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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

I read somewhere (one of the FB groups) that they had changed the language from temporary to experimental. 'Experimental Road Order' now and that the date was to start from.............late September?. SO the 18 month clock has not even started yet.

Thanks for tip. Ive tried to look this up.

Found one for Oval Triangle. As you say its dated September.

Nothing on the Exparimental Traffic Order about the pandemic. Also as its an ETO the normal consultation does not apply. If one objects has to be writing six months from the start of ETO starting and in writing to a specific officer. The Council can make it permanent at end of time.

Looked up the Council Oval LTN commonplace and cant find this document.

The Oval commonplace had map one can comment on. But this is about how one see the the LTN working. Not about opposing it.

These legal documents and how one can officially object should be on the Lambeth Commonplace websites.

It should be explained to people how the decisions were made and on what grounds.

What I see is that the Council are fudging the issue. On one hand saying these are temporary measures done with out the normal consultation due to the pandemic. ( Borough Wide Traffic order Ive posted up about) .But in case of Oval LTN also having ETO. Which does not mention Covid. The Council are saying they were looking at LTN for Oval. This is fastracking it. The ETO leads to permanent scheme. The comments asked for on the Commoplace map are to tweak the LTN not oppose it.

This is poor communication from Lambeth.

I think the Commonplace websites are not giving people full information. The charitable view. The uncharitable view is that Lambeth are using pandemic to push through the scheme they want.

Here is what Lambeth say:

In normal circumstances we would not have implemented a traffic scheme like this without engaging with the local community first. But these are extraordinary times and we have chosen to act quickly to implement a temporary scheme that is effective at stopping through traffic

I object to this way of doing things. I should not be hunting around on the web for this info. What I don't know is if the Council are doing this for each LTN.


  • London-Borough-of-Lambeth-Oval-Triangle-Low-Traffic.pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 3
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From this fair article on opposition across London to the imposition of LTNs on communities.

Ealing, Islington and Lambeth are mentioned.

Common complaint is lack of consultation. Also are Cllrs listening.

Cllr Dickson of Lambeth reckons they are:

But Lambeth Council cabinet member Jim Dickson tweeted confidently that, “Given the scale and rapid roll-out, a small Brixton gathering on a sunny Saturday to say no to #LTNs tells me that opponents are currently a minority. #LTNs are a necessary change & cllrs continue to listen to all!”

This is the Cllr who who almost lost his seat due to not listening. The Carnegie library issue. Cllr Dickson is long time New Labour Cllr. Always put the supporting the leadership of the One party state of Lambeth first.

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Did you look at the graph I was aksed for and linked, which clearly shows how few school age children, particularly teenagers, how many 20s/30s and how few over 50s there are in Lambeth relative to both Greater London and England? Comparison with other London boroughs, and breaking down into smaller areas is for another thread, but yes, excess churn is probably the most dominant demographic feature of this area, and has been for decades.

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I wasn't expecting that, I wonder if the streets near me are just unrepresentative?
I wasn't expecting that, I wonder if the streets near me are just unrepresentative?

Possibly confirmation bias. You’ll remember the people you identify with more than those you don’t. (I don’t mean that rudely - it’s something everyone has, part of being human.)
This is the Cllr who who almost lost his seat due to not listening. The Carnegie library issue. Cllr Dickson is long time New Labour Cllr. Always put the supporting the leadership of the One party state of Lambeth first.

Worth pointing out that the reason "Jim Dickson" almost lost his seat in 2018 was because of a big surge to the Green Party and that'll be one reason (probably the main reason) why he will be parading his pro-cycling and generally green credentials. He's obviously just looking out for himself, that's all he's ever done, but a surging Green Party vote is evidence that many local people are in favour of LTN style future.
Worth pointing out that the reason "Jim Dickson" almost lost his seat in 2018 was because of a big surge to the Green Party and that'll be one reason (probably the main reason) why he will be parading his pro-cycling and generally green credentials. He's obviously just looking out for himself, that's all he's ever done, but a surging Green Party vote is evidence that many local people are in favour of LTN style future.

During the LJ road closures the Green Party was silent when the Labour party got a lot of stick from locals. Greens let Labour suffer the consequencs of its failed lTN style project in Loughborough Junction. So don't think Greens have a particularly principled take on LTNs.

At local elections in Coldharbour Ward the line from the Green party is we are better than Labour on local issues. Green issues took a back seat in Coldharbour.

The sole Green Cllr at time of the Carnegie library issue in Herne Hill waa a vocal supporter of the Lmbeth Library campaign. So that gained Green party votes. They were party to support library campaign.

In Lambeth the support for Greens is them positioning themselves as the left as against a Council run by the right of the Labour party. The Lambeth Labour party has been run by the Progress right of the party for years so no chance for anyone getting to be a Labour Cllr if you are soft left / Corbyn supporter type.

