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Your British Nigerian friend may be somewhat distant from the issues.
Try this article on Al Jazeera, which relates to British Caribbean Commonwealth countries who have been agitating on the matter of reparations since independence. They claim some compensatory measures were put in hand post Indian independence but nothing - ever - for the ex-slave states of the Caribbean.

Nail on head! There's a vast number of descendants of slaves in the USA, the West Indies, Central and South America. They see themselves as at the front of the queue for the money. They don't want it spent on community projects or college/university places, they want a personal cheque for the wages which their ancestors should have received. But there's also a much larger number of Africans and people of African descent whose ancestors were not slaves, and they want reparations for the rape of Africa by the colonial powers. And so the demands for slavery reparations are broadened by talking about Afrika, the Hellacaust, Mangamizi, Genocide/Ecocide and so on. How on earth do you decide how the money should be shared? Glasgow University, Lloyd's of London and Greene King are talking about investments in the community, but some of the marchers don't trust them. They think a lot of the money will just end up in the pockets of white guys in some other white guy institution.
Nail on head! There's a vast number of descendants of slaves in the USA, the West Indies, Central and South America. They see themselves as at the front of the queue for the money. They don't want it spent on community projects or college/university places, they want a personal cheque for the wages which their ancestors should have received. But there's also a much larger number of Africans and people of African descent whose ancestors were not slaves, and they want reparations for the rape of Africa by the colonial powers. And so the demands for slavery reparations are broadened by talking about Afrika, the Hellacaust, Mangamizi, Genocide/Ecocide and so on. How on earth do you decide how the money should be shared? Glasgow University, Lloyd's of London and Greene King are talking about investments in the community, but some of the marchers don't trust them. They think a lot of the money will just end up in the pockets of white guys in some other white guy institution.

Im starting to find your comments somewhat distasteful.

Setting Africans against people from Carribbean. People from Carribbean want a "personal cheque" Want to be at the "front of the queue".

The money you are talking about is chicken feed compared to the amount of wealth extracted from colonised countries.
Short first ten minutes of this programme about "reparations" for the Carribbean.

Starts with summary of figures of wealth got from the slave trade. Massive sums. At present levels 12 trillion dollars is estimate for reparations.

Interview with Sir Hilsry Beckles follows.

He makes several points.

Carribbean people had been asking for reparations for a long time. Over hundred years.

When UK started to give independence the new Carribbean countries requested as reparations a compensatory development plan to get the new independant countries started. This was rejected. UK had no strategic interest in the Carribbean.

He quotes Eric Williams ( leader of Trinidad) Britain saw Carribbean as an orange. It sucked it dry then threw the peel on the ground.

For Sir Beckles a compensatory development plan would be a completion of the independence process started post WW2.

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Short first ten minutes of this programme about "reparations" for the Carribbean.

Starts with summary of figures of wealth got from the slave trade. Massive sums. At present levels 12 trillion dollars is estimate for reparations.

Interview with Sir Hilsry Beckles follows.

He makes several points.

Carribbean people had been asking for reparations for a long time. Over hundred years.

When UK started to give independence the new Carribbean countries requested as reparations a compensatory development plan to get the new independant countries started. This was rejected. UK had no strategic interest in the Carribbean.

He quotes Eric Williams ( leader of Trinidad) Britain saw Carribbean as an orange. It sucked it dry then threw the peel on the ground.

For Sir Beckles a compensatory development plan would be a completion of the independence process started post WW2.

You've managed to find the clip I was looking for. My Ajazeera quote was a write-up of the Beccles part.

I just wanted to say these things are always complex. Eric Williams was to Trinidad what Papa Doc was to Haiti.
I only say this because I happened to be in Grenada when Williams was terminally ill and unconscious in Trinidad forty years ago. Most people from the Eastern Caribbean were more worried that Eric Williams might suddenly recover than he might die.

Another thing with Trinidad - apart from being a hotbed of black/Asian racism and indeed Hindu/Christian rivalry it was also blessed with oil. Indeed according to Wkipedia it is the thrid richest country by GDP in the Americas.

