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No that’s underground. Sounds like it’s a bit from Seven Sisters to the depot.

Still mighty chilly out there

I was looking for an air fryer few weeks ago. As trying to cut down on fat. Doctors orders. Found one in Morleys that was on cheap price. Argos did not have any available that were cheap.

Found Morley staff friendly and helpful.

The air fryer I got has been really good.

I notice Morley have big range on cosmetic counters. With a lot of staff. So if that is what one is looking for then it is up with West End stores.

The stairs had some good photos of Brixton. Recent and historical.

Morleys were also plugging online sales.

I kind of thought Morleys as long standing store that has stuck it out in Brixton through good times and bad deserves support..
I try and support Morleys as much as possible, though I'm not sure about kitchen and tableware on the second floor. For some reason I always associate that department with the basement in department stores. Don't know if it's me, but their ranges seem to have shrunk (I wanted a festive tablecloth and they didn't have any. And see my thread on tinsel!)
The latest somewhat Brixton focused account of London's proposed ring roads, starring Southwyck House:

That's a really good piece. I love the Barrier Block!


That's now two articles in two years in the Guardian about the block

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Not sure I agree with this. I regularly attended Sub South from about 1998 through to a few years before it closed. Wasn't Susie's night Sadie Maisie? I remember Fist being up at the Imperial Gardens in Camberwell where she moved to after falling out with Lambeth (though moving back to Vauxhall later on). Sub South was great - Boot Camp on Wednesdays, Dirty Dishes on Fridays, Queer Nation on Saturdays and an indie night (name escapes me) on Sundays. A great time was had by all!
The latest somewhat Brixton focused account of London's proposed ring roads, starring Southwyck House:

A couple of Lambeth Labour councillors from the 70s had erata:

Thank you for this *******. Of course, one would not expect Pravda to give pre Ted Knight Lambeth credit for anything.

It seems that that their search of the archive frailer to note the policy on the ‘Inner London Motorway Box’ This was based on a resolution opposing it outright proposed by me in 1972. We held a publicmeeting to gauge the level of support for our position’ It was packed out. Geoffrey ‘Manning for Planning’ took the Chair.The article suggests quite wrongly, that opposition was limited to ‘a small number of local and fragmented campaigns.’ David and I attended a Labour Party meeting where the GLC’s Jane Phillips unveiled their vision for 4 ringways plus the 25, that they envisaged would surround London. We were appalled.

I am in E******** just now but will circulate the 1972 resolution on my return,

For those of you who are not Guardianistas, there is an interesting piece in today's paper about the Motorway Box, and in particular the Barrier Block, with comments by the 92 year old Magda Borowiecka:

London’s lost mega-motorway: the eight-lane ring road that would have destroyed much of the city

The article says that the construction of the block was authorised by John Major as chair of the planning committee. Shouldn't that be housing committee
So apparently Lambeth Council and the local Labour Party (from 1972) were to some extent involved in the motorway debate - opposing.
PS to the above (from another former Lambeth Labour councillor):
"History moves on and the tower blocks proposed in the plan, have their successor in the site bewtween the railway lines in Brixton, previously occupied by quicksave/tesco"
£1,500 donated to local charities and campaigns with links to each donation page:

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