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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

How would you define people living in the Railton LTN area though?

You’ve got to weigh up the cost of administering a system like that vs people having an extra 10 mins on their journey.

I haven't got to do anything.

Pretty easy to define who lives in area - use the Council boundaries.

So in principle you aren't against the idea.
The council boundaries as in the whole borough?

Actually, I think this idea is viable. The enforcement of the scheme works by using ANPR, in other words numberplate recognition. Cars are registered to specific addresses. You could easily define addresses within the boundaries of the LTNs.

It’s something that certainly should be looked at in terms of the modelling, and it’s a compromise that I might be prepared to make depending on the outcome of that modelling.
Actually, I think this idea is viable. The enforcement of the scheme works by using ANPR, in other words numberplate recognition. Cars are registered to specific addresses. You could easily define addresses within the boundaries of the LTNs.

It’s something that certainly should be looked at in terms of the modelling, and it’s a compromise that I might be prepared to make depending on the outcome of that modelling.

This will totally screw with things like satnavs as they don’t have the concept of road tolls which are variable per habited postcode.

( and this would have the benefit of forcing people who don’t “know“ to use arterial routes )

I think the anpr solution is a goer, free if you live within a mile, a tenner a go if you don’t.

It already happens in dulwich Tollgate and roads


This will totally screw with things like satnavs as they don’t have the concept of road tolls which are variable per habited postcode.

( and this would have the benefit of forcing people who don’t “know“ to use arterial routes )

I think the anpr solution is a goer, free if you live within a mile, a tenner a go if you don’t.

It already happens in dulwich Tollgate and roads



I don’t want to see ‘pay per use‘ LTNs as that just benefits the well-off. I was just suggesting that it should be practical to adapt the existing model to allow a carve-out for people living within the LTN.
I don’t want to see ‘pay per use‘ LTNs as that just benefits the well-off. I was just suggesting that it should be practical to adapt the existing model to allow a carve-out for people living within the LTN.

I was being facetious, a toll is always affordable to someone.
I don’t want to see ‘pay per use‘ LTNs as that just benefits the well-off. I was just suggesting that it should be practical to adapt the existing model to allow a carve-out for people living within the LTN.
No, I was asking if he meant council boundaries - i.e anyone in the whole borough could drive through the gates.
If looking out the window counts as evidence, the ability for fire engines to get from the Brixton site to Tulse Hill has reduced as they now have a long relatively empty railton road to use at speed and seem to be preferring that to Dulwich Road (which has more obstacles and junctions).
In theory full consultation will resume once pandemic is over. I really hope this time Council will have all the research done on how these temporary LTNs have worked. Changes to traffic etc.

So people living in the LTNs can decide if they want them or not Or want to keep them with changes.

Such as free movement in LTN for Blue badge holder. Or remove filter on Shakespeare road.
why should decisions devolve only to those most likely to see benefit, whether financial or quality of life? Does no-one else deserve a say?
Anti Railton Road LTN website

They get a bit carried away here

Brixton’s past social divisions are well documented – the 1981 Brixton riots began on Railton Road, the “Front Line”. In more recent years, the area has seen rapid changes and gentrification. Areas that were previously viewed by outsiders as no-go zones have become desirable and expensive places to live. At a time when we as a country are confronting the traumas and legacies of our colonial past, and awareness and support for causes such as Black Lives Matter are at an all time high, the implementation of the LTN in its current form (without proper consultation with BAME residents) feels thoughtless and politically tone deaf (albeit unintentional). Where before barricades were put up by those fighting the system, today they are erected by the council dividing the community and giving the LTN the feel of a gated community risking serious damage to social and racial cohesion in the area.
Almost identical introduction copy as the one oval / one Dulwich ones etc.

Also full of factual inaccuracies which make some of the valid points less credible.
The council has drawn a boundary for the Brixton Liveable neighborhood.

It's divided that area into sub sections. Railton LTN is one of the sub sections. Hence the name.
Ok, So only people living in the LTN. Like I said earlier they would have to weigh up the cost of administering the scheme Vs an extra 10 or 15 or so mins saved for drivers. Are any of the other London LTNs that have been rolled out doing this?
Ok, So only people living in the LTN. Like I said earlier they would have to weigh up the cost of administering the scheme Vs an extra 10 or 15 or so mins saved for drivers. Are any of the other London LTNs that have been rolled out doing this?
There's one in Fulham(?) that was discussed upthread, although slightly different arrangement.
Whatever you think about LTNs, they're definitely divisive and ripe for political exploitation

Lots of BDA / Black Cab / LTDA and UKIP involvement in the Islington anti groups who then get retweeted by racist anti Sadiq Khan bots.
Ok, So only people living in the LTN. Like I said earlier they would have to weigh up the cost of administering the scheme Vs an extra 10 or 15 or so mins saved for drivers.

You and I don't see 10/15 mins extra driving being a big deal but obviously many do. Whilst I'd love to be purist about this, I see it essentially as a political compromise to remove at a stroke the objections of those inside the zone.
I think it’s a perfect opportunity for the police to include facial recognition cameras with the ANPR ones. Ties the person to a vehicle and it’s a winner. Yes I am joking
You and I don't see 10/15 mins extra driving being a big deal but obviously many do. Whilst I'd love to be purist about this, I see it essentially as a political compromise to remove at a stroke the objections of those inside the zone.
The thing is, if you're driving around london you can easily spend 10 mins stationary in traffic, especially in busy times.
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