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I've just been to this. It was well attended and well organised, with moving and powerful speeches. The impression I got is that there are enormous numbers of black female rape victims who have never come forward becasuse they have even less confidence in the police than white women, and they are scared to defy some members of the black male community...the ones who would rather defend each other than protect women. There's also an outdated cultural perception, still held by a few, that there's nothing wrong with older black men having very young black women and girls as sexual partners. (Shades of R.Kelly perhaps?) There may well be a tidal wave of cases which could dwarf the #MeToo movement.

Security for Afua was very tight. She and her co-accusers are running huge risks to their lives. Vincent Atkins is widely believed to be a murderer. It's just an allegation - there's no proof. But he does have a son, Nolan, in prison for torture and attempted murder. The details are horrifying. Don't click unless you have the stomach for it BBC NEWS | England | Torturer jailed for life Nolan Atkins - attempted murder - 2002 - attempted murder unknown



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The BMX club is having a crowdfund if anyone is able to spare them a couple of quid or share on the socials.

"We are a volunteer led and community focused, BMX racing club in south London. Established in 1981 by our founder Ken Floyde, we have been bringing communities and people together around a shared passion for riding bikes for 40 years.

We were proud to see Kye Whyte win his Olympic medal in Tokyo this year. Kye’s BMX story started with us when he was 3 (yes he was a fast 3 year old!). Kye is a shining example of the great riders that have come into the sport at Brixton before climbing through the ranks to the top of the sport."

The BMX club is having a crowdfund if anyone is able to spare them a couple of quid or share on the socials.
"We are a volunteer led and community focused, BMX racing club in south London. Established in 1981 by our founder Ken Floyde, we have been bringing communities and people together around a shared passion for riding bikes for 40 years.

We were proud to see Kye Whyte win his Olympic medal in Tokyo this year. Kye’s BMX story started with us when he was 3 (yes he was a fast 3 year old!). Kye is a shining example of the great riders that have come into the sport at Brixton before climbing through the ranks to the top of the sport."

I'll get this on Buzz ASAP
Windrush Square Update: a member of a. local WhatsApp group did some rather thorough homework and found out that Lambeth does not record Windrush Square as Lambeth property on its own property database !

This explains why Lambeth is refusing to do any maintenance. Lambeth's immediate reaction was to kick the problem over to Bouyges, the outside maintenance contractor, which promptly denied responsibility as well.

Of course Lambeth does own Windrush Square.

I met Helen Hayes MP, on Friday, and she immediately understood the absurdity of this situation. Here is a message I just received:

Dear Mr Chambers,

Thank you for coming to my recent advice surgery. I was glad to have the opportunity to meet you and I do hope that it was helpful to talk through your concerns in detail.

I have written to Lambeth Council on your behalf. I have explained the situation and I have made it clear that you have been raising this issue through different routes for several years. I have said that there has been no progress and that in fact you have been told that the Council is not responsible for Windrush Square. I said that I share your concerns about the increased dangers caused by poor lighting and I have asked for a meeting to find out about Council plans to improve this situation.

I will of course let you know as soon as I receive a response.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,


Please complete if you have views on Windrush Square. As others have pointed out, the striplight illuminations on the risers of the steps out the Ritzy stopped working only a few weeks after the Square was commissioned.
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Please complete if you have views on Windrush Square. As others have pointed out, the stoplight illuminations fo the steps out the Ritzy stopped working only a few weeks after the Square was commissioned.
They won't like what I put - and I'm sure they won't care.
On a slight detour - the Blessed Piers Corbyn was on BBC Four last night in a documentary about hacking the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in 2009.
Piers didn't do it - but was very vocal that CO2 is a good thing, indeed absolutely necessary. BBC Four - Climategate: Science of a Scandal
Plans for a mural remembering the Brixton riots of 1981 have been axed after residents of the Hurst Street Estate petitioned against it due to it being too controversial. The mural, had it gone ahead, would have been the tallest of it's type in Britain. However, the residents of the estate weren't consulted about the artwork and after over 280 signatures were collected, Lambeth council cancelled the plans.
Plans for a mural remembering the Brixton riots of 1981 have been axed after residents of the Hurst Street Estate petitioned against it due to it being too controversial. The mural, had it gone ahead, would have been the tallest of it's type in Britain. However, the residents of the estate weren't consulted about the artwork and after over 280 signatures were collected, Lambeth council cancelled the plans.
It was proposed that this be painted on the residential tower itself. People I spoke with said that they didn't want their homes turned into a political billboard, whatever the cause. Seems like a huge ask, very insensitively handled to me.
It was proposed that this be painted on the residential tower itself. People I spoke with said that they didn't want their homes turned into a political billboard, whatever the cause. Seems like a huge ask, very insensitively handled to me.
It's interesting to see the Council (actually now just an inner cabal - the Cabinet) indulging in this type of Bellos/Knight era performative agitprop, while in reality being corporatist property developers.
It's interesting to see the Council (actually now just an inner cabal - the Cabinet) indulging in this type of Bellos/Knight era performative agitprop, while in reality being corporatist property developers.
Surely the problem is the council outsources such activism to "trusted groups" who occasionally turnout to be out of touch with Brixton at large?
It's interesting to see the Council (actually now just an inner cabal - the Cabinet) indulging in this type of Bellos/Knight era performative agitprop, while in reality being corporatist property developers.

During Corbyn period the Cllrs were on the back foot. Some insisting they were radical.

As the Cllrs never supported Corbyn. ( they went for Liz Kendell then Owen Smith) I'm also interested in how their polticsl ideology has updated.

They all supported Starmer for leader.

But I'm wondering how their support for revaluation of statues etc fits in with Starmer "patrioticism"
Plans for a mural remembering the Brixton riots of 1981 have been axed after residents of the Hurst Street Estate petitioned against it due to it being too controversial. The mural, had it gone ahead, would have been the tallest of it's type in Britain. However, the residents of the estate weren't consulted about the artwork and after over 280 signatures were collected, Lambeth council cancelled the plans.
It was nothing to do with the council was it? It’s 81 acts of exuberance who consulted residents of the block on whether they wanted it.

They said no, and then I imagine the logistical complications reinforced the fact it was never going to happen. It was never planned - it was a strange idea mooted and then dropped as far as I can see.

The petition was a whole bunch of right wing culture war loons not local to the area.

But I see you are just quoting this

Brixton riots mural shelved after locals complain it's too controversial
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It was nothing to do with the council was it? It’s 81 acts of exuberance who consulted residents of the block on whether they wanted it.

They said no, and then I imagine the logistical complications reinforced the fact it was never going to happen. It was never planned - it was a strange idea mooted and then dropped as far as I can see.

The petition was a whole bunch of right wing culture war loons not local to the area.

But I see you are just quoting this

Brixton riots mural shelved after locals complain it's too controversial
It's more shit spilling from the gob of Lee Jasper.
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