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Seems a bit like you have found the name of a fairly senior Lambeth employee who attended the NLA thing, and then judged her on the basis of a quote that was in the article/press release about the NLA event.

And without any real knowledge about that person or how well they carry out their role or maybe any knowledge of what their role is (?), stated that they aren't worth the salary they are paid.

I don't have any special knowledge that allows me to argue for or against that ... but it seems a bit simplistic to suggest they can simply be dispensed with and replaced with playground managers. No doubt that would be good for the playgrounds, but someone then has to do the stuff that that employee was doing. Maybe everything they do is completely unnecessary - I don't know - but don't you have to make a bit more of an argument to demonstrate this? I spend enough of my time getting annoyed with Lambeth and what it does but like others have also pointed out, I realise they have a duty to implement all sorts of things that are determined by central government and that includes a lot of planning stuff. So, it means that people are in jobs where they implement unpopular things, but they are also the people who have to try and make the decisions so that certain bits of national policy are implemented in a way that is least bad for Lambeth (of course anyone can argue about how successful they are in that). For that reason, it doesn't seem sensible simply to dispense with that layer of people, or put any old people in those positions. I certainly wouldn't argue that having an "Oxford PPE" is necessary but neither would I say that it should rule someone out.

This seems to be a bit of a typical Brixton Forum thing of zeroing in on one quote, one person, one particular qualification and then extrapolating a whole load of stuff in a bit of a silly way.

Obviously an event like that NLA one is going to generate various quotes that are good fodder for here.

I don't think you've read my posts .

I've actually done the opposite. Go back and read my posts properly.

In short I've said the problem is systemic in how the system works.

I haven't zoned in on an individual.

I btw wasn't saying they can be replaced by playground managers. What I do feel is that important, in many ways , more socially necessary work like helping children is grossly undervalued in a society like this.

That the way the system works is that certain jobs , that can be filled with a certain type of person, are grossly overvalued and given to much status and importance in a society like this.

I could go on. But it's late
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How come she has a B.A. from Oxford? All Oxford degrees are normally upgraded to M.A. a year after award - unless something is wrong:
Rustication? (top people's expulsion)
Is that the case now? In my day, you had to apply and pay them £10. Most of my friends never did 'upgrade'.
I know nothing of her, but just so her degree isn’t taken as evidence of any mendacity: Oxford BAs are not automatically upgraded to MAs - after 7 (not 1) year one can apply (and I think pay) for the upgrade. Not doing so is in fact imo a sign that you’re not a dick (because otherwise - you’re happy to append a paid-for qualification to your name??).
Apologies, I should have read down the thread. Yes, this accords with my experience, though I can't remember how long afterwards I converted (I'm thinking it was less than 7 years, but my memory may be playing tricks....)
Probably bit unfair to pick on Eleanor Purser personally. Reading what she said at the meeting and it's this:

This is the script that all senior Council employees have to follow. It's the same one they all say. To be able to learn this script and spout it out at meetings like the one I posted a PPE from Oxford is needed.

It's a intellectually demanding job to be a senior officer in Lambeth. :D

Point is anyone with a PPE in the arts from Oxford will do. So yes she's just doing her job. If it wasn't her it would be another Oxford graduate. As that is how the system works. The problem in end is the system.

An elite of people really run things in this country. She is just one small example. Interchangeable with others from the same pool. It is this that needs to be got rid of.
Speaking as an Oxford PPE-ist who worked for Lambeth - I agree with all of this!
I think I rather share Gramsci's suspicion of an elite of 'generalists' from Oxbridge trying to run everything in this country and not making a very good job of it, judging by the state of the nation. The whole point of the PPE degree (as created in the 20s) was to create an elite group of public servants fit to run an Empire. Now the Empire has shrunk to Lambeth council and its public sector equivalents!
Is that the case now? In my day, you had to apply and pay them £10. Most of my friends never did 'upgrade'.
Well the truth is I know several people who are "Cantab" but - as far as I am aware - none who are "Oxon".
The Cantab people I know don't seem to ever claim their qualifications at all.
However I did not search them out on LinkedIn to see if they were members and what they said on LinkedIn.
You know Linked In is a funny thing. The Zen Bhuddist of right-wing activism, Mr ChooChoo seems to be cybersquatting his own profile - to prevent misuse?
Michael Portillo.jpg
He is Cantab -- but no longer cares about his degree as his income seems to derive from Fremantle Media and chatting up the locals on mushroom farms in Darwin.

But the person we were discussing is on the career ladder. They are made of sterner stuff. More like former Brixton Town Centre manager Jo Negrini who wrecked Croydon as Chief Executive. Or former Lambeth borough solicitor Ged Curran who was then Chief Executive of Merton for 17 years and is now apparently sadly missed.

