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There was a lot of research into nuisance arising from saturation and Clapham High Street was consequently brought under special measures under the guidance of Rachel Heywood (who I think was Community Safety lead). I could not understand at the time why they were dealing with problems caused by saturation in Clapham and then blithely encouraging it in Brixton - ironically in Rachel's own ward.

According to The Bugle the night time economy in Brixton has surged to 150% of its pre-covid levels (compared with 10% in Croydon and less than 100% across London). The NTE also accounts for over 40% of Brixton's entire economy which is the largest proportion in the country. For London as a whole the figure is in the 20s. In Croydon it is less that 20%. Great that existing businesses have recovered but it strikes me as unbalanced for a major hub such as this.
Wasn't research, just collation of complaints and stats around numbers of premises and associated hours. It happened in Clapham because the residents made more fuss about it.
I've certainly noticed that the bars and clubs are way busier in Brixton post-lockdown, but given the amount of new licensed premises/cocktail bars that keep appearing it's no surprise that it's beginning to look like Coldharbour Del Sol.
Had the misfortune of going to Lost in Brixton the other week. Absolutely hell on earth!! I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised - I have a habit of being overly optimistic about these things though.

I notice on page 167 it praises Lambeth for not cutting Town Centre Management. That it's really important.

I remember it. Whilst not being perfect it was a way the local residents , business and the market could meet to discuss Central Brixton issues with a Town Centre Manager.

This was cut. And has never been brought back.

The doc supports idea of BIDs. Including one for Brixton but did not see these as replacement for a Town Centre Manager.

Since the report Brixton Bid has been set up. The Council think that Brixton Bid takes place of the Town Centre Management. Which it does not.

Council get these reports then ignore them.
It looks horrible. That corrugated steel ceiling looks shit as well too.
aesthetics aside I’m concerned by the height of the ceiling, going by the coffee table and dinette/bar stools it must come in around 6’, I lived on boats with more headroom, i cant bring myself to call potential renters ‘idiots’ though, isnt that just victim shaming ?
aesthetics aside I’m concerned by the height of the ceiling, going by the coffee table and dinette/bar stools it must come in around 6’, I lived on boats with more headroom, i cant bring myself to call potential renters ‘idiots’ though, isnt that just victim shaming ?

I walk by those flats. The photo is deceptive. They were originally built as workspaces under the development of flats. Change of use and they became flats. The height is imo more generous than a lot of purpose built flats. I don't mind the aesthetics. Only problem with the flats is they are on the dark side of the development so get no sun. Also being on ground floor their is a lack of privacy. Which the owner could have dealt with using screens but didn't bother. Apart from that as flats they look ok. One side is all window.

My issue is the cost. Its out of reach of most people. These flats are really for one or two people.
I walk by those flats. The photo is deceptive. They were originally built as workspaces under the development of flats. Change of use and they became flats. The height is imo more generous than a lot of purpose built flats. I don't mind the aesthetics. Only problem with the flats is they are on the dark side of the development so get no sun. Also being on ground floor their is a lack of privacy. Which the owner could have dealt with using screens but didn't bother. Apart from that as flats they look ok. One side is all window.

My issue is the cost. Its out of reach of most people. These flats are really for one or two people.

thank you, tbh the perspective on that pic is very odd and reminds me of a mild salvia experience....
The ceiling height looks pretty mean to me too. You can estimate it from the kitchen worktop height. It doesn't look like much more than about 2.2m, and that's going to feel like a low ceiling especially in a largeish space like that.

Makes me wonder if they were originally designed to be double height office spaces with a partial mezzanine floor.
Re Lambeth "Recycling" & toxic dump at Vale Street - did people know that Lambeth introduced an appointment system during Covid - which remains in place. Apparently you now MUST have an appointment slot which can only be obtained if you have a Lambeth address and an email and printer or phone to produce your proof.

Good job I looked at Lambeth's website to check the exact location of said Vale Street facility - encouraged by Google Maps saying Vale Street is closed from noon - 1.05 pm.

I did ring 926 9000 for guidance on what could be brought to Vale Street, what could be put in the regular bins nowadays und so weiter. The person answering was impeccably polite but didn't seem to have much of a clue.

That's Southampton for you!

Its no good Lambeth street care starting off their telephone enquiry line to Environmental Services with "Do you want to report fly tipping?". If I wasn't full of Anglo-Catholic guilt I would take that as a suggestion!
At risk of the world's dullest thread derail:
This tells you what they take and various rule sets - as you intimate, a cynic may conclude that dumping it in the street is a whole lot less hassle

FYI - 9 times out of 10 they don't ask to see your bills, and they have always seemed quite relaxed if you miss your slot etc

Wandsworth smugglers way takes a much wider range of stuff (assuming you have a suitable ULEZ compliant transport option)

For Wandsworth an ANPR computer thing tells you to pull over if you have missed your booking, or didn't register the number plate etc, but a polite chat with the staff normally means they let you in. "it's a borrowed car", "I've lost my booking details " or similar
Oh dear. I saw her, but didn't see anyone with her. I don't think I've seen her in the square before. She looks well looked after. Perhaps her owner is in a bad way.
Yeah that’s the vibe I got, owner not able to cope so left dog tied up so at least it’s gonna be found in good nick rather than under a bus or starving..
At risk of the world's dullest thread derail:
This tells you what they take and various rule sets - as you intimate, a cynic may conclude that dumping it in the street is a whole lot less hassle

FYI - 9 times out of 10 they don't ask to see your bills, and they have always seemed quite relaxed if you miss your slot etc

Wandsworth smugglers way takes a much wider range of stuff (assuming you have a suitable ULEZ compliant transport option)

For Wandsworth an ANPR computer thing tells you to pull over if you have missed your booking, or didn't register the number plate etc, but a polite chat with the staff normally means they let you in. "it's a borrowed car", "I've lost my booking details " or similar
what are non car drivers supposed to do?
I still have a bag of light bulbs and a ton of old paint cans that I don't know what to do with as you are not allowed to put them in the bin.
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