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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

So now she can be officially classified as non decent person.
I don't think it's that simple.
A disabled person who has gone through a lot to take Lambeth on and at first opportunity you decide to have a go at her not Lambeth.
I really don't know why being in a wheelchair means someone can't be criticised for the company they keep, the views they share online, or the speech they choose to ignore or defend. It's incredibly patronising for you to keep throwing that around IMO.
Your such a decent human being.
I don't think it's that simple.
I don't think it's that simple.

I really don't know why being in a wheelchair means someone can't be criticised for the company they keep, the views they share online, or the speech they choose to ignore or defend. It's incredibly patronising for you to keep throwing that around IMO.

I don't think it's that simple.

Its not patronising. Comes across to me as pure nastiness as this person does not agree with you on LTNs. And I do think it takes a lot to stand up to Lambeth. Disabled people are a minority who have had to stand up for their rights. Sofia is doing that through JR. All you can do is search her twitter to try to discredite her stand.

Nasty and unpleasant.

You have just made out she is not a decent person - so don't know what you mean by not simple. You posted it.
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I don't think you have to compare point closures of roads to the Holocaust to argue against them. I don't think that you have to defend that stance to argue against these schemes.

I don't blame her, tbh. There are closed facebook groups where people complain with increasingly hysterical feedback loop of language, and when that language leaks out to more public spaces some people get a bit of a shock that it's not okay.

Disabled people are a minority who have had to stand up for their rights.
True, and if I believed that was a guiding principle of OLJ then that would be fine. But I don't believe that, because of they way they have operated, the funding they have attracted, and most of all the things they have said.

Long-standing illness means I can tick that little box on monitoring forms too, FYI, though the question is usually whether I "consider" myself to have a disability. If I start ticking it, does that mean you will no longer consider me nasty and unpleasant?
You can't read it unless you subscribe.
I'm confident that reading it would give you powerful deja vu.

Here's an interesting bit, though:
A spokeswoman for OneUK, an umbrella group for campaigners across the country fighting the schemes over concerns they are ill thought out, said it was “appalling” the Government was throwing yet more money at schemes which “undermined” the public transport infrastructure, as well as elderly and disabled residents who cannot walk or cycle.

OneUK is a new one on me. It's not 100% clear if it's a real thing or not.
You can't read it unless you subscribe.
Sorry, didn't realise that.

Low traffic zone report a 'whitewash', says mother of girl killed by pollution​

Ella Kissi-Debrah became the first person in the UK to have air pollution listed as a cause of death

BySteve Bird31 July 2021 • 7:16pm

Ella Kissi-Debrah and her mother Rosamund

Ella Kissi-Debrah and her mother Rosamund
A Government report praising low traffic neighbourhoods is a “whitewash”, an air quality campaigner whose daughter died from pollution has said.
Rosamund Kissi-Debrah has rounded on a Department for Transport review published one year after ministers launched a “green transport revolution” meant to boost walking and cycling.
The 39-page pamphlet released last week and called ‘Gear Change: One Year On’ claims low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) do not cause congestion and gridlock on other roads.
Ms Kissi-Debrah, a World Health Organisation advocate for improved air quality, said: “The whole thing is a complete whitewash.”
She condemned as “absurd” the report’s insistence that it is false to claim LTNs “displace traffic to other roads”.
Ms Kissi-Debrah’s daughter, Ella, became the first person in the UK to have air pollution listed as a cause of death after she died in 2013 from an asthma attack caused by air pollution.
Ella was brought up near the South Circular Road in Lewisham in South East London.
Three years before she died aged just nine she suffered multiple seizures and was admitted to hospital 27 times.
Last year a coroner found nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels near her home exceeded World Health Organisation and European guidelines and contributed to her death.
Ella Kissi-Debrah

