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That Memories of Brixton and Stockwell FB group just gets worse. Full of ex-pat racists, "all lives matter' idiots, "lock 'em up" loons and some bloke posting up phwoar pics of young women he takes pictures of in the street. I expect I'll be banned again soon.

Oh, and now some bloke is going on about black people all having a "chip on their shoulder".
Does anyone know who was the sculptor who made the conker in Brockwell Park? I can't find anything on line.
Found the answer via Twitter search rather than Google!

A bit more digging gives the artist's website:
and another link to an old Flickr seems to suggest it might have been donated by Zia Trench (local writer/director/therapist?)
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I dunno perhaps some businesses had expectations for it which they found were not met after they started using it.
Or found that the economics of it changed drastically after it started up.
At that point they should just be able to opt out though i'd have though unless there was some form of contract to stay in?
No shop "had" to accept it so there was no reason on earth why they'd hate" it. It was entirely voluntary and opt in.
Seriously can’t be bothered with this but bars and shops felt they had to accept it but it was a pain to get rid of, you couldn’t bank it, you couldn’t pay suppliers, you couldn’t pay your staff with it.

no more please Mr editor! 👍😊
Another ex Lambeth Councillor bites the dust.
I really ought get a spreadsheet together - but I think there may be as many as five or six Lambeth Councillors or ex councillors who have been convicted and done time for various offenses in the last twenty years. And none of those are for alleged corruption etc we kept hearing about.
The actual comment was "Fully gentrified prices" back in post 1038

Another poster commented as this had been the Brixton Pound shop coldwaterswim

One of the few placs left locals who can't afford these prices could go.

"The ship has sailed" - this says it all of what you think.

Ive spent a lot of time trying to oppose the "ship sailing on" in one way or another.

Losing the Brixton Pound cafe was another small step in the further gentrification of Brixton.
The loss of the 121, Brady's and the baked potato shop were massive steps in the journey of gentrification

Not to mention the auld layout and garden of the albert
Bit more:

This, plus the concrete barriers, really makes me wonder whether the Met have received a specific and credible threat about an attack on Windrush.
Sounds all a bit

They have a branch or chapter in Gibraltar if you look down that Twitter thread you posted on.
Could be the Gibraltar Inquisition? I reckon it's the met's version of QAnon: Where we go one, we go all and all that.

Possibly the police ought to try being a bit less suspicious.
Brian, The Commander, had this comment today
How carbuncular does one feel?
I had been anticipating warning those not addicted to Hondo proposals that 31st July was the last day to object - but this may have been extended. 20/01347/FUL | Demolition of the existing building and erection of a part four, part nine and part twenty storey building comprising flexible Class A1 (shops)/A3 (restaurants and cafes)/B1 (business)/D1 (non-residential Institutions)/D2 (assembly and leisure) uses at basement, ground and first floor levels, with restaurant (Class A3) use at eighth floor level and business accommodation (Class B1) at second to nineteenth floor levels, with plant enclosures at roof level, and associated cycle parking, servicing and enabling works RE-CONSULTATION DUE TO AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. SEE SUBMITTED PLANNING STATEMENT ADDENDUM DATED JULY 2020 FOR FULL DETAILS. This application is a DEPARTURE APPLICATION: The proposed development is a departure from Policy Q26, part (ii) and site allocation ''Site 16 - Brixton Central (between the viaducts) SW9'' of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015). | 20 - 24 Pope's Road London SW9 8JB
The images come from the Brixton Blog article here Central Brixton tower plans revised
I'm putting the post here in case some people who don't peruse the Hondo thread might be as alarmed by the proposed desecration of central Brixton as I am.
I regularly see Southwark Notes. They are obviousy several years ahead in terms of destructive regeneration - but we really should try to put up a fight on things like this or we will be in the same boat.
Another Coldharbour Lane crash

In photos: late night car crash and chase on Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, 31st July 2020

How carbuncular does one feel?
View attachment 224390View attachment 224388View attachment 224389
I had been anticipating warning those not addicted to Hondo proposals that 31st July was the last day to object - but this may have been extended. 20/01347/FUL | Demolition of the existing building and erection of a part four, part nine and part twenty storey building comprising flexible Class A1 (shops)/A3 (restaurants and cafes)/B1 (business)/D1 (non-residential Institutions)/D2 (assembly and leisure) uses at basement, ground and first floor levels, with restaurant (Class A3) use at eighth floor level and business accommodation (Class B1) at second to nineteenth floor levels, with plant enclosures at roof level, and associated cycle parking, servicing and enabling works RE-CONSULTATION DUE TO AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. SEE SUBMITTED PLANNING STATEMENT ADDENDUM DATED JULY 2020 FOR FULL DETAILS. This application is a DEPARTURE APPLICATION: The proposed development is a departure from Policy Q26, part (ii) and site allocation ''Site 16 - Brixton Central (between the viaducts) SW9'' of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015). | 20 - 24 Pope's Road London SW9 8JB
The images come from the Brixton Blog article here Central Brixton tower plans revised
I'm putting the post here in case some people who don't peruse the Hondo thread might be as alarmed by the proposed desecration of central Brixton as I am.
I regularly see Southwark Notes. They are obviousy several years ahead in terms of destructive regeneration - but we really should try to put up a fight on things like this or we will be in the same boat.

Ive been told the planning officer has extended this to 6th August.
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Ive been told the planning officer has extended this to 6th August.

Here's my comment:

"The proposal as it stands is unimaginative as it misses a huge opportunity for Brixton - the construction of the (much discussed) station for the East London Line. And, taking advantage of economies of scope, the reopening of platforms and access to the Catford Loop tracks as well.

Radically improving public transport access in this manner would be a huge boon for the people of Brixton, and would also benefit the developers greatly, due to the greatly increased footfall they would enjoy from all the extra visitors."

Of course Hondo should pay for this work as a precondition of being granted permission.
How carbuncular does one feel?
View attachment 224390View attachment 224388View attachment 224389
I had been anticipating warning those not addicted to Hondo proposals that 31st July was the last day to object - but this may have been extended. 20/01347/FUL | Demolition of the existing building and erection of a part four, part nine and part twenty storey building comprising flexible Class A1 (shops)/A3 (restaurants and cafes)/B1 (business)/D1 (non-residential Institutions)/D2 (assembly and leisure) uses at basement, ground and first floor levels, with restaurant (Class A3) use at eighth floor level and business accommodation (Class B1) at second to nineteenth floor levels, with plant enclosures at roof level, and associated cycle parking, servicing and enabling works RE-CONSULTATION DUE TO AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. SEE SUBMITTED PLANNING STATEMENT ADDENDUM DATED JULY 2020 FOR FULL DETAILS. This application is a DEPARTURE APPLICATION: The proposed development is a departure from Policy Q26, part (ii) and site allocation ''Site 16 - Brixton Central (between the viaducts) SW9'' of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015). | 20 - 24 Pope's Road London SW9 8JB
The images come from the Brixton Blog article here Central Brixton tower plans revised
I'm putting the post here in case some people who don't peruse the Hondo thread might be as alarmed by the proposed desecration of central Brixton as I am.
I regularly see Southwark Notes. They are obviousy several years ahead in terms of destructive regeneration - but we really should try to put up a fight on things like this or we will be in the same boat.

The other thing is that this is the same application. But updated/ altered a bit.

So previous comments are still part of it.

All this new revised application is saying is that the towers are pushed back two and a half metres. There is other stuff but that is the main concession by Hondo.
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