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Brixton Wholefoods has hit their target in 3 days so there are obviously some people (me included) who like the idea of a shop that isn't owned by a conglomerate and isn't staffed by people who are forced to be automatons
I love Brixton wholefoods. I rarely shop there these days due to getting down that way and lack of cash for specialist goods but I would be very sad to see them close. I love what they stand for including the lack of 'customer service' although I've personally never found them rude.
Since we've had some slow news days can I remind posters of Curtis Sliwa, who brought the Guardian Angels tube militia to Brixton in 1988.
Seems he was trounced in yesterday's election for Mayor of New Yo

A bit like Mr Sliwa's mayoral camapign, the Guardian Angels on London tubes lasted about a week.
Maybe we are not macho enough?
Anyone watched the movie Last Christmas on Netflix with Emilia Clarke? About 3:30 mins in is Electric avenue well about 1 and half minutes worth, thought might be slighting interesting to someone as we head towards Christmas and if they are GOT fans.. I cannot offer any review of the movie as didn't watch it.
Anyone watched the movie Last Christmas on Netflix with Emilia Clarke? About 3:30 mins in is Electric avenue well about 1 and half minutes worth, thought might be slighting interesting to someone as we head towards Christmas and if they are GOT fans.. I cannot offer any review of the
Last Christmas at 22 Electric Avenue (house) - filming location
movie as didn't watch it.Last Christmas at Brixton street market - filming location
Yes, I noticed that too. Here are some pics. Pro Tip: it's a terrible, geographically incontinent, sub-Richard Curtis tedious mess.
Anybody heard anything about the "Bidders Day" at

Growing Brixton’s Rec Quarter – 49 Brixton Station Road and 6 Canterbury Crescent​

due 30th October I believe.
"The community" has been invited, though mo obvious signs of how or who in the council web pages.
They do have this Matthew Bennett special though https://lambethnow.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Growing-Brixtons-Rec-Quarter-MOI.pdf

Brixton Rec Users Group have decided not to go if rep chosen has to sign a confidentiality agreement to attend.

At this time to attend one has to sign confidentiality agreement.

Don't feel a community group should do this.
Brixton Rec Users Group have decided not to go if rep chosen has to sign a confidentiality agreement to attend.

At this time to attend one has to sign confidentiality agreement.

Don't feel a community group should do this.
Sounds like this is really an officers and developers meeting - and they are saying others can go, subject to confidentiality agreement so they are not accused of doing it secretly. Obviously any community attendees are likely to be observers, not active participants.
Sounds like this is really an officers and developers meeting - and they are saying others can go, subject to confidentiality agreement so they are not accused of doing it secretly. Obviously any community attendees are likely to be observers, not active participants.

Its this:

1. To provide an opportunity for the potential development partner to meet invited representatives from the local community (including businesses, residents, young people, third sector and voluntary groups etc) pre submission of final bids in order that the community can contribute ideas to the final proposals.

So can't question the scheme. But will be expected input ideas for developers.

Also says this:

Developer proposals will not be presented at this event due to the sensitive nature of the procurement process which is yet to be concluded. However, they will introduce who they are, their understanding of Brixton – its communities, economy and culture – and explain their aspirations for the project.

So kind of wonder why confidentiality agreement is needed.
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I got this from Stop the Tower/save Nour they are supporting campaign by section of One Lambeth who want referendum on returning Council to Committee system. Free to join Zoom meeting tomorrow.

I won't be able to attend but support this.


Currently, Lambeth Council runs under a strong leader system where we have a cabinet with the council leader as the head and 10 other councillors who are chosen by the council leader.

These 11 councillors have the power to make decisions that impact on the whole of the borough leaving your elected represent unable to represent their constituents leaving them voiceless.

Change needs to happen.

Please join our upcoming session to find out more information on our campaign.

Sign the petition www.tinyurl.com/LambethRef

For more information visit www.lambethref.co.uk
I got this from Stop the Tower/save Nour they are supporting campaign by section of One Lambeth who want referendum on returning Council to Committee system. Free to join Zoom meeting tomorrow.

