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*Brixton Movement for Justice March

The Black Hand:

I've taken the time to read through some of the other threads, your contributions to them and indeed some of the references you've posted. I think our views of how the world works are so divergent that the chances of us having any common ground over practical policies, in relation to policing and protest for example, are infinitesimal. And cycling round the arguements is likely to drive everyone else here crazy!

However, I'm sure our paths will cross from time to time :)
Well, well, well (or should it be hello, hello, hello, what's all this 'ere then?)

We really thought that the MFJ march was going to be hijacked like the last one and end up with loads of shops trashed. We did not attack anyone - we just kept them from going back to the town centre because we did not want any trouble. No windows went in either - well none that were reported to us anyway.

On the reason for the march, I deeply, deeply regret that anyone should lose their life. No matter what the circumstances, no one deserves that. OK stun guns might be OK (like if the other guy has a knife) but not when the other guy has a gun. I do not know why Alex lost his job. I know nothing about that.

I suspect that these (and other) comments may come back to haunt Good Ol' Bri, Lambeth Filth, the Met as a whole, and certain serving and former officers.
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