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AFAIK the tree as well as the lights on the street lamp columns is funded by Brixton Bid these days?

The cute Christmas animation on their website home page shows a family of urban foxes gazing at a Christmas Tree in the usual place next to Morley's.
Did the animation use up all the money for the real tree?

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I posted previously from my laptop but now trying to look at BID site from my (Android) phone.

Is it just me, or does the funky - and presumably not cheap - animation not work on the mobile version of the BID website?!?

We are living in 2023 FFS.

I first insisted on a spec for a website being "mobile device friendly" in 2014.
Can't see any mention so far, so FYI 2 new charity/second hand shops have opened -

  • Mind charity shop, next to Trade by McDonald's. They have a load of brand new Kate Spade items as part of a corporate donation, if that's your thing.
  • Trinity Hospice, by Holland & Barrets. Going for the same higher-end vibe as their Clapham Site.
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It’s literally how parliament votes work. Vote with the party whip. Unfortunately most people don’t pay attention most of the time so this is new information for them
I still find this party whip situation totally odd, why heck have a vote then. Just do as you want and stop pretending.
Anyone else been in the Black Farmer shop? So Nu Brixton.

Walked in this afternoon when nearby. It looks like a fancy grocer with a cafe attached. The man himself was there too. The grocery food (meat) did seem ££ but hard to know about the cafe as it wasn't operating yet. The coffee looked to be about the same price as any restaurant tho.

It was pretty empty but then it was 330 on a Saturday in winter so probably not representative of anything as yet.
Can't see any mention so far, so FYI 2 new charity/second hand shops have opened -

  • Mind charity shop, next to Trade by McDonald's. They have a load of brand new Kate Spade items as part of a corporate donation, if that's your thing.
  • Trinity Hospice, by Holland & Barrets. Going for the same higher-end vibe as their Clapham Site.
Brixton has long been strangely devoid of charity shops. I've always wondered why that is.
why would MP's do that.. have a support a position and not vote for it?

The vote put to the commons by SNP was for a ceasefire.

Starmer tried to enforce MPs to vote against.

A three line whip is the strongest. Any MP who rebels could face consequences.

56 MPs had the courage of their conscience and rebelled against Starmer

As it got nearer to the vote more and more MPs looked to rebel. Including some in Shadow Cabinet.

It looked like Helen Hayes would ( along with Florence Eshalomi ). Helen Hayes would have lost her Shadow Cabinet post.

The very last minute deal put to MPs like her was that they would be allowed to publicly call for a ceasefire as long as they did not vote for one.

Make of that what you will. I don't think much of it.

It was clear Starmer would not be able to enforce his authority. Other than sacking MPs in shadow cabinet.

So MPs who voted against would not for example get whip removed from them or other bullying drastic actions.

Helen Hayes sent two emails trying to justify her position. Said she had been inundated with emails about this. So was torn. Im sure she was.

Its a bit like Iraq vote. Massive public outcry supporting ceasefire and out elected representatives largely cant bring themselves to follow public.

From her emails its clear her constituents wanted a ceasefire.

Some MPs put the voters first. Starmer decided to be an "adult"

What can I say. I remember Iraq and how massive demos failed in sense that the political establishment was found wanting.

As the Israeli government/ IDF attack on Gaza has if anything worsened she has shown herself to have taken wrong decision.
Seems there is a lack of seasonal complaints about UCKG packing groceries at Iceland/Tesco.
The BBC did them over on Panorama this week. A mere 30 minutes - though there is quite good footage of demons being cast out in the Brixton HelpCentre from 15 minutes in
Given all I said it is heartening that 56 MPs rebelled. Shows at least democracy can work .

MP are not elected to blindly follow leadership. IMO
Totally agree.

This is the part of parliament/ politics I don't really understand. We are told or lead to believe you vote in an individual with there own opinion, but it's clearly not the case. I'm not really in touch with politics to any great depth and the more I find out the less I actually want to know as it just seems so far removed from what I was lead to believe it was.
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