Ella Kissi-Debrah
“When my daughter was alive the congestion on the South Circular was bad,” she said. “But, since the introduction of LTN schemes around the route it has become far worse. The congestion is terrible. This Government simply doesn’t care.”
The report says the “common claim” LTNs force congestion elsewhere is false, adding how “councils are also reporting reductions in traffic on most (though not yet all) of the roads around the LTNs.”
It also makes no mention of how some councils, including the Tory borough of Wandsworth in South West London, produced reports which established road closures led to pollution on boundary roads.
Levels of toxic car exhaust pollutants actually dropped across a large part of South London after Wandsworth scrapped its LTNs scheme, council officials found.
Analysis of quantities of NO2 at 11 streets showed levels were higher when residential roads were closed, but dropped when seven LTN schemes were dismantled.
The report, which has a foreword by Boris Johnson, claims for every one person opposed to LTNs two are in favour. It adds how “most people do not feel strongly about these schemes” and only a “small minority” are opposed so councils should not allow schemes to be “vetoed” by one group.
The Telegraph analysed 10 council consultations involving 25,000 people which showed three quarters of them were in fact opposed to LTNs.
In Harrow, 6,073 people - 82 per cent of those asked - were against road closures and pop-up cycle lanes forcing the council to scrap its schemes.
Meanwhile, numerous councils around the country have scrapped schemes after widespread public opposition. Cycle lanes and road closure schemes have been withdrawn in London boroughs including Ealing, Hackney and Harrow, as well as West Sussex, Liverpool, Brighton, South Gloucestershire, Trafford, Portsmouth and Surrey.
It also refutes the suggestion LTNs have not increased emergency response times, despite numerous Freedom of Information requests revealing how police, fire and ambulances have reported problems caused by new road closures when responding to 999 calls.
A spokeswoman for OneUK, an umbrella group for campaigners across the country fighting the schemes over concerns they are ill thought out, said it was “appalling” the Government was throwing yet more money at schemes which “undermined” the public transport infrastructure, as well as elderly and disabled residents who cannot walk or cycle.
“LTNs offer a terrible return on investment just at a time when the country is in need of astute and sensible infrastructure investment,” she said.
“There is also no evidence LTNs reduce pollution or congestion and, in actual fact, evidence presented in Judicial Review against Hackney Council has shown congestion has risen significantly in surrounding main roads where many people live, work and attend school and where pollution is already above legal limits."
A Department for Transport spokesperson said the report was "produced based on detailed academic studies, widespread consultation with key stakeholders and surveys of public opinion".
It leans pretty heavily on the Wandsworth LTNs being taken out...

It also makes no mention of how some councils, including the Tory borough of Wandsworth in South West London, produced reports which established road closures led to pollution on boundary roads.
Levels of toxic car exhaust pollutants actually dropped across a large part of South London after Wandsworth scrapped its LTNs scheme, council officials found.

As we know, in Wandsworth the LTNs were only in for a matter of weeks or months before they abandoned them and certainly hadn't been there for a period of time where you'd expect to find initial effects to settle down.

I can't find anywhere the actual report that details the pollution measurements - I end up in a loop of references between Telegraph and Daily Mail articles.

I did find a report here though - presented to the Wansworth meeting where they decided to abandon these schemes. Is this the report they are all referring to? I can't find anything in it about pollution having been measured. In fact searching for the word "pollution" brings up just one result and it's in this paragraph

Screenshot 2021-08-02 at 15.06.33.jpg

And here is what the report has to say about data available:

Screenshot 2021-08-02 at 15.03.38.jpg
Am I noticing a slight shift in the rhetoric on twitter and other comments sections, so that they are now "boris backed LTNs" rather than an imposition of communist Kahn the driver's antichrist?
Am I noticing a slight shift in the rhetoric on twitter and other comments sections, so that they are now "boris backed LTNs" rather than an imposition of communist Kahn the driver's antichrist?

I always felt that was a bit odd but it was playing into the Khan-Bailey competition so I guess not so weird
There's some right hatstand comments being added most days.

...funny you should mention “hatstand” I knew a guy who went by that name, a convoy veteran, he designed a water driven power plant based around an old abandoned water mill on the river Avon while doing time fore peddling herbs, when he came out he took it to the local environmentalist group but they wouldn’t touch him with a barge pole cos of his past naughty exploits...:(
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Streetspace judgement published (haven’t read it). ES report here.

LTDA and UTAG to pay whacking costs. Permission to appeal refused.

Streetspace judgement published (haven’t read it). ES report here.

LTDA and UTAG to pay whacking costs. Permission to appeal refused.

Funny how that article doesn't keep saying "Boris-backed"...
OneLambeth really don’t like e-scooters as well as bikes. You think if they want to get all roads opened up again they'd at least pretend not to be just a pro-car lobby group.

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