Cllr Rachel was chucked out for signs of independence from the ruling Progress clique.

I don't think in Lambeth voting green shows support for or against LTNs.

At time of Owen leadership bid Cllr Hopkins/ Cllr Claire Hollnad wrote letter to constituents urging people to join Labour to get rid of Corbyn and his "friends".

They are that right wing.

To quote from the letter

" We also feel that should Jeremy and his friends remain in charge that rule changes could jeopardise who your local Cllrs could be in the future"

Make no mistake theses people hated all that Corbyn stood for. They were scared that big surge in membership from left leaning people could lead to them being not reselected for their seats in future. For them getting rid of Corbyn means keeping Lambeth a Progress One party state.

The Greens in Lambeth were the alternative Labour party for those who could not stomach Lambeth Labour policies of libraries , estate regeneration etc. Main reason I vote for them locally and Labour party nationally.
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Seriously I know that Lambeth Labour Party are about as right wing and unprincipled as they come. Hence the readiness to act Green if they think there are some quick and easy votes in it.
do explain more
During the LJ road closures the Green Party was silent when the Labour party got a lot of stick from locals. Greens let Labour suffer the consequencs of its failed lTN style project in Loughborough Junction. So don't think Greens have a particularly principled take on LTNs.

At local elections in Coldharbour Ward the line from the Green party is we are better than Labour on local issues. Green issues took a back seat in Coldharbour.

The sole Green Cllr at time of the Carnegie library issue in Herne Hill waa a vocal supporter of the Lmbeth Library campaign. So that gained Green party votes. They were party to support library campaign.

In Lambeth the support for Greens is them positioning themselves as the left as against a Council run by the right of the Labour party. The Lambeth Labour party has been run by the Progress right of the party for years so no chance for anyone getting to be a Labour Cllr if you are soft left / Corbyn supporter type.

Cllr Rachel was chucked out for signs of independence from the ruling Progress clique.

I don't think in Lambeth voting green shows support for or against LTNs.

At time of Owen leadership bid Cllr Hopkins/ Cllr Claire Hollnad wrote letter to constituents urging people to join Labour to get rid of Corbyn and his "friends".

They are that right wing.

To quote from the letter

" We also feel that should Jeremy and his friends remain in charge that rule changes could jeopardise who your local Cllrs could be in the future"

Make no mistake theses people hated all that Corbyn stood for. They were scared that big surge in membership from left leaning people could lead to them being not reselected for their seats in future. For them getting rid of Corbyn means keeping Lambeth a Progress One party state.

The Greens in Lambeth were the alternative Labour party for those who could not stomach Lambeth Labour policies of libraries , estate regeneration etc. Main reason I vote for them locally and Labour party nationally.
I was fascinated to hear the other side of Andrew Carnegie's philanthropy on Radio Three last Thursday night. This in view of this commentary by Gramsci on local Green party activities I've been a member of the Green party for several years and whereas their policies seems a bit pick and mix as Gramsci says they definitely strongly opposed the council's plans for Cressingham Gardens and Central Hill Estate.

They also clearly opposed the council's plans for the Carnegie Library. Though one wonders what the back story is to Nick Edwards splitting off from the Greens, standing as an independent and possibly saving Jim Dickson's bacon.

But what I referred to above is this Radio Three late night programme BBC Radio 3 - Free Thinking, Conservatism, Philanthropy, Liberal and socialist futures
In it Grace Blakely put the boot into Carnegie good and proper - Basingstoke Bolshevist that she is.
Apparently he built so many libraries, from the fruits of his exploitation of labour, because he considered you needed a well educated society to enable people to do more business. This Guardian article deploys the same sort of arguments The trouble with philanthropy is that money can't buy equality

So what is the true ethical position on Carnegie libraries - or is Grace Blakely behaving like an Anti-Vaxxer pouring bile on Bill Gates??
I'm beginning to wonder amid all this Alex Jones/Dominic Cummings fake news and manipulation - would I have had a guilty conscience voting to save the Carnegie? Would I have been helping a capitalist monster achieve his ends from beyond the grave?

PS Studio 73 in Brixton Village had a Dominic Cummings T-shirt in the window the other day. Be quick - they are closing down shortly.
I was fascinated to hear the other side of Andrew Carnegie's philanthropy on Radio Three last Thursday night. This in view of this commentary by Gramsci on local Green party activities I've been a member of the Green party for several years and whereas their policies seems a bit pick and mix as Gramsci says they definitely strongly opposed the council's plans for Cressingham Gardens and Central Hill Estate.

They also clearly opposed the council's plans for the Carnegie Library. Though one wonders what the back story is to Nick Edwards splitting off from the Greens, standing as an independent and possibly saving Jim Dickson's bacon.

