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Some Lambeth guff:

Dear friend,
Can you help us to fill Lambeth with peace, love and unity tomorrow?
We all know a friend, colleague or a neighbour that helps to make our community special, maybe by always lending a helping hand in work, volunteering for a local charity, mentoring young people or serving with a smile in your favourite coffee shop. They’re the people who make us #LoveLambeth, but they don’t always get the recognition they deserve
We want you to join us in celebrating the people who you think deserve recognition and love for what they do, and to encourage your friends, family and colleagues to do the same by following these three simple steps:​
Step 1: Love
Do something to celebrate a person, place or organisation that makes you #LoveLambeth​
Step 2: Share
Make them feel extra-special by sharing your appreciation on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or whatever social network you use, with the hashtag #LoveLambeth​
Step 3: Nominate
Spread the love by nominating someone you know to do the same!
We've got a few surprises of our own for some very special people, follow us at @Lambeth_Council on Twitter to be the first to see!
With love,
The #LoveLambeth team
LoveLambeth poem
I am not TFL's biggest fan, but they have given people plenty of notice about this work and the queue system, not sure what else they could've done tbh.
The station must already be running over capacity given the immense growth in visitors/tourists/city boy flat buyers etc., but the station does seem to have more downtime than many others.
It's the quickest line and very frequent, especially in the mornings when trains leave what every 60 secs? End of the line, should be able to get a seat etc so bound to be popular.

I would be very interested to know what TFL see as capacity for Brixton at peak times.
I've been sent an email about this just incase anyone is interested:
I am writing to you as you are registered on the Lambeth Council planning consultation database.

You will be aware that the council wrote to you on the 31 January 2020 to inform you of the consultation on the Draft Revised Local Plan, 2020 (Regulation 19 Publication version), which is open for comment between 31 January and 13 March 2020.

I am now writing to you to inform you that the council is also consulting on two new draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) as listed below, that provide additional advice and guidance on policies contained within the new Draft Revised Local Plan, 2020:
The consultation period for both SPDs will be open between 11 February 2020 and 11pm on the 7 April 2020.

Following the close of the consultation period on the 7 April 2020 the council will review the responses and consider whether any proposed amendments to the draft SPDs are required before commencing another round of statutory consultation later in the year.

Unlike the Local Plan the council is not obliged to prepare SPDs, which are non-statutory planning documents, but instead will prepare SPDs where it is considered that further guidance on the application of certain policies within the plan is required. The draft SPDs are material considerations that the council will take into account when considering planning applications within the borough but cannot be given full weight in decision-making until the ‘parent’ policies within the new Revised Draft Local Plan are adopted. The SPDs cannot be adopted before this process is complete. It is anticipated that the SPDs will be finalised and adopted alongside, or shortly after, the Draft Revised Local Plan anticipated in early 2021.

For full details of the consultation please access the council’s consultation webpage or the Commonplace portals as set out below.

How to submit comments

The quickest and easiest way to submit comments is online via the consultation portals: Draft Affordable Workspace SPD and Draft Design Code SPD

Alternatively, you can make comments by email at: SPD@lambeth.gov.uk or by post to:

Planning Policy Team London Borough of Lambeth PO Box 734 Winchester SO23 5DG


Please note that representations can only be considered in writing. Names and contact details are required for those making representations.

Find out more about council’s privacy notice and the planning privacy notice. It is very important that you read and consider these notices carefully because they explain how your personal information will be used and stored.

If you have any questions, please email us at SPD@lambeth.gov.uk

Please also contact the above email address if you no longer wish to receive emails and be taken off the consultation database.


Gudrun Andrews,​
Planning Strategy and Policy Manager​
Doug Black,​

Design and Conservation Manager​
I've been sent an email about this just incase anyone is interested:

The updating of the Local Plan consultation is statutory before it goes to the Planning Inspector for agreement. The grounds to criticise the draft revised Local Plan are limited at this stage.

