Cat Fan
Cats and stats
Yes, pretty dismaying.It should be sorted out pre-implementation.
I don't want to keep banging the same drum, but there seems to have been no discussions by Lambeth and TfL about buses prior to the implementation of the LTN. At this time of year especially, the main way to get people out of cars is to provide, or improve, public transport which mirror those car journeys you look to impact. And do so prior to implementation.
It seems that Lambeth have hoped that cycling will take up a lot of the slack, but they should launch LTNs in May if that is their wish.
For the record I just timed the Sternhold Avenue light and I think it was only 12 seconds* vs. about 30 seconds for the pedestrian crossing and 1-2 mins for the main A23.
Seems like a no brainer to give a bit more time to Sternhold, but what do I know.
*Plus 5 seconds of people running the red light