I won't be able to attend but support this.


Currently, Lambeth Council runs under a strong leader system where we have a cabinet with the council leader as the head and 10 other councillors who are chosen by the council leader.

These 11 councillors have the power to make decisions that impact on the whole of the borough leaving your elected represent unable to represent their constituents leaving them voiceless.

Change needs to happen.

Please join our upcoming session to find out more information on our campaign.

Sign the petition www.tinyurl.com/LambethRef

For more information visit www.lambethref.co.uk
I support it too - but they appear to be swimming against the tide.
Bankrupt Croydon just voted for an elected Mayor on a 21% turnout.

One would have thought that with a bankruptcy hastened by the relatively unaccountable Leader and Cabinet government model (like Lambeth's) Croydon people would have been very circumspect about having a potentially dodgy Mayor for 4 years.

Even Steve Reed MP was amazed - but then hankered after a return of Val Shawcross.
I received this today I know its not Brixton exactly (its in kennington) but I thought there might be some supprters here


The Cinema Museum nears the end game in its fight for survival.

We intend to deliver our 'Save the Cinema Museum' petition to our landlords tomorrow, November the 5th, Bonfire Night!

This will trigger the launch of the big final fight - we intend on smashing previous targets and obtaining as many signatures as we possibly can in just under 24hrs. Can our goal be achieved? Of course it can, but we need just a little bit more of your amazing efforts!,

Please assist by giving one last monumental shove in the right direction, via adding your much sought-after signature to the petition and sharing the following link as widely as you can; https://tinyurl.com/y9jgubrv .

We're already past 60,500 signatures, who knows what the final numbers will be?

With love, thanks and best wishes from the trustees and all the volunteers at The Cinema Museum
I got this from Stop the Tower/save Nour they are supporting campaign by section of One Lambeth who want referendum on returning Council to Committee system. Free to join Zoom meeting tomorrow.

I won't be able to attend but support this.


Currently, Lambeth Council runs under a strong leader system where we have a cabinet with the council leader as the head and 10 other councillors who are chosen by the council leader.

These 11 councillors have the power to make decisions that impact on the whole of the borough leaving your elected represent unable to represent their constituents leaving them voiceless.

Change needs to happen.

Please join our upcoming session to find out more information on our campaign.

Sign the petition www.tinyurl.com/LambethRef

For more information visit www.lambethref.co.uk

See they’ve dropped the One Lambeth name. Obviously the pro car lobby group one was too toxic.

See they’ve dropped the One Lambeth name. Obviously the pro car lobby group one was too toxic.

I have chatted to several of the people involved in the petition. The experience they have had with the Council recently has been a sharp learning curve for them. The lack of representation that people have in Lambeth is partly due to the Cabinet system.

Save Nour/ Stop the Tower are backing this campaign.

So am I.

Years of dealing with the this New Labour Council and removing Cabinet system won't solve everything but it's a start.

Worst aspect of Cabinet system is that back bench Cllrs have to just do what they are told by the leadership. They can't listen to there constituents and argue on their behalf. This is common experience.

If they do what happened to Rachel Heywood might happen to them.
Sounds like this is really an officers and developers meeting - and they are saying others can go, subject to confidentiality agreement so they are not accused of doing it secretly. Obviously any community attendees are likely to be observers, not active participants.

There has been exchange of emails on the Council Meet the Bidders meeting tomorrow. ( the developers who want the Pop Brixton and International House sites.

Council still aren't backing down on participant signing confidentiality agreement.

So BRUG have confirmed they won't attend.

I've heard on grapevine several other people won't go.

So be interesting to see what attendence is.

Im personally relieved as won't have to give up my Saturday being wound up by Council.

It was pointed out to Regen that community groups should have been asked format of meeting like this. Not have it presented to them as fait accompli.

The payment for attending is also cited as reason not to go. Community groups aren't there to be bought as focus group attendee to facilitate Council Regen procurement process.
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