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Was looking at going to Brockwell lido to cool off next week but seems they let so few people into the Lido at the moment that all the days are booked out. I went to a "sold out" session this week and the place was fairly quiet. Just felt like the place was poorly staffed and they could barley handle letting pre-booked people in.
Was looking at going to Brockwell lido to cool off next week but seems they let so few people into the Lido at the moment that all the days are booked out. I went to a "sold out" session this week and the place was fairly quiet. Just felt like the place was poorly staffed and they could barley handle letting pre-booked people in.
Seem to remember reading something somewhere about about a lack of lifeguards?
Was looking at going to Brockwell lido to cool off next week but seems they let so few people into the Lido at the moment that all the days are booked out. I went to a "sold out" session this week and the place was fairly quiet. Just felt like the place was poorly staffed and they could barley handle letting pre-booked people in.
Well done on navigating the booking system at least. I've never managed to master it without giving up.
Well done on navigating the booking system at least. I've never managed to master it without giving up.
I thought brockwell fusion was bad than I tried tooting bec lido and my phone nearly got launched into a wall. It's like they activity don't want you to use the facilities
Chatted to someone else. I think it might be where some market stallholders store their stuff. When I walked past saw some people pulling stuff out of the courtyard behind Brady's

They said if that is the case some stallholders may have lost some of their stuff

Fire service turned up quickly. Impressed by how professional they were. Fixed up fire hydrants very quickly.
Seem to remember reading something somewhere about about a lack of lifeguards?

As the website shows the pay isn't that great.

The first article is interesting as it industry insiders view. Reading between the lines this has been regarded in the sports industry as student summer job/ "entry" level job one uses to start career.

The quite normal way various sectors of economy use to justify low pay and part time hours. Rather then treating these workers as doing important job that should be well remunerated and staff should be retained. Its treated as what employers call "entry level" job. A "nickel and dimed" McJob. Which are in fact "real" jobs. But employers use this excuse to not pay well or give good conditions.

As one person points out the level of pay and the importance of the job do not correlate. This is a job with a lot of responsibilty. Most of time you don't do much but if something happens it falls on you.

As a summer job it's a lot. I was swimming past few weeks. Due to hot weather a lot more people with various ages of children in pool. This I can see is real strain for the lifeguards. People/ children want to play around and guard has to keep them within safe limits.

Like a lot of jobs the industry has under payed and take supply of workers for granted. The industry has brought this problem on itself.

This effects Brixton Rec. Council reckon life guards are well paid when asked. Doesn't look it to me.
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Just choke on your cornflakes! This candidate for PM came third in Dulwich and West Norwood in the 2010 General Election.


Source: An education in privilege for Tory leadership hopefuls, Letters, The Guardian, Thursday 14 July 2022
Just choke on your cornflakes! This candidate for PM came third in Dulwich and West Norwood in the 2010 General Election.

Was telling my partner who was so pleased that Boria went that we could get someone worse.

People like this have following with party faithful. Saying how it is.

The favourite Sunak "weak" point is his reputation for to much government spending with the faithful.

What rankles me is that if your on the right you can get represented. The line up for those to follow Boris is insight into what the Tory Party regard as right thinking people. Right wing nut jobs. Watched them on TV today. I preferred Boris.

If your on the left ( ie maybe think energy companies should be nationalised and other loony stuff) your told to grow up and put up with "adult" politics. Corbyn or anyone of that ilk aren't allowed. Mandelsohn was on the R4 politics Westminster programme this morning. I turned it off. As I'm turning off from politics in general.

I'm thinking of not voting , or rather going to vote and writing bollox on my ballot paper, next election.

The race to be leader of the Tory is eye opening look at how the people who , as I was taught at school, belong to the "natural party of government " . Never underestimate the Tory party. See they have managed to embrace "diversity" in the range of candidates. The right in this country change and adapt yet manage to keep in power.
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Just choke on your cornflakes! This candidate for PM came third in Dulwich and West Norwood in the 2010 General Election.

Yes, I met her a couple of times at events. She is rather charismatic in person, confident and assertive. Central Office gives aspiring candidates guaranteed losing seats at the beginning of their careers, to test their mettle, hence DaWN.
She lived on a road off Railton Road, and I think she was working on the digital side of the Spectator at the time.
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