and philosophical thought would have a transformative effect on students’ intellectual lives, and thereby on society at large

It's traditional elite Uni. PPE is their to educate the next people destined for higher echolons of society.
I would pick on anyone who comes here to iconic Lambeth for 5 minutes wanting to know down old people's homes for redevelopment - even if it is their job.

I also think that spoof degrees are over-represented at Lambeth Council. She may have one - and we also have two Lambeth Councillors who have honorary degrees who habitually are referred to as "Dr" - which is not correct usesage.
With regard to the use of this honorific, the policies of institutions of higher education generally ask that recipients "refrain from adopting the misleading title"[4]

Government by spivs for spivs apparently!

The tories must love this - they cut Lambeths funding and locals tear into council employees.

It's traditional elite Uni. PPE is their to educate the next people destined for higher echolons of society.

many thanks....that explains a few things, somebody on twitter was saying the other day they went to the same PPE lectures as a very up and coming Tory but decided to drop out and went to work as a stripper instead.
The tories must love this - they cut Lambeths funding and locals tear into council employees.

When you say "locals" are you referring to others as well as CH1 ?

Who are these locals?

I specifically didn't "tear" into this particular officer.
The tories must love this - they cut Lambeths funding and locals tear into council employees.

Council employees cover a lot of people.

What's being brought up here is the top officers. Who get invited to meetings to discuss regeneration and in this case future of London. These aren't just employees. The jobs they have give them social prestige. They get listened to in way ordinary people don't.

I don't often deal with top officers like the one discussed here. More the middle range ones

I do remember recently coming up against one top officer over planning guidelines for Loughborough junction.

These kind of people really don't like it when the proles turn up to disagree with what they think is best for Lambeth.

Can turn quite unpleasant. Which it did.

One of the problems in Lambeth is that due to the Labour long lasting control of Council senior officers become part of the Labour administration. This is also due to the Cabinet system. As ex Cllr Rachel told me a few senior Cllrs around the leader plus senior pro Labour officers decide policy.

It's a top down system that is largely isolated from Joe public.
When you say "locals" are you referring to others as well as CH1 ?

Who are these locals?

I specifically didn't "tear" into this particular officer.

I was quoting CH1, but plenty of people slag off Lambeth for implementing cuts or commercial activity ( eg festivals in parks ) forced on them by the tories
I was quoting CH1, but plenty of people slag off Lambeth for implementing cuts or commercial activity ( eg festivals in parks ) forced on them by the tories

No CH1 didn't say anything about "locals" in his recent posts.

Not quite sure what your arguing here. First it was that this Council "employee" was just doing there job. Now its people "slagging" off Lambeth for commercial activity.
No CH1 didn't say anything about "locals" in his recent posts.

Not quite sure what your arguing here. First it was that this Council "employee" was just doing there job. Now its people "slagging" off Lambeth for commercial activity.

I’m wondering why CH1 is being creepy about a council employee who is doing their job.

“Did she actually get a degree from Oxford university?” Etc
I’m wondering why CH1 is being creepy about a council employee who is doing their job.

“Did she actually get a degree from Oxford university?” Etc
That's not creepy. Its commenting on an issue to do with qualifications publicly cited.
Including later on our two Labour Lambeth councillors who are called (or call themselves) "Dr" when it is customary NOT to use the title Dr if it is an Honorary degree.

Why can't I query peoples' qualifications? Is Urban now a zone where absence of Progress solidarity results in decapitation?

PS this little jape as reported on Wiki is from one of your founders:
On leaving his position as Chief Secretary to the Treasury following the change of British government in May 2010, Byrne left a note to his successor David Laws saying: "Dear Chief Secretary, I'm afraid there is no money. Kind regards – and good luck!
Not that it really matters, but, as has already been clearly explained, the decision by an Oxford or Cambridge graduate not to take the active decision to pay for his or her B.A. to be upgraded to an M.A. is to their credit. The reason why it is good form to put the institution (e.g. Cantab) after a paid for M.A. is that it tells people that it’s really just a B.A.
I’m wondering why CH1 is being creepy about a council employee who is doing their job.

