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They've always been a part of the gay scene and you can still buy them in Brixton Market, if so inclined.

....think i'll pass cheers, not my favourite recreational by a long way, all my encounters with it have ended badly, starting with a dubious chap who kept a 1 gallon glass bottle of it in his fridge...
They are no longer passed around the clubnights i go to anyway. They might be passed around at a festival as a bit of a joke, but generally other substances are favoured, such as laughing gas.

...was thinking nitrous mightve taken over not least cos it doesnt have that nasty smell, it was also quite whiffy in the fridge, the balcony where it was carpeted..
Somerleyton Road

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As I've been posting on the Coop Council thread about Somerleyton road in the Kerslake report perhaps this would not have happened if Lambeth Councils laughably called Homes for Lambeth had actually done their job and built the new homes the Council has been promising on this site. Then this site would not have been left empty.

The Kerslake report mentions Somerleyton road as one of the sites Ex Cllr Matthew Bennet and his New Labour creature HfL failed.

After all these years the over paid desk jockeys who the Council funded in HfL produced zero social housing on this site.

And the right wing Cllr moves to try to get to be an MP. Wanker

The main people to blame for what is happening now on Somerleyton road is Lambeth Council and the over paid desk jockeys in Homes for Lambeth. Which is a joke.

The sooner the Council winds up the rubbish Homes for Lambeth the better. As Lord Kerslake has told Lambeth. Someone who unlike senior Cllrs actually listened to residents.

Having been involved in the consultation on that site I give up on Lambeth Council actually doing anything.

Lambeth deserves better than how its One Party State runs housing.
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Seems Lambeth Licensing and Brixton Police felt a gay club was a safer option for the space - hence Substation's charmed existence - until Suzie Kruger got involved about 5 years later when it rapidly lost favour with the authorities.

Judging by the photos posted above Soho House keep the floors pretty clean - which might have been an advantage at Substation South. I often regretted not borrowing a church kneeler to facilitate operations on a Saturday night!
FIST was quite something, but despite Suzie K running it you could count the number of women in there on one hand.

Still I bet Lidl wouldn't have done so well with their horse and pony club theme that one time - they sold out of whips and tack.
you can’t leave that hanging. Whats the story?
AFAIK Ms Kruger's night - which was only once a month - used fliers for promotion. It was also a fetish night, where both men and women attended - but there was a strict dress code, so I can't tell you what went on inside. On the other hand the non-Kruger Saturdays were quite e-d up polymorphous disco events for the "normal" gay crowd.

Following S & M flyers with a chap with heavy musculature and skimpy leather shorts and nipple rings strapped to an electric chair, about to undergo torture found blowing in the wind along the Brixton Road bus stops, I imagine the council and the police found their interest awakened. Suzie's night got raided. twenty people or so were found to be in possession of Class A drugs (Cocaine I think).

End result was Substation South were called down the cop shop and told to tone it down or they would be closed down. And indeed they did tone it down - weekends were a pure snooze fest after that and the week nights went downhill. It was all a bit like when the police shut down the shebeens on Railton Road in the early 1980s and we lost Pearls.

If you are particularly interested in pushing the boundaries I will keep a look-out in case I can find the advert which appears to have sparked their demise.
Following S & M flyers with a chap with heavy musculature and skimpy leather shorts and nipple rings strapped to an electric chair, about to undergo torture found blowing in the wind along the Brixton Road bus stops, I imagine the council and the police found their interest awakened. Suzie's night got raided. twenty people or so were found to be in possession of Class A drugs (Cocaine I think).
I probably keep rather different hours to my younger years but queues of skimpily leather-clad refugees from Love Muscle at the Fridge queuing in an especially early opening McDonalds was always one of those classic Brixton moments. Likewise hearing groups from the Home Counties parking their Range Rovers in the back streets and exiting in full dress ready for a night at Torture Garden at Mass.

I'd forgotten the days of regular club raids by the Police.
Might have been covered already but I just got an email from Brixton Jamm about the new place opening in the old 414 next Friday (9th Dec)- 3 floors and a 24 hour licence. Bit of a cheesy name (The Ton of Brix)


We are delighted to announce the opening of our new nightclub and bar, situated on 414 Coldharbour Lane. A three floor music space with a generous 24 hour license. Funktion 1 sound, reasonably priced drinks, and two floors of DJ's.

It's been a wild journey getting this place open and in true fashion befitting of this project we're announcing 10 days from opening! Our first weekend will kick off on Friday the 9th of December. The first 50 tickets for each event are free on a first come first serve basis.