I personally would put Trinidad in a similar category to Nigeria - endowed with natural resources, and the rich oligarchs not sharing it.

Regarding the tone of David Clapson - he seems to be a student of Claire Fox or even Melanie Philips. Mayhe he will end up on that most reactionary of programmes Radio Four's The Moral Maze?
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You've managed to find the clip I was looking for. My Ajazeera quote was a write-up of the Beccles part.

I just wanted to say these things are always complex. Eric Williams was to Trinidad what Papa Doc was to Haiti.
I only say this because I happened to be in Grenada when Williams was terminally ill and unconscious in Trinidad forty years ago. Most people from the Eastern Caribbean were more worried that Eric Williams might suddenly recover than he might die.

Another thing with Trinidad - apart from being a hotbed of black/Asian racism and indeed Hindu/Christian rivalry it was also blessed with oil. Indeed according to Wkipedia it is the thrid richest country by GDP in the Americas.

I personally would put Trinidad in a similar category to Nigeria - endowed with natural resources, and the rich oligarchs not sharing it.

Regarding the tone of David Clapson - he seems to be a student of Claire Fox or even Melanie Philips. Mayhe he will end up on that most reactionary of programmes Radio Four's The Moral Maze?

Ive got his book Capitalism and Slavery which I need to get around to reading.
This came up in a Railton LTN document and thought it was worth putting here as it shows the stark differences between Lambeth wards:

Coldharbour has a large population compared to other wards ﴾16,600﴿. It has a young age profile, with a high proportion of children aged 0‐15. It is the poorest ward in the borough.

There are higher rates of child obesity in the ward than other areas of Lambeth. It has the highest proportion of people from ethnic minorities, and a high proportion of people not born in UK. 4.8% of Coldharbour residents speak an African language as their first language, and 4% speak Portuguese. Coldharbour has the highest proportion of Black Caribbean residents, and the highest proportion of Black African residents.

Less than a quarter of residents are White British. Much of the ward is in the 10% most deprived in England. It has the highest proportion of social rented households ﴾60%, compared to 22% private rented and 16% owner occupation﴿. There is a high percentage of dwellings in council tax bands A or B.

Only the southern part near Brockwell Park has household income above the Lambeth average. It has the lowest employment rate in the borough. Coldharbour has a high rate of working age benefit claimants ﴾Nov 2014﴿, a high rate of out of work claimants, and a high rate of claimants aged under 25.

It has the highest proportion of dependent children in out‐of‐work households and the highest proportion of households with no adults in employment with dependent children. There is a high proportion of lone parents not in employment, and of residents with no qualifications. The crime rate is high for Lambeth ﴾2015﴿.

Herne Hill's population is of average size for Lambeth ﴾15,600﴿, and the age profile is typical of the borough. The ward includes Brockwell Park, which means this is the ward with the largest proportion of open space. The ward mainly has a household income more than average for the borough, but with poorer areas such as the Thorlands and Lilford estates.

There is a high number of jobs in the ward and employment per head of population is also high. There is a high proportion of residents with graduate level 4 qualifications.

Tenure is in line with the borough ﴾owner‐ occupiers 37% of households, social rented 32%, Private rented 29%﴿. There are average rates of claimant benefits, dependent children in out‐of work households, households with no adults in employment with dependent children, and lone parents not in employment. The ward crime rate is average for the borough ﴾Sept 2015﴿

Tulse Hill
has a large ward population ﴾16,250﴿, and one of the highest population densities.
There is a large proportion of children aged 0‐15. Over half ﴾52%﴿ of the population is from ethnic minorities. 3.2% of Tulse Hill residents speak an African language as their first language.

There is a high proportion of Black Caribbean residents. Less than a third of residents are from a White British background. There is a low number of jobs in the ward, but resident employment rates are typical of Lambeth. Tulse Hill has a high rate of working age benefit claimants ﴾Nov 2014﴿, a high rate of out of work claimants, and a high rate of claimants aged under 25.

