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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

I don't really know why NHS staff should get special treatment to be honest; there are lots of other people doing essential work who have to travel in and out of central London and many of them will not be as well paid. It simply doesn't work if everyone tries to drive.
I don't really see why evangelical single issue obsessives get special treatment, but the way this whole process has been stitched up leaves little room for doubt that that's what's happening.

Of all the ways to respond to Covid gentrifying a few Victorian streets is a lot less obvious than trying, however imperfectly, to show some love to those who've risked death daily. But it's alright, you're getting your way, the exemption will end.
I don't really see why evangelical single issue obsessives get special treatment, but the way this whole process has been stitched up leaves little room for doubt that that's what's happening.

Of all the ways to respond to Covid gentrifying a few Victorian streets is a lot less obvious than trying, however imperfectly, to show some love to those who've risked death daily. But it's alright, you're getting your way, the exemption will end.
That's parking, not congestion charge.
I'll continue to argue the case for all the people who risk death daily at work, and who don't have the option to isolate themselves in their own vehicle on their way there and back.
That's parking, not congestion charge.
I'll continue to argue the case for all the people who risk death daily at work, and who don't have the option to isolate themselves in their own vehicle on their way there and back.
Yes I'm sure you will, you're well practiced at wearing down and isolating any opposition. Thinking about something else entirely I nosed into the Herne Hill thread last night, and discovered a parallel conversation with you and your mates throwing around your standard scripted responses and carefully picked stats at anyone daring to dissent.
Yes I'm sure you will, you're well practiced at wearing down and isolating any opposition. Thinking about something else entirely I nosed into the Herne Hill thread last night, and discovered a parallel conversation with you and your mates throwing around your standard scripted responses and carefully picked stats at anyone daring to dissent.

Bloody hell newbie, lighten up. It’s not 1930s Russia and you’re not a political dissident.
Hamilton’s (often cited as being negatively affected by the changes by online critics) just told me that they support the scheme.

They’re handing out the leaflets from the Low Traffic Action Group that Rushy mentioned.

I’ll photo them and load them into here later.

The leaflet outlines the support and opposition.
Local update:

Residents demand disabled access for Brixton/Herne Hill low traffic neighbourhood scheme, July 2020

Yes I'm sure you will, you're well practiced at wearing down and isolating any opposition. Thinking about something else entirely I nosed into the Herne Hill thread last night, and discovered a parallel conversation with you and your mates throwing around your standard scripted responses and carefully picked stats at anyone daring to dissent.
Don't worry, I don't have total freedom to express my views, here on this public discussion board, on something that I feel is important.

I'm banned on these boards from commenting on anything that's written on a local online news/listings site that I'm banned from mentioning. So if that site were to publish an article highlighting a campaign claiming that the scheme prevented access for a certain group of people, and if I thought this was promoting a misleading or accurate picture of how the scheme worked, I'd not be allowed to say so :thumbs:
but you're not worried about someone who you think is too tired to cycle controlling a 2 tonne motor vehicle?
Maybe it's just me but I think driving a car is a lot less strenuous than cycling.

I also have concerns about overworking people but comparatively yeah I think you can be too tired to cycle but okay to drive.
Don't worry, I don't have total freedom to express my views, here on this public discussion board, on something that I feel is important.

I'm banned on these boards from commenting on anything that's written on a local online news/listings site that I'm banned from mentioning. So if that site were to publish an article highlighting a campaign claiming that the scheme prevented access for a certain group of people, and if I thought this was promoting a misleading or accurate picture of how the scheme worked, I'd not be allowed to say so :thumbs:
There's probably history there that I neither know nor care about, but yes, I'm sure you love to challenge any 'misleading or accurate' journalism that somehow conflicts with your anti-car ideology.
Just rolled down from the Herne Hill end. It says the road is closed but there weren't any barriers so the car in front of me just went down Railton Road anyway.

Has the whole thing fallen apart?
Is the disabled access for 'access' or just passing through? Seem to be alot of aggresive speedy drivers around recently, is it a post-lockdown thing?
Just rolled down from the Herne Hill end. It says the road is closed but there weren't any barriers so the car in front of me just went down Railton Road anyway.
Has the whole thing fallen apart?
Is the disabled access for 'access' or just passing through? Seem to be alot of aggresive speedy drivers around recently, is it a post-lockdown thing?

There are signs that show 'no motor vehicles'. Passing those signs is an offence. There are ANPR cameras (I think I heard some are now installed) and they'll get a fine of £130 (might be a couple of weeks of warning letters).