In LJ gone through the LJ section and don't agree it protects the land Grove Adventure playground site. Despite Loughborough Neighborhood forum providing the Council with wording to do this before this last statutory consultation.

Trying to work out how to put in legitimate concerns on Council wording now.
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Some Lambeth guff:

Dear friend,
Can you help us to fill Lambeth with peace, love and unity tomorrow?
We all know a friend, colleague or a neighbour that helps to make our community special, maybe by always lending a helping hand in work, volunteering for a local charity, mentoring young people or serving with a smile in your favourite coffee shop. They’re the people who make us #LoveLambeth, but they don’t always get the recognition they deserve
We want you to join us in celebrating the people who you think deserve recognition and love for what they do, and to encourage your friends, family and colleagues to do the same by following these three simple steps:​
Step 1: Love
Do something to celebrate a person, place or organisation that makes you #LoveLambeth​
Step 2: Share
Make them feel extra-special by sharing your appreciation on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or whatever social network you use, with the hashtag #LoveLambeth​
Step 3: Nominate
Spread the love by nominating someone you know to do the same!
We've got a few surprises of our own for some very special people, follow us at @Lambeth_Council on Twitter to be the first to see!
With love,
The #LoveLambeth team
LoveLambeth poem

I find this kind of thing from Lambeth really annoying.

I was at a local community meeting last week. A certain Labour Cllr told residents present ( who put in a lot of voluntary time in the area for its benefit) that they were the "same" people who always complain and are not "representative" of the local commuity.

I think the Council would do better to start at home. Educate Cllrs to treat those who engage with Council and do voluntary work with respect.

Not treat them as unreprentative trouble makers.
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There's a BT broadband outage affecting part of Brixton (myself included) - engineers say it users should be back online by Monday evening.
Some pics from Fri night at the Hoot

In photos: Friday night at Brixton's Hootananny - live music, DJs and pool, Feb 2020

In photos: Friday night at Brixton's Hootananny - live music, DJs and pool, Feb 2020

In photos: Friday night at Brixton's Hootananny - live music, DJs and pool, Feb 2020

And Sat at the Dogstar

In photos: Queen Bitch club night at the Brixton Dogstar, Sat 15th Feb 2020

In photos: Queen Bitch club night at the Brixton Dogstar, Sat 15th Feb 2020

In photos: Queen Bitch club night at the Brixton Dogstar, Sat 15th Feb 2020

Another traffic death on Brixton Hill caused by some scumbag at the wheel.

Is anyone locally working on this? I had a look on Twitter today and there seem to be couple of very angry local residents who say they've tried to raise it with BH Labour councillors with no success. The Greens looked interested this time last year when something similar happened.

I'm not clear what can be done, to be fair but am interested in helping doing something if someone has some ideas.
I would like to extend my condolences to the family and friends of the late Anisha Vidal-Garner who was killed in this shocking incident (which was witnessed by some of her friends).

As in the case of Aaron Blackwood Jones' killing of Celia Ines Betrouni in a similar incident on Brixton Hill, a few hundred metres away at the junction with New Park Road just over a year earlier, I suspect that it will not be long before the Metropolitan Police are able to release the details of the person(s) whom they believe can assist them with their enquiries into this killing.

"A short while earlier, police signalled for the car to stop and it failed to do so, and instead it "sped off".

After hitting the woman, the car did not stop at the scene. It was later found abandoned nearby and the occupants have still not been found."

Sadly, I doubt that Lambeth's councillors will be able to do much about this sort of reckless criminal behaviour.


If anyone knows who was in the black Mercedes-Benz C-Class car that struck Anisha Vidal-Garner on Brixton Hill outside the Nisa Local supermarket, opposite the junction with Arodene Road, at a speed of 60mph-70mph at approximately 9.45pm on Wednesday 19 February 2020, killing her instantly, please notify the Metropolitan Police immediately.
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