Tenure is typical of Lambeth as a whole ﴾owner occupier 29% of households, social renting 43%, and private rented 25%﴿, and a high proportion of dwellings in council tax bands A or B. Poor areas include the St Matthews, Tulse Hill, St Martin’s estates, and better off areas include Brixton Hill near Josephine Avenue, and Upper Tulse Hill. Crime rate ﴾2015﴿ is average for Lambeth.

source: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/State of the Borough 2016 Wa rds.pdf
This came up in a Railton LTN document and thought it was worth putting here as it shows the stark differences between Lambeth wards:

Coldharbour has a large population compared to other wards ﴾16,600﴿. It has a young age profile, with a high proportion of children aged 0‐15. It is the poorest ward in the borough.

There are higher rates of child obesity in the ward than other areas of Lambeth. It has the highest proportion of people from ethnic minorities, and a high proportion of people not born in UK. 4.8% of Coldharbour residents speak an African language as their first language, and 4% speak Portuguese. Coldharbour has the highest proportion of Black Caribbean residents, and the highest proportion of Black African residents.

Less than a quarter of residents are White British. Much of the ward is in the 10% most deprived in England. It has the highest proportion of social rented households ﴾60%, compared to 22% private rented and 16% owner occupation﴿. There is a high percentage of dwellings in council tax bands A or B.

Only the southern part near Brockwell Park has household income above the Lambeth average. It has the lowest employment rate in the borough. Coldharbour has a high rate of working age benefit claimants ﴾Nov 2014﴿, a high rate of out of work claimants, and a high rate of claimants aged under 25.

It has the highest proportion of dependent children in out‐of‐work households and the highest proportion of households with no adults in employment with dependent children. There is a high proportion of lone parents not in employment, and of residents with no qualifications. The crime rate is high for Lambeth ﴾2015﴿.

Herne Hill's population is of average size for Lambeth ﴾15,600﴿, and the age profile is typical of the borough. The ward includes Brockwell Park, which means this is the ward with the largest proportion of open space. The ward mainly has a household income more than average for the borough, but with poorer areas such as the Thorlands and Lilford estates.

There is a high number of jobs in the ward and employment per head of population is also high. There is a high proportion of residents with graduate level 4 qualifications.

Tenure is in line with the borough ﴾owner‐ occupiers 37% of households, social rented 32%, Private rented 29%﴿. There are average rates of claimant benefits, dependent children in out‐of work households, households with no adults in employment with dependent children, and lone parents not in employment. The ward crime rate is average for the borough ﴾Sept 2015﴿

Tulse Hill has a large ward population ﴾16,250﴿, and one of the highest population densities.
There is a large proportion of children aged 0‐15. Over half ﴾52%﴿ of the population is from ethnic minorities. 3.2% of Tulse Hill residents speak an African language as their first language.

There is a high proportion of Black Caribbean residents. Less than a third of residents are from a White British background. There is a low number of jobs in the ward, but resident employment rates are typical of Lambeth. Tulse Hill has a high rate of working age benefit claimants ﴾Nov 2014﴿, a high rate of out of work claimants, and a high rate of claimants aged under 25.

Tenure is typical of Lambeth as a whole ﴾owner occupier 29% of households, social renting 43%, and private rented 25%﴿, and a high proportion of dwellings in council tax bands A or B. Poor areas include the St Matthews, Tulse Hill, St Martin’s estates, and better off areas include Brixton Hill near Josephine Avenue, and Upper Tulse Hill. Crime rate ﴾2015﴿ is average for Lambeth.

source: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/State of the Borough 2016 Wa rds.pdf
I think there has been some gentrification since then. What is the profile of the residents of Electric Quarter vs those of the Guinness Trust for example? Not to mention The Edge - lurking surreptitiously opposite the Barrier Block. And Brixton Square/Carney Place etc.