But what I referred to above is this Radio Three late night programme BBC Radio 3 - Free Thinking, Conservatism, Philanthropy, Liberal and socialist futures
In it Grace Blakely put the boot into Carnegie good and proper - Basingstoke Bolshevist that she is.
Apparently he built so many libraries, from the fruits of his exploitation of labour, because he considered you needed a well educated society to enable people to do more business. This Guardian article deploys the same sort of arguments The trouble with philanthropy is that money can't buy equality

So what is the true ethical position on Carnegie libraries - or is Grace Blakely behaving like an Anti-Vaxxer pouring bile on Bill Gates??
I'm beginning to wonder amid all this Alex Jones/Dominic Cummings fake news and manipulation - would I have had a guilty conscience voting to save the Carnegie? Would I have been helping a capitalist monster achieve his ends from beyond the grave?

PS Studio 73 in Brixton Village had a Dominic Cummings T-shirt in the window the other day. Be quick - they are closing down shortly.

In Scotland we say his problem was not realising that people couldn't eat books.
If one is going to object to Carnegie on the basis that he said a well educated society is good for business... Better start campaigning for all libraries to be shut down, and then move on to schools and universities. That'll show big business.
I was fascinated to hear the other side of Andrew Carnegie's philanthropy on Radio Three last Thursday night. This in view of this commentary by Gramsci on local Green party activities I've been a member of the Green party for several years and whereas their policies seems a bit pick and mix as Gramsci says they definitely strongly opposed the council's plans for Cressingham Gardens and Central Hill Estate.

They also clearly opposed the council's plans for the Carnegie Library. Though one wonders what the back story is to Nick Edwards splitting off from the Greens, standing as an independent and possibly saving Jim Dickson's bacon.

But what I referred to above is this Radio Three late night programme BBC Radio 3 - Free Thinking, Conservatism, Philanthropy, Liberal and socialist futures
In it Grace Blakely put the boot into Carnegie good and proper - Basingstoke Bolshevist that she is.
Apparently he built so many libraries, from the fruits of his exploitation of labour, because he considered you needed a well educated society to enable people to do more business. This Guardian article deploys the same sort of arguments The trouble with philanthropy is that money can't buy equality

So what is the true ethical position on Carnegie libraries - or is Grace Blakely behaving like an Anti-Vaxxer pouring bile on Bill Gates??
I'm beginning to wonder amid all this Alex Jones/Dominic Cummings fake news and manipulation - would I have had a guilty conscience voting to save the Carnegie? Would I have been helping a capitalist monster achieve his ends from beyond the grave?

PS Studio 73 in Brixton Village had a Dominic Cummings T-shirt in the window the other day. Be quick - they are closing down shortly.
Ive been reading Grace Blakely in Tribune. She is very good writer on economics from a left position.

Well of course Carnegie got rich on basis of exploitation.

The comparison to the present is the Evening Standard. Owned by a Russian Oligarch and run by Tory types. Regular stuff in ES about supporting the homeless or the deprived. It does not cross the minds of these people that they are part of the problem. Or it does and they think running these ES campaigns will avert attention away from their wealth, power and privilege. So "philanthropy" is a defence mechanism.

As an example. One of the reasons the Victorians started off the cult of Colston was that the working class in Victorian Bristol were getting to be a problem. So ( leaving aside slavery) idea was to present the middlle classes in Bristol as well meaning caring people. Paternalistic. Philanthropic towards the less well off. So trying to get the poor not to support something as radical as socialism. It was creation of idea of well meaniiing paternalism and the lower orders knowing there place.

Perhaps the ordinary worker resents paternalism.
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If one is going to object to Carnegie on the basis that he said a well educated society is good for business... Better start campaigning for all libraries to be shut down, and then move on to schools and universities. That'll show big business.
Didn't Pol Pot do this - and Mao?
There was an interesting American book of the week on Radio Four two weeks back about the suppression of Tibetan culture in the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
These people always go for the libraries. As did ISIS in Timbuktu.
One of the pair of planter gates on St Matthews Road has been removed - so no longer a "pedestrian" area between gates in front of St Matthews Tenants Hall. I suspect that they did this to increase parking for Lambeth Town Hall car free development, as it occupied the space of 10-12 parking spaces. Lambeth Car Free town hall currently issues special permits to 200 vehicles to be parked in streets around the town hall. The council has formal guidelines to discourage abuse of the permits but invariably wardens advise that they are instructed by Lambeth not to take action against badly parked Lambeth town hall vehicles in the vicinity of the Town Hall. Lambeth council denies this.

Still no camera enforcement on the remaining gate. Someone seems to drive through pretty much every time I pass.
Is the car free bit in the planning permission conditions for the new town hall? Can you start a request for enforcement, if it's a breach?

