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Thanks , was it the one that would later become Pangaea ?
I don't remember Pangaea, but according to this Brixton Buzz roundup of lost venues, Pangaea was replaced by the very odd late night venue Brixton Bar and Grill.
I used to go the Brixton Bar and Grill someitmes after both the Beehive and the Goose opposite the Beehive had turned out.
Brixton Bar and Grill was the same premises as Taco Joes. Definitely.
Has anyone used a local kitchen fitting company they would recommend?

Eclectic on Abbeville Rd. At the pricey end but very very good. They employ fitters rather than sub-contract. We had ours fitted in 2012 and Eclectic have come back and sorted out a couple of issues in recent years very efficiently. Nice to see the same people - who remember fitting your kitchen - 8 years on.
Eclectic on Abbeville Rd. At the pricey end but very very good. They employ fitters rather than sub-contract. We had ours fitted in 2012 and Eclectic have come back and sorted out a couple of issues in recent years very efficiently. Nice to see the same people - who remember fitting your kitchen - 8 years on.
Thanks - John has almost (gradually) completed redecorating our house he is starting the next stage next week, we have made good use of that recommendation.
Just walked past Carlton Mansions building that is becoming part of the Brixton House Theatre. Some of the scaffolding has been removed and the building looks i a lot different thats for sure.

Was nice to see some painters working on the Nuclear Dawn mural, could only see bits as was still wrapped but hopefully will look like its former self when completed.
See our Progress Mayor of Lambeth has taken upon himself to speak for all Lambeth about death of Prince Philip.

He does not speak for me.

Find way that right wing members of Labour Party support the Royals nauseating.
See our Progress Mayor of Lambeth has taken upon himself to speak for all Lambeth about death of Prince Philip.

He does not speak for me.

Find way that right wing members of Labour Party support the Royals nauseating.

Didn’t Jeremy do the same thing ?!?! 🥱
Didn’t Jeremy do the same thing ?!?! 🥱

Apparently not quick enough.

Jeremy Corbyn hit with backlash for Tweeting after death of Prince

He didn't jump quick enough. Instead posted up about Bolivian left wingers.

Prince Philip had sounder views on South America :

34. To then Paraguay dictator General Stroessner: “It’s a pleasure to be in a country that isn’t ruled by its people.”

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Shows how underneath the surface this country has borderline streak of nasty right attitudes under the surface when members of the party of the workers feel they have to say nice things about the establishment. Or be pilloried in the media.

On a more serious note this is what led to Corbyn and what he represented being destroyed.
Has everyone had their envelope of eight postcards from the Acts of Exuberant Defiance people?
As a connoisseur of Brixton riots - one of which I viewed from the roof of Effra Court, and looked like escape from New York, I would like to put the view that turning mass looting,and arson inrto a neo political artwork is not clever.

One of the postings on their Facebook page alludes to the Zong Massacre which I find a bit odd.:

Atlantic Billboard, Look Both Ways, tells the story of Leroy and opens a window to the complex history behind Brixton ‘81 Uprisings, based on the significance of the Atlantic Ocean and tracing back to the Zong massacre in 1781. The location, at the crossroads of Atlantic, Railton and Coldharbour, invites us to Look Both Ways to understand the historical context of 1981. Atlantic Billboard was created by four local young people working with experienced projectionist and local resident Dick Straker from Mesmer. #Brixton1981 #81acts #brixton #81actsofexuberantdefiance#uprisings #brixtonuprising #frontline #brixtoncommunity @aceagrams#art #billboard

The Zong Massacre concerned a large number of enslaved Africans who had been boarded at Cape Coast Castle - now in Ghana - and in the West Indies many had been drowned by the crew allegedly to claim insurance. It became a notorious case in considering the moral and legal position of slave traders. Rather more serious actually than the first Brixton Riot if I might say so. Zong massacre - Wikipedia

One bright point - I see on the Acts fo Exuberance Facebook page there is a short documentary from the year before the riot. This is about the police tracking and closing illegal blues parties - which sets in context perhaps how and why clubs like Pearls - popular with some Urbanites - got closed down by the police.
Has everyone had their envelope of eight postcards from the Acts of Exuberant Defiance people?
As a connoisseur of Brixton riots - one of which I viewed from the roof of Effra Court, and looked like escape from New York, I would like to put the view that turning mass looting,and arson inrto a neo political artwork is not clever.
Maybe, but my teenage kids read it all and it's otherwise just ancient history to them.
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taking my kids to this tomorrow. might even go with some mates seperately too. something different to do

There's a big gentrification whinge in the Independent by Yvonne Thompson of Choice FM Forty years after the infamous riots, Brixton’s Black community is being suffocated | Yvonne Thompson

For her, the villain is the council. And we have a boutique hotel apparently. Perhaps she means the £40 a night Premier Inn. She doesn't mention greedy landlords. Or the white middle class perception of Brixton as a scary ghetto, reinforced by the riots and sanitised by Spacemakers. Or the black homeowners who profited from the boom and moved away. Or the irresistible pull of the Victoria Line on property values. It's a shame the article wasn't written by an expert. It's a fascinating story.
There's a big gentrification whinge in the Independent by Yvonne Thompson of Choice FM Forty years after the infamous riots, Brixton’s Black community is being suffocated | Yvonne Thompson

For her, the villain is the council. And we have a boutique hotel apparently. Perhaps she means the £40 a night Premier Inn. She doesn't mention greedy landlords. Or the white middle class perception of Brixton as a scary ghetto, reinforced by the riots and sanitised by Spacemakers. Or the black homeowners who profited from the boom and moved away. Or the irresistible pull of the Victoria Line on property values. It's a shame the article wasn't written by an expert. It's a fascinating story.
And she incorrectly claims that a petrol bomb caused the New Cross fire. The inquest found no such evidence. It's interesting that a major news-source could print such an un-fact-checked falsehood.
The Lambeth website doesnt say whether you need to make an appointment to pick up a PCR test. This would be helpful, because at the moment you do need to have an appointment for the lateral flow ones.

It also indicates the testing site at Brockwell Park is still there- i thought it had been dismantled?
The Lambeth website doesnt say whether you need to make an appointment to pick up a PCR test. This would be helpful, because at the moment you do need to have an appointment for the lateral flow ones.

It also indicates the testing site at Brockwell Park is still there- i thought it had been dismantled?
My reading of it is that you can just rock up rather than make an appointment. The Brockwell site has moved to near the cafe by the looks of it.
My wife's just come back from the Assembly Hall testing centre. She said it was absolute chaos with queuing round the block and no priority system for people who'd booked a specific time slot (most people hadn't). No-one knew what was meant to be happening and whether you needed to book the follow-up test which it said you should on the website. Luckily she brought me back a home testing kit so I've cancelled my test and will DIY at home and post the results.
Massive queue not moving at Town Hall. Mrs W gave up. They don’t seem to have separated out people queueing to pick up tests from people queueing to have tests..
I’m there now they seem to have the queues sorted now reckon it will be about half an hour wait in all
Edit although looking behind me the queue is massive so it will be longer if you arrive now I imagine
The queues are Ok but there is now some confusion about lateral flow vs PCR amongst the staff. I thought they would only be giving out PCR today. Also she couldn’t tell me how to return it to tomorrow as someone else will be in charge.
Plenty of barriers to successful surge testing
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