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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

I don’t know whether they are and no, I don’t think that’s worthy of investigation. All I care about is whether objectively LTNs are a good idea or not.
So you don’t think it’s worth investigating whether the people we elect to represent us are gaining from the decisions they make. Okay. I’m learning something about this chat room. “Objectively” is a big word. I can say that the LTN where I live has, subjectively, made my life shit for the past 13 months.
Isn’t this supposed to be a sort of anti-establishment chat room? Why are you arguing against some transparency in this local government decision-making process?

Personally I’d say LTNs are pretty anti-establishment, they’ve certainly riled Daily Mail & talk radio types.
So you don’t think it’s worth investigating whether the people we elect to represent us are gaining from the decisions they make. Okay. I’m learning something about this chat room. “Objectively” is a big word. I can say that the LTN where I live has, subjectively, made my life shit for the past 13 months.
How are they gaining?
Just south of me the argument being made is that LTNs are being imposed by councillors & officers who don't live in the area and couldn't possibly understand the hell they are apparently creating.

It’s almost like people are using whatever arguments they can think of to use against these rather than just be honest and admit it’s because they want to be able to drive wherever they want.
It’s almost like people are using whatever arguments they can think of to use against these rather than just be honest and admit it’s because they want to be able to drive wherever they want.
Schrödinger’s LTNs.
It's not just this argument either. They're leafy enclaves for the rich, and also ghettos cut off from the rest of the world. They were never busy with traffic, and also all that traffic has been displaced. And so on.
That is obviously true - apart from Railton Road itself.
Can't speak for the Ferndale LTN. Post up a map why don't you?
Commendable detail in the stats - but how to interpret?
No map of Ferndale LTN however.

What IS clear from this data is Lambeth is right at the top of implementing these measures.
This is the politics of today.
We live in a country where Brexiteers have hijacked the media and LTN wallrs have hijacked Lambeth Council.

Since we now have referendums - I think a referendum is required. Not this creeping Stalinism.
Yet are supported by local and national government. So they are very much part of the establishment. As are you on this matter…
Are you anti establishment then? What is it your company does again?

I’m not sure defining anything that actually gets implemented as pro establishment is a very useful definition.
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Anti LTNers seem to be against any road controls or courtesy - why else would they vandalise 20mph limit signs and warning about school kids?

Anti LTNers seem to be against any road controls or courtesy - why else would they vandalise 20mph limit signs and warning about school kids?

Let me think, maybe they are doing it to help disabled people.

Naah, some of them are just total scumbags.
Yet another judicial review falls on its arse, this time in Hackney. HHRC Ltd v Hackney Borough Council [2021] EWHC 2440 (Admin) (03 September 2021)
Short version:

  • The claimant brings this claim on four grounds. Ground 1 advanced by the claimant is the contention that the defendant failed to discharge its duty under section 16 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 in approving the ETP proposals. Section 16 of the 2004 Act, which is dealt with in greater detail below, creates the network management duty, and it is contended that the defendant failed to properly examine the impact of the ETP proposals upon the movement of traffic not simply on neighbourhood road networks, but also on the busier and more strategic highways surrounding the areas affected by the proposed LTNs. Ground 3, which is allied to these considerations, is the contention that the approval of the ETP failed to properly investigate or have regard to the impact on air quality of the LTN proposals

  • Ground 2 of the claimant's application is the submission that the defendant breached its public sector equality duty ("PSED") under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 by failing to have due regard in approving the ETP to the impact which its LTN proposals would have upon groups with protected characteristics. Finally, under Ground 4, the claimant submits that there was a failure to undertake any proper consultation on the ETP before it was promulgated in breach of the consultation requirements of the common law.

  1. Conclusions
  2. For the reasons set out above, having considered the claimant's case in respect of all four grounds upon which this application for judicial review is advanced, I am not satisfied that there is merit in the substance of the claim. It is therefore not necessary to proceed to evaluate the defendant's contentions in relation to alternative remedy, delay or discretion as, in the result, they do not arise as I am not satisfied that there is any basis upon which the claimant could be entitled to relief. For all of the reasons which have been set out above this claim must be dismissed.

Only 89 people have donated to OneLambeth's 3rd fundraiser compared to 689 to the 2nd one. Seems to have lost momentum.
Good that they are considering such exemptions.

I'm glad they are not giving in and exempting all residents or anything like that.
It looks like blue badge holders will be able to nominate a filter to be exempt for and wheelchair accessible taxis will be exempt from filter that buses use if the schemes become permanent.

I guess blue badge holders can nominate a filter they are able to go through.
What does that mean, what is a filter? Do they mean one single blocked off road?
A filter is the thing with planters and no motor vehicles sign. It’s a modal filter - bikes can go through, motor vehicles can’t.
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