And of course the area near Brockwell Park - as it says - is more affluent. That is because the powers that be sliced it off from Tulse Hill Ward and moved it into Angell/Coldharbour Ward to balance up following the redistribution of the now abolished St Martins Ward - only ten years ago

Come on - any psephologists want to take me on?
I've just remembered this bloke. Given the almighty crisis Brixton and Lambeth has been going through and the massively uncertain times ahead, has anyone heard a peep from him since he was elected?

Yes, you can follow him on Twitter.
Yes, you can follow him on Twitter.
I'm sure I can, but I was under the illusion that the Mayor of Lambeth should at least be making some effort to communicate what he's up to past the occasional update on their personal Twitter account (which is mainly made up of adverts for his shop).
I've just remembered this bloke. Given the almighty crisis Brixton and Lambeth has been going through and the massively uncertain times ahead, has anyone heard a peep from him since he was elected?

he was pretty much an invisible councillor for Oval, which is no small achievement for a dude who has a very LOUD and flamboyant wardrobe......I have seen him around a fair bit and since being elected his dandyism has gone to new
I think there has been some gentrification since then. What is the profile of the residents of Electric Quarter vs those of the Guinness Trust for example? Not to mention The Edge - lurking surreptitiously opposite the Barrier Block. And Brixton Square/Carney Place etc.

And of course the area near Brockwell Park - as it says - is more affluent. That is because the powers that be sliced it off from Tulse Hill Ward and moved it into Angell/Coldharbour Ward to balance up following the redistribution of the now abolished St Martins Ward - only ten years ago

Come on - any psephologists want to take me on?

There is map of deprivation for England.

Coldharbour has changed slightly from being in top 10% of deprived wards to being overall in top 20% of deprived wards in England.

For me one thing that stands out is that in Brixton race and class go together.

Using the map and my hometown Plymouth has similar levels of deprivation to Coldharbour Ward. In top 10 and 20 percent of most deprived areas in England. Areas in Plymouth which are in that category are white working class.

The map allows one to go down to postcode level covering a few streets.
he was pretty much an invisible councillor for Oval, which is no small achievement for a dude who has a very LOUD and flamboyant wardrobe......I have seen him around a fair bit and since being elected his dandyism has gone to new

Thing is that these Labour party people from the right of the party as socially progressive. Like Clr Donatus getting to be Mayor in Lambeth one needs to show loyalty to the right of the party.

He would have been invisible to joe public but part of the New Labour establishment that have run Lambeth for years. So not invisible in that sense.

They network and socialise with each other and trusted members of community.
This came up in a Railton LTN document and thought it was worth putting here as it shows the stark differences between Lambeth wards:

Coldharbour has a large population compared to other wards ﴾16,600﴿. It has a young age profile, with a high proportion of children aged 0‐15. It is the poorest ward in the borough.

There are higher rates of child obesity in the ward than other areas of Lambeth. It has the highest proportion of people from ethnic minorities, and a high proportion of people not born in UK. 4.8% of Coldharbour residents speak an African language as their first language, and 4% speak Portuguese. Coldharbour has the highest proportion of Black Caribbean residents, and the highest proportion of Black African residents.

Less than a quarter of residents are White British. Much of the ward is in the 10% most deprived in England. It has the highest proportion of social rented households ﴾60%, compared to 22% private rented and 16% owner occupation﴿. There is a high percentage of dwellings in council tax bands A or B.

Only the southern part near Brockwell Park has household income above the Lambeth average. It has the lowest employment rate in the borough. Coldharbour has a high rate of working age benefit claimants ﴾Nov 2014﴿, a high rate of out of work claimants, and a high rate of claimants aged under 25.

It has the highest proportion of dependent children in out‐of‐work households and the highest proportion of households with no adults in employment with dependent children. There is a high proportion of lone parents not in employment, and of residents with no qualifications. The crime rate is high for Lambeth ﴾2015﴿.

Herne Hill's population is of average size for Lambeth ﴾15,600﴿, and the age profile is typical of the borough. The ward includes Brockwell Park, which means this is the ward with the largest proportion of open space. The ward mainly has a household income more than average for the borough, but with poorer areas such as the Thorlands and Lilford estates.

