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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Good job :D. Would you say on balance that the individuals you interrogated were broadly representative of the Railton / St Matthews community? 🤨
As I was carrying out this somewhat laborious work on a voluntary and unpaid basis I think my sampling methods should be immune to questioning.
Someone on this thread was had an idea about controlling traffic volumes by giving everyone an 'allocation' of tradable miles each year. Personal carbon trading

This city in Finland is taking a similar idea but thinking beyond just 'driving' and looking at carbon emissions of all transport and giving a carbon allocation.

This sounds a good idea. Its not punitive but rewards those with low carbon footprint.

I prefer schemes that give people positive incentive to lower carbon footprint.

I reckon I would do well out of this.
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I got this email today. It has links to the commonplace website for comments. So its saying the scheme will be altered after more communit consultation. They are depending a lot on emails to Cllrs and the Commonplace. As the pandemic limits face to face discussion. So its important for people to do this.

I'll Railton low-traffic neighbourhood begins this weekend

Works to begin in Railton Road
Free Dr Bike check ups available
Better fairer Brixton
As part of our response to the current pandemic we are creating low traffic neighbourhoods across Lambeth. From this weekend, the area around Railton will become the latest neighbourhood to go low traffic and feet friendly!

What does this mean?
Put simply, vehicles can drive to and from the area, but you cannot drive through. This means that every single property can be accessed by motor vehicle but the streets are no longer suitable as a traffic cut through.

You may have noticed that work has already taken place to implement the closure at Shakespeare Road and St Matthews road and work has begun on installing bus gates along Railton Road itself.

There are a several important facts that we want to make sure everyone is aware of;

The whole area will be fully accessible for vehicles to travel to and from. Whether driven by residents, businesses, deliveries, or visitors to the area from elsewhere, nothing being introduced will stop people from driving to and from the area. Their route may change but no vehicles will be stopped from accessing the area.
Every single street within the area will be fully accessible by vehicle, some will be accessible to drive in and out from one end only. Routes may change but no vehicles will be stopped from accessing any section of any street.

We are working with the community to listen to residents’ feedback and we are monitoring the way traffic and air quality changes. We will refine and improve the layout of these changes based on the combination of technical data and community feedback.
Go to Check out Lambeth Council’s ideas for healthier and safer streets in the Railton Neighbourhood to have your say or text/call 07860180545 to learn more about the project and how you can be involved.
Less traffic passing through the area creates much needed space to support businesses and customers, particularly on Atlantic Road, to enable more space to safely distance. In addition to business support grants, we are working with local businesses to enable them to use this space to ensure their survival through this time.

Providing road works are not delayed the changes will take effect on the 27th June
The changes are enforceable as soon as the signs are in place. A police officer can issue a fine to a vehicle if seen going through the closure.
The council will begin actively issuing warning notices for vehicles passing through the restriction on the 11th July.
Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) will start being issued for vehicles travelling through the restrictions from 25th July. This will help people with time to adjust to the changes and allow much needed conversations to take place with the community.

Dr Bike Surgeries

Our professional bike mechanics set up stations in the Railton Area offering free cycle maintenance checks and advice.

Check locations and timetable below :

Marcus Garvey Way

27/06/2020 - Saturday 12:00 - 15:00

01/07/2020 - Wednesday 16:00 - 19:00

Shakespeare Rd / Coldharbour Lane

04/07/2020 - Saturday 12:00 - 15:00

08/07/2020 - Wednesday 16:00 - 19:00

Finally our new “Feet Friendly Street” campaign is about to hit the streets of Railton. Watch out for it!
Feet Friendly
Looks great. I don't understand these "Bus Gates" though. Do the flower beds/signs shrink into the ground when an ambulance or 322 appears?

That was what went wrong in the Loughborough junction trial, ambulances got stuck if I recall.
I'm not at all surprised you feel dejected, I've been admiring your tenacity for years.


I was reminded that Starmer told Boris that he is confusing "Srutiny for Attack". Boris told Starmer his constant questioning was undermining public trust in govenment.

This is how some of the Labour Cllrs go on. Anyone who asks questions is attacking the Labour Council.

A problem with the One Party state that runs Lambeth is that I would have thought that Labour group would feel confident enough to give Ward Cllrs more leeway to question officers/ council decisions.

Especially as a Cabinet was introduced to replace committee system.

What happened to Cllr Rachel shows the Labour Cllrs are still micro managed. Or chosen on basis they won't argue.

This leaves scrutiny of Council down to local residents. Which is not how it should be. Leaves one open to attack from Cllrs as Boris did to Starmer.
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I was reminded that Starmer told Boris that he is confusing "Srutiny for Attack". Boris told Starmer his constant questioning was undermining public trust in govenment.

