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I fell out with Blue Dental 5 years ago about their refusal to contemplate any proper NHS care even though they advertise as being NHS. I went to 35 Gresham Road - They were good before lock down. Struggled to get an appointment with them last year because of Covid, when I did they were sticky about doing anything NHS but I managed to negotiate most of my treatment at NHS terms. Haven't needed them for emergencies - I think KCH have an emergency clinic not sure if this is still current "if you think you have an urgent dental problem that we treat, call us from 8am on: 020 3299 5608"
I phoned Blue Dental this morning in desperation. Wouldn't see me.
So I called one in Wallington while visiting family.
No NHS appointments. But I was in so much pain, I opted for a private appointment.
I thought the pain was coming from a broken tooth. But apparently not. I have a severe gum infection. So antibiotics and painkillers it is.
Was quite happy really. As a private appointment. With x-ray and antibiotics only set me back £43.
The dentist did say the infection is so bad it'll take 24/48hrs for the antibiotics to kick in. But, I'm happy I went.
The council has leafletted residents about the Windrush Sq anti-terror bollards:

I'm not sure which puzzles me most - the fact that surveys under the square were not readily available from the big redevelopment of ten years ago, or the fact that a project that entailed digging huge trenches along the footway got as far as contractors finding pipes before utilities impacts were considered.
The council has leafletted residents about the Windrush Sq anti-terror bollards:


What I object to is that this is termed community safety yet the community have not had a say. The people that were consulted were the police.

Considering recent events I would have thought dealing with community safety shouldn't really be done relying what the police say.
I phoned Blue Dental this morning in desperation. Wouldn't see me.
So I called one in Wallington while visiting family.
No NHS appointments. But I was in so much pain, I opted for a private appointment.
I thought the pain was coming from a broken tooth. But apparently not. I have a severe gum infection. So antibiotics and painkillers it is.
Was quite happy really. As a private appointment. With x-ray and antibiotics only set me back £43.
The dentist did say the infection is so bad it'll take 24/48hrs for the antibiotics to kick in. But, I'm happy I went.
I only used Blue Dental once years and years ago.

I walked in without toothache and walked out with toothache.

Never went back...
Thanks. I must get that book you mentioned and read more about the French neo-colonies in general.
Don't want to drone on here - but I'm researching Thomas Sankara with an email friend - just thought I would post up in case you are anyone else intereted.
Sankra made speeches at the UN - but I haven't worked out how to donwload these from the UN archive.
This link has an English translation of a speech made on 4th October 1984 at the UN General Assembly.
It is from the "Marxist Internet Archive" so I don't know if it is unadulterated. Thomas Sankara Speech before the General Assembly of the United Nations
The speech starts with a quote from José Marti - a Cuban revolutionary who died in 1895, which taken with the later references to Grenada, Antigua, and Barbuda suggests to me Sankara had suggestions on what to say from Cuba.

There is some juicy sloganising in there:
"In 1823, Monroe said "America for the Americans". We would say "Africa for the Africans; Burkina Faso for the Burkinabe". The French revolution of 1789, which disrupted the foundations of absolutism, has taught us the rights of man linked to the rights of peoples to freedom. The great revolution of October 1917 transformed the world and made possible the victory of the proletariat, shook the foundations of capitalism and made possible the dreams of justice of the French Commune."

"Only yesterday, Jews were consigned to the horrors of the crematorium, but Israel scorns history by inflicting on others the tortures it suffered."

"Just as we condemned the foreign aggression against the island of Grenada, so we condemn all foreign intervention. Thus, we cannot remain silent about the foreign military intervention in Afghanistan."

"So far, we have turned the other cheek. The slaps in the face have been redoubled and the evil-doers have felt no tenderness in their hearts. They have trampled on the truth of the just. They have betrayed the word of Christ. They have turned His cross into a club, and after putting on His robe they have tom our bodies and souls to shreds. They have obscured His message, making it a Western one, whereas we saw it as a message of universal liberation. Now our eyes have been opened to the class struggle and there will be no more blows dealt against us."

Of course most UK Prime Misters have had speech writers. I guess Thomas Sankara might have - unless he thought himelf a Boris-like genius with words. Anyone know the answer to this?
Don't want to drone on here - but I'm researching Thomas Sankara with an email friend - just thought I would post up in case you are anyone else intereted.
Sankra made speeches at the UN - but I haven't worked out how to donwload these from the UN archive.
This link has an English translation of a speech made on 4th October 1984 at the UN General Assembly.
It is from the "Marxist Internet Archive" so I don't know if it is unadulterated. Thomas Sankara Speech before the General Assembly of the United Nations
The speech starts with a quote from José Marti - a Cuban revolutionary who died in 1895, which taken with the later references to Grenada, Antigua, and Barbuda suggests to me Sankara had suggestions on what to say from Cuba.

There is some juicy sloganising in there:
"In 1823, Monroe said "America for the Americans". We would say "Africa for the Africans; Burkina Faso for the Burkinabe". The French revolution of 1789, which disrupted the foundations of absolutism, has taught us the rights of man linked to the rights of peoples to freedom. The great revolution of October 1917 transformed the world and made possible the victory of the proletariat, shook the foundations of capitalism and made possible the dreams of justice of the French Commune."

"Only yesterday, Jews were consigned to the horrors of the crematorium, but Israel scorns history by inflicting on others the tortures it suffered."

"Just as we condemned the foreign aggression against the island of Grenada, so we condemn all foreign intervention. Thus, we cannot remain silent about the foreign military intervention in Afghanistan."