The pre application-gumph made a fuss about being car-free. http://yournewtownhall.org/
The scheme will be ‘car-free’ – parking permits will not be allowed, except for basement parking for wheelchair residents within the Olive Morris House development.

This was echoed in the application's D&AS

6.3 Parking provision The development will be predominantly car-free. This is due to its town centre location, excellent access to public transport (PTAL of 6) and the commitment to improve the public realm and achieve high levels of sustainability. New residential dwellings within the development will not be assigned car parking and residents will not be eligible for parking permits in the local CPZs. The provision of car parking on the site will be reduced. The open land to the rear of the Town Hall Parade and Hambrook House, currently used for off- street car parking, will be absorbed by new development. On-street car parking will be reduced on Porden and Buckner Roads through the implementation of public realm improvements and traffic amendments. Provision has been made for a limited number of on-street spaces, assigned as follows: Porden Road • 9 parking spaces within a CPZ for existing residents of Porden Road • 2 parking spaces for car club vehicles • 1 disabled blue-badge parking for general use Buckner Road • 6 disabled blue-badge parking for Lambeth staff and visitors Total 18 parking spaces A full Transport Assessment has been submitted separately and gives further background and justification for the proposed parking provisions.

However ...
I can't find the transport assessment. And I recall finding something somewhere about a parking survey carried out as far south as Dumbarton Road saying there was capacity for Lambeth Town Hall vehicles to be absorbed in local streets. Although this would have been in line with existing parking restrictions. Of course, no one wants to park as far south as Dumbarton when working at the town hall. So they fill yellow lines close to the town hall and are not enforced against.

So "car free" appears to only mean building on car parks and parking all displaced vehicles on the road off site.

ETA. Of course, I wrote to Lambeth planning enforcement but never received a reply.
I would like to say that one of the new pleasures of living in Brixton is taking a spin on the bike down Railton Road to get down to Crystal Palace. Who have though it?

It's on my commute route - I used to dread going down there as you'd face head on speeding traffic very frequently. Some of the speeding down there was crazy. I thought before the LTNs came in there was a bit of an argument to make it one way for vehicles given how narrow it is for modern cars.
The pre application-gumph made a fuss about being car-free. http://yournewtownhall.org/

This was echoed in the application's D&AS

6.3 Parking provision The development will be predominantly car-free. This is due to its town centre location, excellent access to public transport (PTAL of 6) and the commitment to improve the public realm and achieve high levels of sustainability. New residential dwellings within the development will not be assigned car parking and residents will not be eligible for parking permits in the local CPZs. The provision of car parking on the site will be reduced. The open land to the rear of the Town Hall Parade and Hambrook House, currently used for off- street car parking, will be absorbed by new development. On-street car parking will be reduced on Porden and Buckner Roads through the implementation of public realm improvements and traffic amendments. Provision has been made for a limited number of on-street spaces, assigned as follows: Porden Road • 9 parking spaces within a CPZ for existing residents of Porden Road • 2 parking spaces for car club vehicles • 1 disabled blue-badge parking for general use Buckner Road • 6 disabled blue-badge parking for Lambeth staff and visitors Total 18 parking spaces A full Transport Assessment has been submitted separately and gives further background and justification for the proposed parking provisions.

However ...
I can't find the transport assessment. And I recall finding something somewhere about a parking survey carried out as far south as Dumbarton Road saying there was capacity for Lambeth Town Hall vehicles to be absorbed in local streets. Although this would have been in line with existing parking restrictions. Of course, no one wants to park as far south as Dumbarton when working at the town hall. So they fill yellow lines close to the town hall and are not enforced against.

So "car free" appears to only mean building on car parks and parking all displaced vehicles on the road off site.

ETA. Of course, I wrote to Lambeth planning enforcement but never received a reply.

Thanks for this info. So Lambeth Council leads the way in telling people to get on bikes and walk.

In its own backyard it gives its staff permits to park in local streets.

The wonderful new Town Hall development according to the Council , has bike parking facilities.

So why isn't the Council telling its workers to cycle or walk to work?

Or is that only for joe public in LTNs? The "Culture war" our New Labour Deputy leader Claire Holland was going on about in Starmer supporting Guardian.

Looks to me that the Council has created its own LTN around the Town Hall with get out clause that it as the ruliing power can invent a permit system to dump the problem on nearby streets.

These New Labour Cllrs really wind me up.

Been looking at Cllr Claire Hollnad twitter and she is full of herself fighting the "progrressive" corner against those nasty anti LTN people.
I'd nearly forgotten, it's all seems such a long time ago now. I'd almost forgotten how much Lambeth liked to pimp out our park. Thank you for the reminder.

It's been thoughly reclaimed by community it this year though.
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