I've had this, from TFL, forwarded to me, for anyone who wants to comment on changes to the A23 between Oval and Streatham.
Good afternoon
I am writing now because we have today launched a six-month consultation on changes we have made to the A23 between Oval and Streatham. This email explains how you can find out more and reply to the consultation. We have also written to a number of other stakeholders, and to people and businesses within a 250m radius of the extents of the changes we have made.
We have introduced the changes between Oval and Streatham in a new way, and this consultation is different to those we ordinarily hold. I’ve therefore also explained what the purpose of the consultation is.
How do I respond to the consultation?
You can read more about the changes we have made and respond to the consultation on our website
You will need to register your email address with us before you can submit a response through our website. We will keep your information secure and, if you agree, we will send you updates about the changes periodically. If you would prefer not to submit a response online you can send us your thoughts in writing:
· By email to
[email protected]
Our consultation materials will shortly be available in easy-read, audio and a British Sign Language video. If you would like to receive further information about these alternative formats please let me know. We have also highlighted these alternative formats to local people living in the vicinity of the changes.
The consultation will be open for six months so you can tell us your thoughts at any time up to
17 November 2021. Your views may change over time, so please feel free to respond as many times as you wish.
What is the purpose of the consultation?
We have introduced changes to the A23 between Oval and Streatham as an experiment, so that we can monitor what effects the changes have as London continues to recover from the coronavirus. Our consultation is a key part of our monitoring of the scheme.
We are not consulting about whether or not the experimental scheme should have been introduced. However, we will need to decide, based on the outcome of the experiment, our monitoring and taking into account all the feedback we receive, what any future of the scheme should be beyond that time. We are holding this public consultation because we would like to know from you:
· What effects you think the experimental scheme is having on specific matters such as cycling, walking, traffic flow and the environment
· What effect you think the experimental scheme is having in overall terms, and whether you think it should remain in place permanently or with changes, or be removed at the end of the experiment
· Whether we should make any changes to the experimental scheme, and if so what they should be
· Any other matters about the experiment you would like us to be aware of
We will use your responses to help us decide whether:
· It is necessary for us to make any changes to the scheme during the experiment
· The scheme should be removed or retained (with or without any changes) at the end of the experiment
If you have any questions about the consultation please contact us at
[email protected].
Kind regards
Fraser Macdonald
Strategic Consultations Lead
Local Communities & Partnerships
Transport for London
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