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Just had an email from TFL about the widening of the pavement outside of the tube and moved bus stops with a link to a survey at the end

"In May 2020, we made changes to local bus arrangements, moving some southbound services to a bus stop next to the Ritzy Cinema. This arrangement was temporary, and we have been monitoring its success since.

This was because we widened an area of pavement in Brixton Town Centre to provide more space for people to walk and socially distance safely.

We have been listening to what local people think and have been told that the wider pavement is helpful, but the changes to the bus stops have inconvenienced some bus users travelling toward West Norwood and Tulse Hill.

In response, we have retained the wider pavement but moved the bus stop that serves these areas back to the town centre.

As part of our ongoing engagement, we are interested to learn what people now think of the widened pavement and bus arrangements in Brixton. We are collating feedback online and would be grateful if you could
complete our survey.

Yours sincerely,

Fraser McDonald
Strategic Consultations Lead"
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saw this on fb today, save nour is organising some emergency support for the traders:
On Saturday 16th July, a devastating fire ripped through a storage warehouse in Brixton Market, where twelve market traders were storing their goods to sell. Many of these traders have been in Brixton Market for decades, supplying the community with essential goods in an area hit by high living costs and increased gentrification. They were already in a vulnerable position as the neighborhood was being developed away from traditional vending, and now this fire, which required over 100 firefighters to put out, has utterly destroyed their livelihoods. These traders now have no way to earn money in a cost of living crisis and urgently need our support.

Imam Ali Sultan has been selling men’s clothing in the market since 2008. He said: “I feel useless. I can do nothing for my wife and four children. They need me but I am useless as I have no business as I have no stock.”

Reza Sultani took over his father’s stall, which has been trading for 15 years. He said: ‘It’s my family business. This business supports my family. Everything has been ruined, if I don’t start working right away, I will lose my house, I cannot pay rent, pay bills.”

Sarwar Amarkhim has been trading for more than 10 years. He has two pitches and sells men's clothing and accessories. All his stock has been destroyed. He said: “I have to start again from zero, I have nothing left. I have been building this business for 10 years and now I have nothing to show for it.”

The chair of the Brixton Market Traders Federation, John Gordon, who is liaising with all the affected traders, has asked Save Nour to help with the technical side of setting up a crowdfunder. All the money raised here will go directly to the account of the Brixton Market Traders' Federation, which is a non-profit community interest company who are best placed to distribute the money directly to the traders who need it. The money raised will help traders with their rent, bills and living costs and to replace their stock so they can get back on their feet again.

Please donate what you can! And for updates on a campaign for rent relief and a new storage area as more information is gathered follow @save_nour. Solidarity and support is the best resource traders have available right now!
No mention of insurance. Did they not have any?
You'd hope so, perhaps through the trader's federation? Or whoever owns the storage site. But that's only a mid-term solution - these things are never fast to pay out. It's just taken me 18 months to get a first interim payment on a loss of business claim after a flood.

(a) The unfortunately chaotic means by which the serious allegations against Vincent Atkins of sexual assaultss have been made public; and

(b) the lack of media interest in these serious allegations, which is likely to be a direct consequence of the ethnicity of the young women and girls alleged to be the victims of those sexual assaults,

it is difficult to give definitive answers to your queries. Speculatively, two possibilities might include:

(1) A medical appointment to address the rumoured cardiac issues to which you allude; or

(2) a trip to Brixtonbuzz Towers to provide ”Brixton’s biggest and most comprehensive news , features and listings site” with an exclusive interview addressing the allegations (or to arrange an appointment for the same purpose), so as to supplement previous coverage of his local activities.

No doubt others will provide you with their own theories.

"Tim Westwood's Security Used To Be Provided By Vincent Rat, of Rat Security!"


Tim Westwood: The Brixton Connection?
The bus campaign is an interesting one - a mixture of local activism (save this local bus route) and positioning (If Labour don't blame Mayor Khan/Labour as the government does, blame the Tories). In Conservative constituencies they of course focus on blaming Khan. In Green/Lib Dem areas they blames the Tories and the Mayor.
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There's an event at Mayatts Fields Park on Sunday!

The guy in the luggage rack​

Myatt's Fields Park Quiet Garden
Sunday 24th July | 3pm & 6pm |

An open air aerial theatre production combining physical comedy with striking aerial acrobatics from She Said Jump.

Bring a picnic to the park, and a bottle and enjoy this striking piece of original aerial circus theatre!
There's an event at Mayatts Fields Park on Sunday!

The guy in the luggage rack​

Myatt's Fields Park Quiet Garden
Sunday 24th July | 3pm & 6pm |

An open air aerial theatre production combining physical comedy with striking aerial acrobatics from She Said Jump.

Bring a picnic to the park, and a bottle and enjoy this striking piece of original aerial circus theatre!
Alas, it's not free. Tickets are £12.

Apart from reading the other thread on the most hated profession Estate agents I was looking up some info on Brixton and came across this. Which managed to completely wind me up.

The petty bourgeois who now run Brixton had a "architect" led meeting on Brixton.