I think that info about disabled access is just wrong - blue badge is registered to a person not a car so can't see how ANPR cameras could deal with it reliably and I'm sure I'd seen a clear statement that it was buses, bin lorries and emergency services only that are allowed to pass the signs.
Some lively chat here

Yes that is lively.

I get confused about what are Council social media and what are started by individuals.

Look ike this is individual who supports the scheme. Nothing wrong with that. But not clear
Yes that is lively.

I get confused about what are Council social media and what are started by individuals.

Look ike this is individual who supports the scheme. Nothing wrong with that. But not clear
I don’t think there is any ambiguity based on the twitter bio.
But you’re a contrary bugger who will disagree with anything I post. The bio says what it’s for and who runs it. Her own bio says who she is and what groups she’s involved in. Coming from an anonymous avatar who refused any attempts from me to meet in person when I tried last year that’s a bit rich.
But you’re a contrary bugger who will disagree with anything I post. The bio says what it’s for and who runs it. Her own bio says who she is and what groups she’s involved in. Coming from an anonymous avatar who refused any attempts from me to meet in person when I tried last year that’s a bit rich.

No Im not a contrary bugger. This is just abusive. By

I find this post threatening. What are you implying ? That Im a coward?
No Im not a contrary bugger. This is just abusive. By

I find this post threatening. What are you implying ? That Im a coward?
Of course not but it’s somewhat ironic someone anonymous complaining about the identity of a Twitter account that has made an unusual effort at full disclosure
Of course not but it’s somewhat ironic someone anonymous complaining about the identity of a Twitter account that has made an unusual effort at full disclosure

Your implying Im a hypocrite.

You post up vaguely threatening post and when challenged roll back.

This is unacceptable posting behaviour.
Of course not but it’s somewhat ironic someone anonymous complaining about the identity of a Twitter account that has made an unusual effort at full disclosure

Im here posting my own opinions. I dont set up twitter sites.

In fact I post a lot of stuff about myself. Compared to other posters here I say a lot of stuff about myself.

Yet you pick on me. Im supposed to sort out differences of opinion with you in person.

You keep bringing this up.

Its threatening behaviour.
But you’re a contrary bugger who will disagree with anything I post. The bio says what it’s for and who runs it. Her own bio says who she is and what groups she’s involved in. Coming from an anonymous avatar who refused any attempts from me to meet in person when I tried last year that’s a bit rich.
There's no obligation for people to post up any personal information here at all, and I'm not sure what a poster's refusal to meet you in real life has to do with the debate about restricted car access in Herne Hill. Sorry!
Its threatening behaviour.
I think you may be reading more into this than is actually meant, unless I've missed some earlier posts.

Either way, I'd be grateful if both of you could keep this discussion on topic, please...
the leaflet from the low traffic action group. Their contact details are on the last page


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Good leaflet.

If you define 'good' as views of some insiders welcome, outsiders not.

I guess that's to be expected for a local Action Group that operates a clearly campaigning website and runs a survey for some insiders only with a prize draw inducement for participation.

Everyone can see that there are well organised interests at play, some institutional, some ideological and some nakedly self-interested. No outsiders are going to produce an equally 'good' leaflet or website, fund prizes or do much more than individually bleat.

In the old days there might have been a proper public meeting, traditionally in the Assembly Rooms but that's apparently now an expensive wedding venue and anyway the virus means that's unlikely. So we'll have to see how the outsiders express themselves.
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Good leaflet.
Except that whilst they refer to the Railton Road scheme they appear to have redefined the parameters of the official scheme so as to exclude the St Matthew's Road interventions, which are officially treated as being within the Railton Road area. The gate is not shown on their map. The meeting of street reps also did not include anyone from St Matthew's Road area. I don't think it is yet clear to the council that this group only represents residents in one part of the scheme.
There’s been quite a lively discussion on Nextdoor about it all with some really quite robust arguments on both sides. The gist of counter arguments is that the research model that the LTN’s are based on was written before smartphones and google maps came along, rendering it out of date. Navigation apps reroute vehicles around the LTN so overall traffic remains the same, just quieter or busier depending where you live in relation to the LTN. There’s loads more about stuff like some of the data sets are from the 70s and that some stats have been cherry picked but who knows. If it reduces the speedsters who seem to treat Railton and the surrounding streets like it’s the Monaco GP then it will be a success (cameras are the key though, not planters).
Except that whilst they refer to the Railton Road scheme they appear to have redefined the parameters of the official scheme so as to exclude the St Matthew's Road interventions, which are officially treated as being within the Railton Road area. The gate is not shown on their map. The meeting of street reps also did not include anyone from St Matthew's Road area. I don't think it is yet clear to the council that this group only represents residents in one part of the scheme.

Oops sorry, I've edited my post above to say some insiders...
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