Lets suppose that you really are a copper, and taking into account that your writing style is a little less jarring than Colin the coppers, and that your attitude to the local populace appears a little less harsh than his, why would you want to be on these boards? You accept that your presence might be unwelcome! And maybe you understand the reasons for that! And yet you still post, so what is it about?
Is this some kind of exercise in "public consultation" ? Are you claiming the time for this as work? Are you responding as a copper or a human being? How do you view this board?Are we some kind of guinea-pigs for you?
Perhaps if you answered some of these questions, it would help us to evaluate whether we want to engage with you or not!
We really thought that the MFJ march was going to be hijacked like the last one and end up with loads of shops trashed. We did not attack anyone - we just kept them from going back to the town centre because we did not want any trouble.
We thought he might have a gun, so we shot him!
We thought he was ugly, so we kicked him and beat him up!
We thought he was a waste of space, so we smashed his head against the cell wall!
Its all so handy for coppers at the moment isnt it. They just have to "think" something might happen, and that allows them to pen people in and to deprive them of their rights and liberty for as long as they "think" it is necessary! Well, there was nothing expected for that march! And those who were involved are not likely to have improved their feelings about the police whilst the bully boys strutted their stuff on the pretence that some copper "thought" something might happen. Ihello
If you are now into the business of stopping crime before it happens, I guess we can look forward to a copper on every street corner in Brixton, can we. Including all the spots where people are regularly attacked! And where houses are regularly burgled. And where crack is openly sold on the streets!
Or is just demonstrators that really concern you at the moment. Are you out to stop crime or just to crush dissent?