“Did she actually get a degree from Oxford university?” Etc

What's that got to do with your post I quoted.

What I was commenting on was this:
I was quoting CH1, but plenty of people slag off Lambeth for implementing cuts or commercial activity ( eg festivals in parks ) forced on them by the Tories

Now you've moved it to CH1 being "creepy"

You moved the conversation to wider issue of those "locals " who "slag" off Lambeth council.

I did point out I wasn't slagging off this particular officer. But as I posted the overall issue is systemic not down to one individual,

As your saying that CH1 is "creepy" due to looking at one individual do you agree with my analysis? Which isn't directed at an individual but is due to how the system works
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What's that got to do with your post I quoted.

What I was commenting on was this:

Now you've moved it to CH1 being "creepy"

You moved the conversation to wider issue of those "locals " who "slag" off Lambeth council.

I did point out I wasn't slagging off this particular officer. But as I posted the overall issue is systemic not down to one individual,

As your saying that CH1 is "creepy" due to looking at one individual do you agree with my analysis? Which isn't directed at an individual but is due to how the system works

I’m not talking about you, and I’m not moving it on - one person was targeting a council employees which if it isn’t creepy is pretty unusual.
Not that it really matters, but, as has already been clearly explained, the decision by an Oxford or Cambridge graduate not to take the active decision to pay for his or her B.A. to be upgraded to an M.A. is to their credit. The reason why it is good form to put the institution (e.g. Cantab) after a paid for M.A. is that it tells people that it’s really just a B.A.
This degree-ism can get you in hot water. Mother Sheila - non-stipendiary at St Matthews Church, Lilford Road (R.I.P. and bless her cotton socks) - let rip at me about 10 years back because I happened to say - by way of explanation as to why I was living in London and not Manchester - that I'd been to Manchester University.

Red rag to a bull. "Of course it had to be "Russell Group" she shot back - or would have done if she'd been on Twitter. I find there are quite a lot of "ordinary people" who find going to a university at all pretentious and politically suspect.

Whilst of course I agree with you that having an Oxbridge MA is really a B.A. (or B.Sc.), you have to allow Gramsci 's point that an Oxbridge PPE is the English equivalent of the French École nationale d'administration where these elite bastards tell everyone else what to do - and get paid huge sums for doing so - after their Mummies and Daddies paid for their Ecole places to start with.

I come back to my point - if the Lambeth Officer in question couldn't afford or didn't want to pay to be an Oxford M.A. they must be unique. Never heard of it before. On the other hand Oxford Poly (sorry Oxford Brookes University) does offer a PPE equivalent. Not only that I have personally come across (at Lambeth Accord "We are 336") a staff member who claimed a Cambridge degree - which was actually from Cambridge Poly - so there!
‘We are proud to say we birth businesses like Honest Burger and like Franco Manca within Brixton Village’, she said. ‘So it’s about just letting people know that opportunity is still there, and we’re still open to it’.

Err, wasn't Franco there before the Villaaaage rebranded?

Binki Taylor of the Brixton Project recognised the key need to consult on changes, but since the pandemic when it engages, as well as what is being engaged about has changed. There is now an enormous opportunity to innovate, heal and transform, engage people in dialogue and allow narratives to emerge, she said. ‘This is a period of time that is unearthing a deep desire and a demand for a reset on the way we talk with people about the challenges we face.’

Yes. We all need to heal and transform, whatever the fuck that means. How do you heal an unaffordable rent driven up by people like Squire & Partners?

Maybe “like” is doing a lot of heavy lifting? It’s not even in Brixton Village is it? Isn’t that just Granville Arcade?
Brixton Village covers both Granville Arcade and Market Row. Franco Manca opened in 2008 though there has been a pizza place there since the 1980s (Franco originally). Eco bought Franco and I think FM took over the site after that in 2008. Visit — Brixton Village
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