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*Brixton Movement for Justice March

Well, I'm not too bothered myself. It's not like the Old Bill are going to come round your work and drag you away somewhere, never to be heard of again. This isn't Turkey.

If Mr Paddick wants to debate issues with people here, that's fair enough. Unfortunately, I can't say anything about Brixton cos I don't live there.

TopCat has made a good point tho, and that is, wherever possible, police should live in the communities they work in. If you are only getting recruits from places like Gravesend and then putting them to work somewhere like Brixton, they are going to have a *lot* to learn. The best way they can get to understand what people in an area are really like is to live there.
it would also encourage better behaviour from the police if they l9ived in the communities they policed...When I was a 10 year old the cops once stopped us thinking we were theiving which was crap and we told them so..their response? to stamp on my instep to the extent I could not get a shoe on for two days.. :mad:

if the cop lived on my estate he would never of done such an act as I would of made the git's life a misery..Further I would probably been better behaved if I knew the local cop and respected him... :)
"If you are only getting recruits from places like Gravesend and then putting them to work somewhere like Brixton, they are going to have a *lot* to learn."

Apparantly, unlike the Met which recruits on a rolling basis, a lot of the regional police forces only recruit a small number of people every couple of years. When a yorkie or taff punter turns up at their local recruitment office (or whatever), they get told to sign up in London, serve a couple of years and then transfer back to the village. Hence the number of disinterested "foreigners" in the London police force that can't seem to deal with anyone that's not white and English.
Briefly - to the Commander. If it is you Mr Paddick, as a Brixton resident who's followed your work and attitudes I applaud you. I also like what appear to be sincere, reasonable posts on here. I think that it could be a good idea for you to stick around for awhile.

However, in view of the fact that there have been afew malicious people posting up crap lately under multiple idents I remain deeply suspicious of your true identity.
Mmmm...Well I find that so far Mr Paddick has broken some interesting ground in his career..I think it is good that there is a decent role model for gay cops to find strength through and further his policy on cannabis was risky for him but enlightned which is also good.

I do object to the calm reasonable tone to his posts howevere and also the disgusting way he is prepared to take concepts on board that would usually get you a kicking from some of his subordinates...How am I expected to maintain a virulent malicious attitude towards the police if he continues?

next we will be haveing a U75 benefit do to raise cash for the metropolitan police orphans fund...

This is the question which i am interested in your answer to! Sorry about the confusion, it was 3 posts ago!

If you are now into the business of stopping crime before it happens, I guess we can look forward to a copper on every street corner in Brixton, can we. Including all the spots where people are regularly attacked! And where houses are regularly burgled. And where crack is openly sold on the streets!

Or is just demonstrators that really concern you at the moment. Are you out to stop crime or just to crush dissent?
I think that those people at officer.com sometimes visit our boards. They knew that Fat Mike was from here when he posted on there a few months back. Some of the views on officer.com are a bit extremist.
I don't **think** The Commander seems to be in that mould at all Derek, most of them at that site are out and out barking and he appears to come across as reasonable.
Ooh i have not tried Officer.com..i'm off for a mooch about their site...
Quick question ..

Is "The Commander" Brian Paddick or not ??

Can someone please confirm...I see "The Commander" has posted Brian's email address openly on another thread in the Brixton bit. But anyone could do that, and I wouldnt have thought that it would be a done thing from someone in such a position of authority. surely if he wanted to be contacted it would be by way of PM with legitimate reason for contact being explained not this way round ??

sceptical sonic


I confess! It is me. You win the prize for being the first person to

Thanks for taking up the challenge.

Brian Paddick
aka 'The Commander'
he is who he says he is! Ooh er...
As our head honcho does not want to play anymore I have no choice. If you believe that only the real Commander has access to the e-mail Brian.Paddick@met.police.uk, you can find out if it is me by e-mailing.

For those sad people who think this is a trap to find out who your are, it adds an element of risk for you thrill seekers out there!