FYI Ged Curran IS posting on Linked In and says this to his followers:
"A real privilege to join NHS Cambridge and Peterborough ICB as a NED. Looking forward to chairing the Improvement and Reform Committee. Such a talented team working so hard for everyone in the area. #nhs"

Which means he is a Non Executive Director (on £13,000 pa)
Presumably Ged is retiring from real £220,000 pa work, and his remuneration will be more than my state pension, plus he's got no doubt an inflation linked Merton CEO final salary pension too - so don't weep for him Argentina.
His 709 followers obviously think he' a saint.

How many followers do you have on LinkedIn? I have 43 - and I just realised I need to update my profile:
"Is your current title at Brixton Society and Community Support Network (South London) still Committee Member?" I am asked.

Not sure how many followers Jo Negrini has - she hasn't updated her profile since she was working for Lambeth.
Nevertheless both the Taxpayers Alliance and Conservative Home have posted on her timeline:
TPA: "Jo Negrini, former chief executive of Croydon council, topped the remuneration charts with a jaw-dropping £613,895 – a stunning reward for failure if ever there was one." 🤦‍♂️

Harry Fone's latest ConservativeHome column. 👇

Harry Fone: Nearly 3,000 council officials are on six figure pay packages – including rewards for failure​

conservativehome.com • 4 min read​

Seems LinkedIn can be as pointed as Twitter.
I'm creeping off to bed now!!
Anyone know when you can just turn up and use Brixton Rec teaching pool with a young child on a Tuesday? Is it just the swim for all session between 1 and 2?

(25 minutes on hold, apparently with one person in front in the queue. Then apologises for being busy and hangs up.)
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Brixton Village covers both Granville Arcade and Market Row. Franco Manca opened in 2008 though there has been a pizza place there since the 1980s (Franco originally). Eco bought Franco and I think FM took over the site after that in 2008. Visit — Brixton Village
The "Brixton Village" brand has only been applied to Market Row as well as Granville Arcade since the markets were bought by Hondo and launched social media channels.

Intriguingly, it appears that as part of Brixton Village's "markets wayfinding strategy" introduced last year, the Granville Arcade name has been revived for the eastern covered market, after twenty years efforts by the previous owners to erase it from public consciousness.

ETA - I think the zoomable version of the map is not currently live on the Brixton Village site as it hasn't been updated for recent high profile closures such as Salon. 1659457295300.jpeg
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What's a 'pitch deck'?
What they've linked to isn't really what people would call a 'pitch deck' but essentially it's what people often call a slideshow which is presented in a pitch scenario - for new business, a new proposal, campaign or something like that. Something you'd chuck in front of prospective clients or customers with all of the turgid copy you can imagine.
Apologies, I should have read down the thread. Yes, this accords with my experience, though I can't remember how long afterwards I converted (I'm thinking it was less than 7 years, but my memory may be playing tricks....)
I think Oxford is a minimum of "21 terms after matriculation" i.e. 7 years after you start your BA or BSc.

(I only know this because someone I know who is a lecturer there mentioned that the degree ceremony for returning MAs used to be seen as a lucrative opportunity to get money out of alumni who are doing well in law or the City so two years of no ceremonies due to Covid hit fund-raising.)
The "Brixton Village" brand has only been applied to Market Row as well as Granville Arcade since the markets were bought by Hondo and launched social media channels.

Intriguingly, it appears that as part of Brixton Village's "markets wayfinding strategy" introduced last year, the Granville Arcade name has been revived for the eastern covered market, after twenty years efforts by the previous owners to erase it from public consciousness.

ETA - I think the zoomable version of the map is not currently live on the Brixton Village site as it hasn't been updated for recent high profile closures such as Salon. View attachment 335698
You could stick the booze icon on most of those units now. The half arsed rebranding back to Granville Arcade looked like a desperate attempt to connect with the market's past that Hondo is busy erasing.
Anyone know when you can just turn up and use Brixton Rec teaching pool with a young child on a Tuesday? Is it just the swim for all session between 1 and 2?

(25 minutes on hold, apparently with one person in front in the queue. Then apologises for being busy and hangs up.)
I don't know. But I do know that you'd be better off popping in and asking than trying to figure it out.
Even swim for all is often in the middle pool.
Hi any recommendations please, my DJ mate is asking?
"I need a 2 room venue- any ideas in Brixton- October 15th and 16th?", not Jamm or Hoots. It'll probably be tecno and house, ta!
Hi any recommendations please, my DJ mate is asking?
"I need a 2 room venue- any ideas in Brixton- October 15th and 16th?", not Jamm or Hoots. It'll probably be tecno and house, ta!
Might Market House be suitable? Not sure what they are doing with promotions though since they turned into a curry house and back again.
Might Market House be suitable? Not sure what they are doing with promotions though since they turned into a curry house and back again.
Market House would be good, I'll have to check it out. They did have an upstairs room with Funktion-ones that I visited once!
Anyone know when you can just turn up and use Brixton Rec teaching pool with a young child on a Tuesday? Is it just the swim for all session between 1 and 2?