Features all the new great and good:

Squires, Brixton Bid, rep from Hondo markets, Binki and of course Lambeth Council.

All talking about the community and regeneration. Whilst I don't remember the community be invited to this.

Sadly the people from the new theatre got roped into this. I hope this isn't a sign of how they will interact with local community.
Apart from reading the other thread on the most hated profession Estate agents I was looking up some info on Brixton and came across this. Which managed to completely wind me up.

The petty bourgeois who now run Brixton had a "architect" led meeting on Brixton.

Features all the new great and good:

Squires, Brixton Bid, rep from Hondo markets, Binki and of course Lambeth Council.

All talking about the community and regeneration. Whilst I don't remember the community be invited to this.

Sadly the people from the new theatre got roped into this. I hope this isn't a sign of how they will interact with local community.
I've got a query on that article.
Ir refers to a Lambeth Officer - Eleanor Purser

Her Linke|In says she has a B.A in PPE from Oxford University.
Then she has been Regeneration Director at London Borough of Sutton (8 yrs after leaving Oxford)
Then went after 2 yrs 8 months left to work for developers (namely Notting Hill Housing and Genesis) for 3 years 8 months
Then she fetched up at Lambeth as a Strategic Director of Growth just before Covid struck.

How come she has a B.A. from Oxford? All Oxford degrees are normally upgraded to M.A. a year after award - unless something is wrong:
Rustication? (top people's expulsion)
Maybe this was Oxford Poly (now called \Oxford Brookes University)?

Anyway this lady is a flighty number. Whatever happened to architects who learned on the job at LCC/GLC/Lambeth Council and gave their employers years of experienced service?

Clearly Lambeth Councillors now only recruit transient figures like themselves who are just able to get their snout in the trough long enough to move on to another transient appointment.
Gramsci you should have said "Petty bourgeois hustlers" - or in Boris Johnson Eton-speak "Tarts" (Ladies excepted)
Apart from reading the other thread on the most hated profession Estate agents I was looking up some info on Brixton and came across this. Which managed to completely wind me up.

The petty bourgeois who now run Brixton had a "architect" led meeting on Brixton.

Features all the new great and good:

Squires, Brixton Bid, rep from Hondo markets, Binki and of course Lambeth Council.

All talking about the community and regeneration. Whilst I don't remember the community be invited to this.

Sadly the people from the new theatre got roped into this. I hope this isn't a sign of how they will interact with local community.
What are the most hated professions? I'd argue that strictly speaking only jobs that you need a professional qualification to practise (dentist, solicitor, GP, accountant etc) are truly professions. Yet: estate agent; journalist; PR; used car dealer; tax inspector; bailiff are commonly hated? What do YOU hate? (I have done two of these jobs)
What are the most hated professions? I'd argue that strictly speaking only jobs that you need a professional qualification to practise (dentist, solicitor, GP, accountant etc) are truly professions. Yet: estate agent; journalist; PR; used car dealer; tax inspector; bailiff are commonly hated? What do YOU hate? (I have done two of these jobs)
Are you a Doctor? If so why do you keep telling me to go to A & E?
Apart from reading the other thread on the most hated profession Estate agents I was looking up some info on Brixton and came across this. Which managed to completely wind me up.

The petty bourgeois who now run Brixton had a "architect" led meeting on Brixton.

Features all the new great and good:

Squires, Brixton Bid, rep from Hondo markets, Binki and of course Lambeth Council.

All talking about the community and regeneration. Whilst I don't remember the community be invited to this.

Sadly the people from the new theatre got roped into this. I hope this isn't a sign of how they will interact with local community.

Fucking shameful bullshit.
I've got a query on that article.
Ir refers to a Lambeth Officer - Eleanor Purser

Her Linke|In says she has a B.A in PPE from Oxford University.
Then she has been Regeneration Director at London Borough of Sutton (8 yrs after leaving Oxford)
Then went after 2 yrs 8 months left to work for developers (namely Notting Hill Housing and Genesis) for 3 years 8 months
Then she fetched up at Lambeth as a Strategic Director of Growth just before Covid struck.

How come she has a B.A. from Oxford? All Oxford degrees are normally upgraded to M.A. a year after award - unless something is wrong:
Rustication? (top people's expulsion)
Maybe this was Oxford Poly (now called \Oxford Brookes University)?

Anyway this lady is a flighty number. Whatever happened to architects who learned on the job at LCC/GLC/Lambeth Council and gave their employers years of experienced service?

Clearly Lambeth Councillors now only recruit transient figures like themselves who are just able to get their snout in the trough long enough to move on to another transient appointment.
Gramsci you should have said "Petty bourgeois hustlers" - or in Boris Johnson Eton-speak "Tarts" (Ladies excepted)

I know nothing of her, but just so her degree isn’t taken as evidence of any mendacity: Oxford BAs are not automatically upgraded to MAs - after 7 (not 1) year one can apply (and I think pay) for the upgrade. Not doing so is in fact imo a sign that you’re not a dick (because otherwise - you’re happy to append a paid-for qualification to your name??).
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