There is a high number of jobs in the ward and employment per head of population is also high. There is a high proportion of residents with graduate level 4 qualifications.

Tenure is in line with the borough ﴾owner‐ occupiers 37% of households, social rented 32%, Private rented 29%﴿. There are average rates of claimant benefits, dependent children in out‐of work households, households with no adults in employment with dependent children, and lone parents not in employment. The ward crime rate is average for the borough ﴾Sept 2015﴿

Tulse Hill has a large ward population ﴾16,250﴿, and one of the highest population densities.
There is a large proportion of children aged 0‐15. Over half ﴾52%﴿ of the population is from ethnic minorities. 3.2% of Tulse Hill residents speak an African language as their first language.

There is a high proportion of Black Caribbean residents. Less than a third of residents are from a White British background. There is a low number of jobs in the ward, but resident employment rates are typical of Lambeth. Tulse Hill has a high rate of working age benefit claimants ﴾Nov 2014﴿, a high rate of out of work claimants, and a high rate of claimants aged under 25.

Tenure is typical of Lambeth as a whole ﴾owner occupier 29% of households, social renting 43%, and private rented 25%﴿, and a high proportion of dwellings in council tax bands A or B. Poor areas include the St Matthews, Tulse Hill, St Martin’s estates, and better off areas include Brixton Hill near Josephine Avenue, and Upper Tulse Hill. Crime rate ﴾2015﴿ is average for Lambeth.

source: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/State of the Borough 2016 Wa rds.pdf

I know this but winds me up to see Lambeth use this to promote their projects. I really wish , given these stats, that Coldharbour Ward had Labour Cllrs to fight the class war that these stats show is the reality for Coldharbour Ward.
I know this but winds me up to see Lambeth use this to promote their projects. I really wish , given these stats, that Coldharbour Ward had Labour Cllrs to fight the class war that these stats show is the reality for Coldharbour Ward.
Rachel Heywood was a bloody excellent councillor for the Coldharbour ward but she got pushed out by the nu-Labour 'co-operative' wankers for standing up for the residents. Unforgivable. Never seen or heard from her replacement.
I've just remembered this bloke. Given the almighty crisis Brixton and Lambeth has been going through and the massively uncertain times ahead, has anyone heard a peep from him since he was elected?

My queer group emailed him ages ago on his official .gov address as published in the Lambeth Talk mag and have not heard back yet. He was invited to meet our older queer community group at the Age uk Vida Walsh centre (by zoom while we are all sheilding) Silence.

I'm not good with twitter can someone post one of his recent tweets here please?
My queer group emailed him ages ago on his official .gov address as published in the Lambeth Talk mag and have not heard back yet. He was invited to meet our older queer community group at the Age uk Vida Walsh centre (by zoom while we are all sheilding) Silence.

I'm not good with twitter can someone post one of his recent tweets here please?

Compared to some of our very active MPs - Florence, Bella he does seem very low key
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My queer group emailed him ages ago on his official .gov address as published in the Lambeth Talk mag and have not heard back yet. He was invited to meet our older queer community group at the Age uk Vida Walsh centre (by zoom while we are all sheilding) Silence.

I'm not good with twitter can someone post one of his recent tweets here please?

His twitter account:

Looked through it and he is on the right of the party- in a Progress socially liberal way. Loathed Corbyn.

He has shop in Brixton.
His twitter account:

Looked through it and he is on the right of the party- in a Progress socially liberal way. Loathed Corbyn.