"So far, we have turned the other cheek. The slaps in the face have been redoubled and the evil-doers have felt no tenderness in their hearts. They have trampled on the truth of the just. They have betrayed the word of Christ. They have turned His cross into a club, and after putting on His robe they have tom our bodies and souls to shreds. They have obscured His message, making it a Western one, whereas we saw it as a message of universal liberation. Now our eyes have been opened to the class struggle and there will be no more blows dealt against us."

Of course most UK Prime Misters have had speech writers. I guess Thomas Sankara might have - unless he thought himelf a Boris-like genius with words. Anyone know the answer to this?
perhaps take the request to international political threads?
Personally I would have thought that one of the problems was the economic control exercised by France, and in particular the French Central Bank, which still controls the West African Franc (CFA) used in Burkina Faso, Mali, Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal even now.

People at the library meeting mentioned the problem that Thomas Sankara was more interested in the peasants than the workers - which seems an "error" for a Marrxist revolutionary.

I quote a couple of paragraphs from this Sankara’s elusive socialism - ROAPE which offer a possible socialist explanation for the downfall of Sankara:

Although the working class was present in Upper Volta in the early 1980s, sometimes in a dramatic way, it lacked its own consistent organisation and strategy. The national bourgeoisie remained feeble, impotent in the face of crisis and congenitally incapable of resolving Burkina Faso’s dependency and underdevelopment. It was as a result of this real impasse and blockage that Sankara and the CNR were able to emerge. By 1987, the isolation of the ruling military group around Sankara was almost total – trade unions and civil society were increasingly moving against them. Sankara, true to form, refused the option of breaking the regime’s isolation (and principles) by incorporating a wider circle of openly establishment parties. But the crisis and isolation were real.

Sankara’s comrade Compaoré had no such compunction and did not want to see his power overthrown along with Sankara. Knowing that he would fail to persuade his comrade through discussion, Compaoré turned to the violent and bloody murder of Sankara and his loyalists on 15 October 1987. This murder marked the end of the incredibly brave, though mislabelled, Burkinabé socialist revolution.
Just putting this in for completeness - like many my main newstream at that time was dominated by the (NUM) miner's strike!

I listened to short news article on him. Part of his enduring legacy was that he was incorruptible. Unlike the present crop of African leaders.

He tried to forge an independent progressive path for his country. As article says he tried difficult balancing act of progressive reforms with dealing with the international capitalist economy.

He reminds me of CLR James The Black Jacobins. Whose book was partly a call for radical elements in Africa to take power.

(a) The unfortunately chaotic means by which the serious allegations against Vincent Atkins of sexual assaultss have been made public; and

(b) the lack of media interest in these serious allegations, which is likely to be a direct consequence of the ethnicity of the young women and girls alleged to be the victims of those sexual assaults,

it is difficult to give definitive answers to your queries. Speculatively, two possibilities might include:

(1) A medical appointment to address the rumoured cardiac issues to which you allude; or

(2) a trip to Brixtonbuzz Towers to provide ”Brixton’s biggest and most comprehensive news , features and listings site” with an exclusive interview addressing the allegations (or to arrange an appointment for the same purpose), so as to supplement previous coverage of his local activities.

No doubt others will provide you with their own theories.

Hopefully, the rally in Windrush Square later today will shed further light on these matters.

(a) The unfortunately chaotic means by which the serious allegations against Vincent Atkins of sexual assaultss have been made public; and

(b) the lack of media interest in these serious allegations, which is likely to be a direct consequence of the ethnicity of the young women and girls alleged to be the victims of those sexual assaults,
No, this is utter bollocks. There's been a lack of media interest precisely because of the chaotic way that the accusations can be made. No newspaper - or indeed local blog - is going to publish a story based on what are essentially unfounded allegations posted on YouTube because that would put the onus on them to prove that the allegations are true.

And if they can't - which frankly seems unlikely without a full police investigation - then they'd be sued for defamation and most likely get closed down in the process.

But instead of whining and criticising and doing nothing as you always do, why don't you get off your arse and research this story, and when you've established some rock solid facts, post them on your own blog? I'd be only happy to help you set it up.

(2) a trip to Brixtonbuzz Towers to provide ”Brixton’s biggest and most comprehensive news , features and listings site” with an exclusive interview addressing the allegations (or to arrange an appointment for the same purpose), so as to supplement previous coverage of his local activities.

No doubt others will provide you with their own theories.
What's your 'theories' on this matter?
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That area is fucking horrible at the moment. Had to stop taking my son to the swings and slide there. Lots of smoking heroin, from one conversation I've had. Also on the doorsteps of the surrounding houses. I don't remember it being so prevalent and blatant since the early noughties. Thankfully less (hardly any) syringes.
It’s a zombie scene in that little area now. Lots of heroin being smoked. Some crack. Lots of poor addicts robbing each other and unfortunates who wander through.
Details below:


This might have got some coverage on Buzz had you posted it here a few days in advance. Instead you only got around to posting it over an hour after the event had started, but no doubt you'll blame Buzz for that too.

Are you there? Be sure to post up some pics to help promote the cause.
This might have got some coverage on Buzz had you posted it here a few days in advance. Instead you only got around to posting it over an hour after the event had started, but no doubt you'll blame Buzz for that too.

Are you there? Be sure to post up some pics to help promote the cause.

i didnt see any pre publicity either but I went out earlier and saw flyers on car windscreens so it’s possible Garvey Lives had a similar experience....
There's a deluge of accusations. If you google Vincent Rat Atkins there are many videos to go through, some about other black men in London accused of rape. This is not going to go away. I hope the victims get what they want.
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