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Brixton news, rumour and general chat - May 2014

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Sorry folks won't make the Effra Social (thursday not a good day for me).
Everybody have fun.
Am I right in thinking that it's the old Conservative club?
Been to a child's funeral today, feeling a bit rubbish. Will try to have a little sleep and see how I feel later.

Hope its a good one!
Just got in from work, trying to decide if I can be arsed to move from sofa.

Edit: Fuckit, on the way. though you'll probably all be gone by the time I get there.
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hang on.. is this only an early thing.. I can't get there till much later - will there be anyone left?
I am on my way now. Nags and colacubes are coming later. As is ms T. Text me when you're on your way, but sure I'll still be there, drinking alone if neccessary. Not going to waste a pass out ;)
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