This is how some of the Labour Cllrs go on. Anyone who asks questions is attacking the Labour Council.

A problem with the One Party state that runns Lambeth is that I would have thought that Labour group would feel confident enough to give Ward Cllrs more leeway to question officers/ council decisions.

Especially as a Cabinet was introduced to replace committee system.

What happened to Cllr Rachel shows the Labour Cllrs are still micro managed. Or chosen on basis they won't argue.

This leaves scrutiny of Council down local residents. Which is not how it should be. Leaves one open to attack from Cllrs as Boris did to Starmer.
But it suits the council to be in essence unaccountable
This is the kind of vibrancy we are dealing with.

define 'we'.

The clip appears to show people driving round a blockage, with (apparently) no other way out. It's unclear why it's described as a modal filter. Maybe there's a coherent plan for one sometime in the future, but in the meantime whatever plank created that mess should be out of a job.
define 'we'.

The clip appears to show people driving round a blockage, with (apparently) no other way out. It's unclear why it's described as a modal filter. Maybe there's a coherent plan for one sometime in the future, but in the meantime whatever plank created that mess should be out of a job.

Unless it's a one way street of course there's a way out. Regardless of whether whatever it is was implemented by a plank, no one should ever be driving onto the pavement like that. Hope they all get done.
Unless it's a one way street of course there's a way out. Regardless of whether whatever it is was implemented by a plank, no one should ever be driving onto the pavement like that. Hope they all get done.
I don't know Lewisham, but I'm obviously misunderstanding something. Perhaps you could explain how I should be reading that clip.

and you forgot a definition of 'we'.
define 'we'.

The clip appears to show people driving round a blockage, with (apparently) no other way out. It's unclear why it's described as a modal filter. Maybe there's a coherent plan for one sometime in the future, but in the meantime whatever plank created that mess should be out of a job.
When I’ve seen these things before there have been signs at junctions, which these drivers have driven past. They are then mounting the pavement to get on a closed road.
When I’ve seen these things before there have been signs at junctions, which these drivers have driven past. They are then mounting the pavement to get on a closed road.
Indeed. When you've seen them before have you seen a stream of drivers pouring like lemmings into a properly signed closed off cul de sac with no apparent way out, no room to turn round and a long line behind? Or is that somehow specific to this mess? As for calling it a 'modal filter', what's that about?
A modal filter means that only certain modes of transport are allowed through. In this case, clearly only bicycles and pedestrians are allowed through.

This is what I watched happen in Loughborough Junction 5 years ago. People drove past multiple advance signs and then onto the pavement to get round barriers. Eventually someone just rammed the barrier out of the way, so it blocked one of the pavements instead.

"We" is everyone who lives in London.
A modal filter means that only certain modes of transport are allowed through. In this case, clearly only bicycles and pedestrians are allowed through.

This is what I watched happen in Loughborough Junction 5 years ago. People drove past multiple advance signs and then onto the pavement to get round barriers. Eventually someone just rammed the barrier out of the way, so it blocked one of the pavements instead.


"We" is everyone who lives in London.
self evidently it's not.
Last year, after a car had barrel rolled down Railton as he was going too fast and clipped another car before crashing, I complained to our local councillor and asked about why there were no speed cameras. I was told that there was no point as they would be damaged all the time. Given the main enforcement on these LTN schemes is ANPR cameras, I’ll be interested to see if the same happens to them

self evidently it's not.
There's a conflict over how space is used. As it's public space, by definition we are all involved.

And that means dealing with differing opinions.

Clearly one opinion is that access to this public space should not be determined by the conditions under which a driving licence is granted.
Someone spent a lot of time last night moving the social / spatial distancing traffic cones off the road and onto the pavement in the Herne Hill railway stretch.

That bit hasn’t even been that busy with traffic.
Someone spent a lot of time last night moving the social / spatial distancing traffic cones off the road and onto the pavement in the Herne Hill railway stretch.

That bit hasn’t even been that busy with traffic.
I would be amazed if they weren't caught by CCTV somewhere around that junction. Must have been a few people to do all that?
Still no modal gate at the Herne Hill end of Railton Road. Signs saying road is closed from 27 June but nothing there. Traffic as normal.
in theory the signs are all that's needed. Based on Shakespeare Road it looks like it will only be effective for a lot of drivers when the fines start getting sent out.
in theory the signs are all that's needed. Based on Shakespeare Road it looks like it will only be effective for a lot of drivers when the fines start getting sent out.
It's the big yellow signs rather than the no entry traffic signs. I don't think those are enforceable as it is not clear where ahead the road is closed.
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