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Brixton news, rumours and general chat - September 2017

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A random question from reddit? If that's all that the country's leading fomenter of pointless arguments can come up with, I think the case for Validate UK is proven.
A random question from reddit? If that's all that the country's leading fomenter of pointless arguments can come up with, I think the case for Validate UK is proven.
Massive deja vu here, have you been advertising this service on these boards before perchance?
I dont take it too personally if im asked for I.D by a bouncer sub contracted to work the night on the door of a venue because the owners have been told they have to by the police and the council. Im sure the owners would rather not turn away valid punters because of the stupid rule either. Its no bother to me to carry around a shitty little drivers license in my wallet, even if i dont drive, and at times can just be downright hilarious to be asked for it at the ripe old age of 31.

Its the kids i feel sorry for. I remember strolling into seminal nightclubs such as Camden Palace and Turnmills at the age of 16, without even being blinked at. Those nightclubs made me who i am today, kids these days would hardly stand a chance!
Or, even better, the jolly champers-fuelled hot tub accidentally driving under a well-laden and particularly juicy oozing sewage outfall pipe.

Regents canal has changed a lot. I was up at "Granary Square" last Friday. The new development north of Kings Cross. That part of canal has had the full on gentrification treatment. I can see this "hot tub" idea doing alright up there. It was packed with people up there. All looking like the ones in the hot tub photos London has changed. And not for the better imo.

When I was up at Granary Square saw adverts for " canal living" . New expensive flats for the rich.

This "entrepreneurial" concept of hot tubs floating in the gentrified canal is good business concept to cater for needs of the rich scum now taking over central London. It's worth a prize.
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A random question from reddit? If that's all that the country's leading fomenter of pointless arguments can come up with, I think the case for Validate UK is proven.
Seems it's not universally welcomed because of fraud concerns so that would be £15 down the drain for some.
There is no way licensed venues will accept such a form of I.D., particularly as genuine I.D. cards produced by the PASS Scheme and Validate UK (both legitimate companies producing hard copy I.D. cards) are having great difficulty getting their genuine items to be accepted at venues across the country.

Beware! Scam - UK ID Scheme Photo ID - An Online Age Verification ID
Regents canal has changed a lot. I was up at "Granary Square" last Friday. The new development north of Kings Cross. That part of canal has had the full on gentrification treatment. I can see this "hot tub" idea doing alright up there. It was packed with people up there. All looking like the ones in the hot tub. London has changed. And not for the better imo.
Let's hire a boat that makes a tidal wave as it passes them :D
Not sure when that was, but they were advertising Photo ID as necessary for some time.

I'm sure that's right, sometimes you can haggle a bit though - at the end of the day the management doesn't want the door staff to turn away too many paying customers
I'm sure that's right, sometimes you can haggle a bit though - at the end of the day the management doesn't want the door staff to turn away too many paying customers
The Prince of Wales is very strict these days - even for the downstairs pub part on Thursday nights. It sucks. :(

I'm pretty sure haggling won't work with any of the photo ID scanning joints anymore.
I must say I'm not particularly concerned about the venue storing an image of my ID- certainly not from the angle that they might do something untoward with it. However, I wonder how safe their computers really are from hackers, who of course would have far less noble intentions if they obtained people's ID details. When we had a work do in a posh terrace bar in central London, the venue said they store it for three months. That's a rather long period of time.

Oh how I loved playing with these fabulously rubbish sound effects in the Grosvenor's DJ booth. They should be made compulsory on all DJ decks, IMO.
I must say I'm not particularly concerned about the venue storing an image of my ID- certainly not from the angle that they might do something untoward with it. However, I wonder how safe their computers really are from hackers, who of course would have far less noble intentions if they obtained people's ID details. When we had a work do in a posh terrace bar in central London, the venue said they store it for three months. That's a rather long period of time.

Three months is standard. Some buildings I go into in central London store my photo and details for longer. They aren't supposed to I think but don't wipe them. I know as I go back a lot later and it's still on computer. Data protection imo is pretty lax.

The reason they keep them for three months is in case police want to have a look. And data protection is supposed to mean they can't keep them for longer. This storage of your personal data isn't just about proving age.

It's also intelligence resource for police.

Its getting all to common to have recorded on computer where you go and when. I think it's intrusive and largely unnecessary.
Three months is standard. Some buildings I go into in central London store my photo and details for longer. They aren't supposed to I think but don't wipe them. I know as I go back a lot later and it's still on computer. Data protection imo is pretty lax.

The reason they keep them for three months is in case police want to have a look. And data protection is supposed to mean they can't keep them for longer. This storage of your personal data isn't just about proving age.