I am moving on Friday and I really thought I was moving into Lambeth - turns out I am 100 yards over the border. Near enough to take a personal interest in my work though, would you not agree? It would be good if more cops lived locally but we have sold off almost all our police property in the area.

freethepeeps we tried putting a cop on every street corner in 1981 - Brixtonians did not like that. I am adopting a new policy (you heard it here first) to put more visible cops into the worst crime areas in Lambeth. I have no interest in crushing dissent - I would have to beat myself up regularly if that was the game I was in! Protest to your hearts content wherever and whenever you want but '...harm none.' It's a difficult judgement...blah, blah as before...!
we tried putting a cop on every street corner in 1981 - Brixtonians did not like that
Err it was a bit more erm assertive than that was it not? i remember Swamp in all it's glory, please do not go down this route again, if woolworths gets smashed up again as a result where oh where am I to buy my pick n mix?

I tried emailing you, and it came back as undeliverable - possibly cos I use hotmail.

Maybe you could email me on freethepeep@hotmail.com as I would like to know that you are genuine!

TopCat says you're for real, so I'll accept that.

freethepeeps we tried putting a cop on every street corner in 1981 - Brixtonians did not like that. I am adopting a new policy (you heard it here first) to put more visible cops into the worst crime areas in Lambeth. I have no interest in crushing dissent - I would have to beat myself up regularly if that was the game I was in! Protest to your hearts content wherever and whenever you want but '...harm none.' It's a difficult judgement...blah, blah as before...!

Blah, Blah, Blah just doesn't do it for me!

The question is about what the police really stand for!

How is it that they feel vindicated in "preventing crime" at protests, but appear to have no interest in preventing the crime that hurts people all the time?

It is becoming common practice to incarcerate protestors (and unfortunate passers by) in kettles - and yet I cannot imagine a street being cordoned off and everyone being held against their will because a mugging has taken place or
might take place.

You say that the "people" didn't like it when Brixton was swamped in 1981 - however, is it not true that there are many who don't like the way that demonstrations are swamped in 2002!

This is an attack on the right to protest, and if that right is diminished, then the "democracy" that we are told we have, and that we killed Afghani babies for, is totally discredited!

Are you happy to be part of a system that attacks protest, that robs protestors of their human rights because some officer thinks a crime might be committed?

I don't think much will be achieved here in discussion with The Commander if everyone tys to make him own all the behaviour and policys of the police in general. He is hardly in a position to defend all their "practices" over the years and is obviously trying to change some aspects of how they work..

Oh and look NVP, I haven't called him a git once! ;)
If that was directed at me TopCat, I am confused! The "Commander" posted on this thread, and as far as I can work it out, the last post is part of a discussion that we had already started, and I am not asking him to own anything, I am asking him what he, as a human being thinks.

I am also genuinely interested in his view on the "right" to protest, and how the police handle that "right".

But, as he has come on these boards, and outed himself as a policemen, it would be no surprise if people raised their "police" related matters with him, would it?

Perhaps a quick phone call to Brian Paddick's office would sort this out...

By the way, freethepeeps, I think you've spelt your email address wrong there?

[ 16 January 2002: Message edited by: RubyToogood ]
No it was not really directed at you, it was a folorn hope that we might get a good bit of mileage out of discussing issues...i reckon we could easily scare off The Commander if we berate him too much.Then again he must be mad of stern stuff so maybe not. I am not used to any sort of consultation with the police so it's all a bit unusual.. No offence eh? :)
Sorry freethepeeps, no disrespect what I meant by blah, blah was what I previously posted:

'These things are a very difficult call. It is about balancing rights. It is about balancing the rights of people who want to protest against the rights of others not to have their properties broken into and their belongings stolen. We can debate forever whether the police were justified or not. The last march in the summer was convened by the same people, involved many of the same people and followed the same route. The organisers refused to tell the Brixton Superintendent what route they planned to take as required by the law. Deja vue or reasonable cause to think their might be trouble again? Shop owners and many others in the community said the police should have known their was going to be trouble and the police should have prevented the looting. I think what the police did was within the law and reasonable. Others will disagree.'

No disrespect to any of you guys but I have the police in Lambeth to run and I am moving home this weekend so I am not around for a while. I am not deserting you, promise and please say what you think - that's what it's all about isn't it. Just make usre there is some fact and logic mixed up with the emotion. Good talking to you.

Personally, if someone's gone far enough to fake that email address and TC says it's kosher, I'm prepared to be taken in by it and accept the geezer as genuine. (I've got to say, I'm fucking gobsmacked).

Perhaps we could have a new - possibly moderated - thread for a fresh discussion?
Let's hope it's genuine, I know how easy it is to fake 'em. Any news yet Mike ?
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