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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

I don't think anyone here is saying that proper analysis shouldn't be done. But rather that with multiple factor's involved at present eg Covid, WFH, return to work, end of lockdown, introduction of LTNs, it's going to be pretty difficult to attribute fall/rise in business to any one thing.
Chatting to my local shop owners they are both keen to see LTN introduced as it will mean more on foot/bike customers as the cars using the road as a rat run don't tend to stop to buy anything, and there's no parking either.

Bang on. Small shop keepers don't benefit from being on rat runs, those drivers don't stop to buy stuff. The biggest driver of shopping sales is footfall, the number of people walking past. If LTNs do anything at all to that number, there's no reason to think that they will do anything except push the number of pedestrians up. I posted a report going into all of this upthread.

But it's really hard to say for sure what impacts shop keepers actually get and why - not least because it's very hard to get shopkeepers to actually open their books and show, for obvious reasons. The gobby guys who hate LTNs because they think their dicks will fall off if they can't go everywhere in a car, include a few who run shops. I'd take what they say with a pinch of salt. But given the huge number of other factors impacting on shops, the idea that LTNs is their biggest problem right now would need some pretty serious evidence, and it's not there.
That is not what some shopkeepers have been saying locally. They are not to be just dismissed as "gobby guys".
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I don't think anyone here is saying that proper analysis shouldn't be done. But rather that with multiple factor's involved at present eg Covid, WFH, return to work, end of lockdown, introduction of LTNs, it's going to be pretty difficult to attribute fall/rise in business to any one thing.
Chatting to my local shop owners they are both keen to see LTN introduced as it will mean more on foot/bike customers as the cars using the road as a rat run don't tend to stop to buy anything, and there's no parking either.

Im not sure of that. Assumptions have been made about those who oppose LTNs here. That there views should be dismissed on that basis.

Neither should one be categorises as against LTNs if one is critically supportive of them. That they are open to being amended

That is why I expect the Council to do proper analysis. The only way to stop the kind of argument I see here on both sides is to have proper analysis. Especially as the Council have taken decision to impose LTNs without the usual consultation.

Im sure the views of shopkeepers - like all people are mixed- the shopkeeper/ local resident I talked to last night was against LTN.
They are not to be just dismissed as "gobby guys".


Which is exactly what I didn't do.

Coming from someone who's been so pernickety about demanding precision sources from another poster, this is a bullshitty interpretation of my post.
Im not sure of that. Assumptions have been made about those who oppose LTNs here. That there views should be dismissed on that basis.

Neither should one be categorises as against LTNs if one is critically supportive of them. That they are open to being amended

That is why I expect the Council to do proper analysis. The only way to stop the kind of argument I see here on both sides is to have proper analysis. Especially as the Council have taken decision to impose LTNs without the usual consultation.

Im sure the views of shopkeepers - like all people are mixed- the shopkeeper/ local resident I talked to last night was against LTN.
Looks like we agree then! Yay!

Which is exactly what I didn't do.

Coming from someone who's been so pernickety about demanding precision sources from another poster, this is a bullshitty interpretation of my post.

The gobby guys who hate LTNs because they think their dicks will fall off if they can't go everywhere in a car, include a few who run shops

That's what you said.
That's what you said.

"include a few" not "dismissing [all]" - all the difference in the world, visible to anyone except (1) a troll, (2) an idiot or - I'll give you this much - (3) a careless flick-read.

Lift your game or I'll assume you're one of the first two.
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"include a few" not "dismissing [all]" - all the difference in the world, visible to anyone except (1) a troll, (2) an idiot or - I'll give you this much - (3) a careless flick-read.

Lift your game or I'll assume you're one of the first two.

Thanks for that.

This isn't a "game" for me. I live here. Its affecting people I know.

I don't like people who are against LTNs being referred to as gobby.
Petition against Lambeth LTNs:

. Its e petition on Lambeth website.

Anyone can start one. More info on e petitions to Lambeth council:

"oh actually I'm quite in favour of the LTNs, I'm just worried about that the council consultation is not adequate" - oh here, sign the petition against LTNs, I'll put up the link for you.

You're so full of shit.
"oh actually I'm quite in favour of the LTNs, I'm just worried about that the council consultation is not adequate" - oh here, sign the petition against LTNs, I'll put up the link for you.

You're so full of shit.

I haven't signed it.

I put it up for posters information.

Some posters here might want to sign it.

There have been posts recently on this thread copied from Twitter etc with no referance that they are or the original version of the info.

content-free posts are not permitted. Posts containing nothing more than links to websites or video files are not permitted. Please explain the nature and relevance of the linked content as a courtesy to users. Do not post up large amounts of cut and paste text. Make things easier for others by summarising the article and including a link to the unabridged version.
Users who make a stream of posts with no meaningful content and/or continually post up off topic material in inappropriate threads/forums will be banned. Completely flippant and pointless polls will most likely be deleted.

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There have been posts recently on this thread copied from Twitter etc with no referance that they are or the original version of the info.

content-free posts are not permitted. Posts containing nothing more than links to websites or video files are not permitted. Please explain the nature and relevance of the linked content as a courtesy to users. Do not post up large amounts of cut and paste text. Make things easier for others by summarising the article and including a link to the unabridged version.
Users who make a stream of posts with no meaningful content and/or continually post up off topic material in inappropriate threads/forums will be banned. Completely flippant and pointless polls will most likely be deleted.

Policing again!

That faq is of no relevance.
And just in case anyone doesn't trust the accuracy of Google traffic, here's the all-polluting view right now. It's been like this for ages this afternoon.

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