He has shop in Brixton.
thanks. What a stream of inanity. Now I've seen that not sure I'll bother asking him to visit, though maybe we could teach him about our radical queer politics.
thanks. What a stream of inanity. Now I've seen that not sure I'll bother asking him to visit, though maybe we could teach him about our radical queer politics.
I did have to scroll through a lot of inanity to find a post to see if this was the Cllrs twitter. I think be good idea if the older generation could teach him about radical queer politics.
tbf he does have a slightly more community focussed twitter as mayor of Lambeth, it’s a bit less tacky but charity t-shirt collabs with celeb Sophie Ellis Bextor 🤔
For real

UFO spotted over Brixton

thanks. What a stream of inanity. Now I've seen that not sure I'll bother asking him to visit, though maybe we could teach him about our radical queer politics.
Gramsci you have to remember we are still on the traditional mayor here - fortunately.
This means that the Mayor's job is to chair the four full council meetings they have each year, plus any emergency full council meeting which might be called.
The Mayor is also the borough's official representative in the event of a state visit.
Please don't prosecute Getty Images - but Lambeth Council's (also copyright images) were not up to the showing what I want.

I guess if something as portentous happened to Philip Normal we would see what he was made of. Thankfully in July 1996 Cllr Anthony Bayes - seen with his Lambeth Mayoral gold chain - did actually live up to what was expected. I think being very tall helped - but I can tell you Tony Bayes seldom spoke as a councillor. Maybe he had an adrenaline rush to help him out in his hour of glory?
I think there has been some gentrification since then. What is the profile of the residents of Electric Quarter vs those of the Guinness Trust for example? Not to mention The Edge - lurking surreptitiously opposite the Barrier Block. And Brixton Square/Carney Place etc.

And of course the area near Brockwell Park - as it says - is more affluent. That is because the powers that be sliced it off from Tulse Hill Ward and moved it into Angell/Coldharbour Ward to balance up following the redistribution of the now abolished St Martins Ward - only ten years ago

Come on - any psephologists want to take me on?
Ahem. The last redistribution of wards was twenty years ago.
Ahem. The last redistribution of wards was twenty years ago.
Of course you are right. My apologies for my mistake.

I was thinking to tell the electoral redistribution people to consider bringing back the more historically authentic Angell name for the ward.

They might also consider whether the Morval, Mervan, Railton, Jelf, Rattray, Dalberg road bits really fit in with Angell?
Likewise the Thorlands Estate is hardly typical Herne Hill

I think the 2000 redistribution was essentially Blairite. It sought to disperse the social housing voters of Angell into a neighbouring ward - Herne Hill.
It also brought in - at the same time - the highly owner-occupied zone from Mervan Road to Morval/Barwell Roads.

In the old days when councillors who were expected to do case work it might be thought that a more homogeneous Angell Ward where councillors could lean on estate management to get repairs done etc might make sense.

However now councillors get ten grand for attending four meetings a year and by all accounts are invisible otherwise.
Added to which our largest Estate tenant management board is now reputedly so dodgy that you only get stuff done if you know the chair or their cohorts.

But I would like my Angell back....
Of course you are right. My apologies for my mistake.

I was thinking to tell the electoral redistribution people to consider bringing back the more historically authentic Angell name for the ward.

They might also consider whether the Morval, Mervan, Railton, Jelf, Rattray, Dalberg road bits really fit in with Angell?
Likewise the Thorlands Estate is hardly typical Herne Hill

I think the 2000 redistribution was essentially Blairite. It sought to disperse the social housing voters of Angell into a neighbouring ward - Herne Hill.
It also brought in - at the same time - the highly owner-occupied zone from Mervan Road to Morval/Barwell Roads.

In the old days when councillors who were expected to do case work it might be thought that a more homogeneous Angell Ward where councillors could lean on estate management to get repairs done etc might make sense.

However now councillors get ten grand for attending four meetings a year and by all accounts are invisible otherwise.
Added to which our largest Estate tenant management board is now reputedly so dodgy that you only get stuff done if you know the chair or their cohorts.

But I would like my Angell back....

Though at recent meeting Thorlands rep said they were happy staying in Herne Hill.

My personal gripe against the present boundaries for Coldharbour Ward is that it has become Labour party "rotten borough". Anyone could stand on Labour ticket and get voted in. My New Labour Cllrs get complacent due to this.
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