(25 minutes on hold, apparently with one person in front in the queue. Then apologises for being busy and hangs up.)

Its rubbish you get put on hold. As nagapie says it's better to go in and ask. If you get the Polish lady she is really helpful.

Looking on the Better App and it looks to me that there is spaces for parents and young children most of the day. If not in the teaching pool then in the lagoon.

If your not a monthly paying member you might need to book on the app.

Due to summer etc more people are using the pool. Its getting a bit chaotic at times with people and kids spilling out into main pool. Not the fault of the guards. Plus even if it busy the lagoon is still roped off at times.

I notice on the app if you press Swim Session there are some days an inflatable in pool for kids to play on. As is usual with Better/ Lambeth this is poorly advertised. Its 2.30 to 3.30 but not every day. Monday, Wednesday , Friday and Saturday. Its a giant inflatable and the kids love it. They put it in the main pool. I've come across it as booked lane swimming and the rubbish app doesn't inform me it's reduced lanes for that hour or so.

Also what is the age of the child?
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Hi any recommendations please, my DJ mate is asking?
"I need a 2 room venue- any ideas in Brixton- October 15th and 16th?", not Jamm or Hoots. It'll probably be tecno and house, ta!
I can't think of any to be honest. All the bigger venues will have their own DJ line ups sorted and he's got little chance of bagging a Saturday night anywhere near the centre.
Is he looking to hire the venue? What sort of crowd numbers does he think he'll pull in? What hours is he hoping to play?
Got sent this press release. Has the arts supply shop upstairs already gone?

Specialist business property adviser, Christie & Co, has announced the sale of Kingshield Pharmacy in Brixton, South West London. Funding for the buyer was sourced through Christie Finance.

Kingshield is a standard hour pharmacy which dispenses an average of 5,600 items per month. It occupies the ground floor of a three-storey freehold property, with an arts and crafts business above and huge potential to develop the upper floors into residential secondary retail use. The pharmacy is ideally located on a busy high street in Brixton, South West London, so enjoys a heavy footfall.

The business has been owned by Naishadkumar Patel for over 35 years and was brought to market to allow him to pursue a well-earned retirement. Following an open market sales process, the pharmacy has been purchased by Bhavesh Patel who also has another two pharmacies, one of which is New Park Pharmacy in Brixton.

Jack Chard, Associate Director – Medical at Christie & Co, who handled the sale, comments, “The sale of Kingshield is yet another example of the huge amount of buyer interest we’re seeing for pharmacies in South London. This was a rare opportunity to buy a retail pharmacy alongside the freehold which hugely boosted interest and offers received from both first-time buyers and existing operators.”

Richard Bruton, Finance Consultant at Christie Finance, who sourced funding for the buyer, comments, “By working closely with Bhavesh, we managed to achieve a very competitive funding package which has helped him realise his business goal of expanding his pharmacy offering in South London. I look forward to seeing him develop Kingshield further.”

Kingshield Pharmacy was sold for an undisclosed price.
Got sent this press release. Has the arts supply shop upstairs already gone?
In my view real Brixton has now finished. This was a Guyana Asian family business dating from pre the Rudy Narayan era.
Apart from the stationers/art material shop the clientele for the pharmacy seemed largely Caribbean elders who are being put into care-homes as soon as Social Services can put charges on their houses. I know - I had my booster there. The son, who did my injection, was commendably chatty and confirmed the difficulty of not being in a chain.
Don't hold your breath on that one. Taylor McFuckFace's plans to turn it into a two floor club have received objections from just about everyone and I haven't seen any work going on inside for ages.
So a club that was a club for 40 years wants to be a club again and the (new?) people who live nearby say thats not allowed anymore?

Imagine if people (in general, not just in Brixton) were this intolerant back in the 80s and 90s, club culture and many venues might not have existed.
So a club that was a club for 40 years wants to be a club again and the (new?) people who live nearby say thats not allowed anymore?

Imagine if people (in general, not just in Brixton) were this intolerant back in the 80s and 90s, club culture and many venues might not have existed.
No, that's not the case at all. Because the owners of the 414 lived in the building they were allowed to use the first floor as a food/chill out space. No music was played there and there was no DJs. The actual club was only on the ground floor.

Taylor McShitehawk wanted to vary the license and turn that floor into a second full-on club space with dancefloor/PA etc, and thus increase the capacity/noise levels etc of the place substantially - and it's that what has been objected to.

The application seeks to vary the premises licence, to change the layout of the premises and to extend licensable area to the second floor. An alcohol and live music licence is requested for everyday, midnight to midnight – 24/7.

The Met Police, the Lambeth Public Protection Team and the Lambeth Licensing Authority have all submitted representations against the plans.

Concern comes from the Met over the prevention of crime and disorder, the prevention of public nuisance, and public safety. The Met lists a lengthy set of conditions that would make the application acceptable.

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