It's also intelligence resource for police.

Its getting all to common to have recorded on computer where you go and when. I think it's intrusive and largely unnecessary.
It's possible to go out for a night around town and end up with your details on 2, 3 or maybe more private databases. Venues should be compelled to list the scanning software used and details of exactly runs then, and what data is shared and with whom.
Not Brixton - but relevant to constant complaints on here about ID requirements.

BBC have now introduced ID requirement for attending recording of their shows:

**Please note that photographic ID is now required for entry to ALL recordings. Visit our FAQs to see what is accepted.**

Valid forms of ID are:

Driving licence
Biometric Residents permit
Citizen card
Validate UK ID card
HM Forces ID card
Student card
Police warrant card

It seems if you want to attend a recording of "Just a Minute" or something like that you now need a driving license or a passport.

Photo Oyster card/Disability passes etc not accepted it looks like.

I would be delighted if someone challenged this in court - its getting like a Police State, even to attend free events laid on by the BBC!
That reminds me: I was working on a list of Brixton venues demanding full photo ID/scanning. It's fucking depressing. Off the top of my head, the Phonox, Dogstar, Prince of Wales, Electric, 414 are all insisting on full photo ID with scanning, and places like Jamm, Albert and almost every other venue asking for ID before entry (sometimes only on weekends).
well it puts me off even trying to go out in Brixton these days. I refuse to take out my valuable passport and even if did I would refuse to have it scanned and stored by god knows who, of whom I have no guarentee of their fitness to hold such info or keep it securely and confidentially.

Our parliament voted against the introduction of ID cards yet here we have a local council and police demanding it. It should be illegal.
The legend that is Lil Louis plays 6hrs at Phonox on Sunday which you aren't gonna see in brixton again anytime soon - whether I can trust myself to go and behave well enough to be in a fit state for work on Monday is another question entirely, however
Ah shucks how did I miss this? Am away too - damnation
Not Brixton - but relevant to constant complaints on here about ID requirements.

BBC have now introduced ID requirement for attending recording of their shows:

**Please note that photographic ID is now required for entry to ALL recordings. Visit our FAQs to see what is accepted.**

Valid forms of ID are:

Driving licence
Biometric Residents permit
Citizen card
Validate UK ID card
HM Forces ID card
Student card
Police warrant card

It seems if you want to attend a recording of "Just a Minute" or something like that you now need a driving license or a passport.

Photo Oyster card/Disability passes etc not accepted it looks like.

I would be delighted if someone challenged this in court - its getting like a Police State, even to attend free events laid on by the BBC!

This is one of the problems. Owners of buildings can set there own rules on who can enter a building.

Ive had this problem recently. Went to office block in City. Company booked me in. Arrived and security wouldn't let me in. I showed company ID. Security had my name as the company in building had booked me in. Security said company ID not good enough.

Security at another building told me police come around and give "advice" . Ie tell them to insist on passports as ID.

It's. back door way to gradually make ID cards necessary to just go about ones everyday business.

As someone I worked with said they didn't go this far when IRA were bombing London. Also if ur suicide bomber you wouldn't care if someone had your ID.

Its all gradual move to make ID compulsory. I agree with friendofdorothy the ID scheme was dropped due to public opposition. And some politicians.
This is one of the problems. Owners of buildings can set there own rules on who can enter a building.

Ive had this problem recently. Went to office block in City. Company booked me in. Arrived and security wouldn't let me in. I showed company ID. Security had my name as the company in building had booked me in. Security said company ID not good enough.

Security at another building told me police come around and give "advice" . Ie tell them to insist on passports as ID.

It's. back door way to gradually make ID cards necessary to just go about ones everyday business.

As someone I worked with said they didn't go this far when IRA were bombing London. Also if ur suicide bomber you wouldn't care if someone had your ID.

Its all gradual move to make ID compulsory. I agree with friendofdorothy the ID scheme was dropped due to public opposition. And some politicians.
In the case of the BBC, believe it or not the bookings of audiences for TV and radio shows is done by C(R)APITA.

This season entry to the Proms has become very tedious - queueing even for season ticket holders and all bags searched.
Season tickets have photos on them - but as far as I know no other ticket holders are required to provide photo ID.
No doubt that pleasure will come in due course!
This is one of the problems. Owners of buildings can set there own rules on who can enter a building.

Isn't that one of the benefits of owning the building? Why wouldn't the company you visited get to decide who does and does not enter their building?
You're still stuck with that troubling, "what do they do with my personal data" conundrum with ID cards though.

Find the name of the company who's service they are using and read their privacy statement.

They have a legal duty to fairly process your data, including only using it for the purpose they've obtained it for.

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