Full email is here - Guess it's about time we opened a new nightclub...
I wondered if it might finally be opening soon as i noticed all the hoardings had come away from the front recently. Sounds like they got the 24 hour license, although curiously only seem to be opening until 4am, with an extra hour on NYE. Seems a odd thing to boast about and not use, particularly when they probably had plenty of opposition to it being granted.
I wondered if it might finally be opening soon as i noticed all the hoardings had come away from the front recently. Sounds like they got the 24 hour license, although curiously only seem to be opening until 4am, with an extra hour on NYE. Seems a odd thing to boast about and not use, particularly when they probably had plenty of opposition to it being granted.
I think it might form an advert for any big names who fancy taking it over for a big after party.
Cue inevitable noise complaints from the expensive flats opposite.
As soon as they moved in they were moaning - I remember one extra self entitled woman walking over to complain about the 414's wonderful jazz nights on a Sunday, saying she'd just flown in from somewhere exotic and needed her vital sleep.

I'm guessing Jamm's budget will provide better soundproofing.
As soon as they moved in they were moaning - I remember one extra self entitled woman walking over to complain about the 414's wonderful jazz nights on a Sunday, saying she'd just flown in from somewhere exotic and needed her vital sleep.

I'm guessing Jamm's budget will provide better soundproofing.
People queuing up outside, laughing, having fun…there are many things to complain about.
People queuing up outside, laughing, having fun…there are many things to complain about.
There was no one outside, It was a quiet Sunday jazz night. But there again, they had moved on to Coldharbour Lane which is one of the busiest and noisiest streets in Brixton.
AFAIK Ms Kruger's night - which was only once a month - used fliers for promotion. It was also a fetish night, where both men and women attended - but there was a strict dress code, so I can't tell you what went on inside. On the other hand the non-Kruger Saturdays were quite e-d up polymorphous disco events for the "normal" gay crowd.

Following S & M flyers with a chap with heavy musculature and skimpy leather shorts and nipple rings strapped to an electric chair, about to undergo torture found blowing in the wind along the Brixton Road bus stops, I imagine the council and the police found their interest awakened. Suzie's night got raided. twenty people or so were found to be in possession of Class A drugs (Cocaine I think).

End result was Substation South were called down the cop shop and told to tone it down or they would be closed down. And indeed they did tone it down - weekends were a pure snooze fest after that and the week nights went downhill. It was all a bit like when the police shut down the shebeens on Railton Road in the early 1980s and we lost Pearls.

If you are particularly interested in pushing the boundaries I will keep a look-out in case I can find the advert which appears to have sparked their demise.
Not sure I agree with this. I regularly attended Sub South from about 1998 through to a few years before it closed. Wasn't Susie's night Sadie Maisie? I remember Fist being up at the Imperial Gardens in Camberwell where she moved to after falling out with Lambeth (though moving back to Vauxhall later on). Sub South was great - Boot Camp on Wednesdays, Dirty Dishes on Fridays, Queer Nation on Saturdays and an indie night (name escapes me) on Sundays. A great time was had by all!
Not sure I agree with this. I regularly attended Sub South from about 1998 through to a few years before it closed. Wasn't Susie's night Sadie Maisie? I remember Fist being up at the Imperial Gardens in Camberwell where she moved to after falling out with Lambeth (though moving back to Vauxhall later on). Sub South was great - Boot Camp on Wednesdays, Dirty Dishes on Fridays, Queer Nation on Saturdays and an indie night (name escapes me) on Sundays. A great time was had by all!
Sadie Maisies was at the L&G Centre in farringdon and definitely wasn't Suzies. It was mixed,very gentle and fun.

Suzie did Clit Club which latterly at the Elephant & Castle Pub in Vauxhall (now a coffee shop)

I recall Fist being in an anonymous arch in Vauxhall in 94/95ish, then Sub Station (perhaps only for a few months or a year maybe) , think it went to Camberwell after that?
Somerleyton Road

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I have worked somewhere in the past where travelers pitched up in one of the car parks. They were doing varying building works in the area and then leaving the remnants in the car park.

Where there are caravans, there are effectively homes. There will be children living there now so it isn't appropriate to go in heavy handed. It's just a case of waiting for them to fill the site up with so much waste that it isn't livable any longer and move on somewhere else.

The question is what Galliford and Lambeth will do to clear the site once they move on.
I have worked somewhere in the past where travelers pitched up in one of the car parks. They were doing varying building works in the area and then leaving the remnants in the car park.

Where there are caravans, there are effectively homes. There will be children living there now so it isn't appropriate to go in heavy handed. It's just a case of waiting for them to fill the site up with so much waste that it isn't livable any longer and move on somewhere else.

The question is what Galliford and Lambeth will do to clear the site once they move on.
And that's exactly what they've done. They're moving out now.

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