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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

I ageee that this is not the place. If you read above I wasn’t talking about the women not being attacked (which is the at one end of the scale). I was talking about general comfort including the diverse groups of women we're talking about here from different cultures, backgrounds and religions. There is a balancing act (under the law) and by its nature the Gender Recognition Act will change that balance
What people don’t seem to understand on this group (and it’s not unsurprising given most aren’t lawyers) is that law isn’t just one side or the other. You can’t just google an act and then point to it and say “there look at what it says” as the interpretation of the act is the vital point. There will be 100s of critical pieces of case law which actually define where boundaries are and it’s the definition of these grey areas which why the law is so important. This is not meant to be a criticism of anyone here but I’m starting to think that online spaces aren’t really suitable to have legal debates such as this. If we were sitting around a table, the ability to question quickly, clarify the small detail of what someone is saying with respect to a legal argument would lead to a better understanding of the position of each person. This is critical in debate and it’s why it is impossible to do justice to a subject like this. Probably a topic for another thread
I'm not interested in debating the finer points of the law. I'm interested in when you'll resign your position as part of a campaigning group. Simon Still had to do it. When will you?
Classic deflection tactics. Absolutely indefensible vandalism but instead of saying, yes it is, there’s a series of bizarre posts, where the truth is probably in there somewhere but when that fails and it has as it’s all over more mainstream social media, we’ll change it to, oh but you’re all racists. You’ve lost the argument, you’ve lost the legal challenge. I’m actually embarrassed for you. No-one wins when you are happy to trash your own community.

Suspect the people doing the trashing aren’t locals, but seeing as there have been arrests - we will see.
You’re a busted flush. OneLambeth isn’t really anything

a Facebook group of a couple of hundred active members (most of which prob aren’t in Lambeth)

a fundraiser for a lost cause

a hateful Twitter account.

and an off shoot of a guy campaigning against the council that doesn’t want anything to do with the rest of you lot.

You’ve made no actual arguments about LTNs here only technicalities on their implication and you seem to have no knowledge of your own neighbourhood. Give it a rest

how convinced are you, you aren’t arguing with a russian bot farm ?
If the judge thought your case had any merits he would have found for you, he didn't in any way.
He granted leave to appeal against his own decision straight away. Very rate indeed. Normally you’d have to ask a different judge to make that decision. He acknowledged the serious issues and impact this could have across the nation and effectively asked for a second opinion from a higher court. I know you don’t want to argue legal details but do try and keep up
He granted leave to appeal against his own decision straight away. Very rate indeed. Normally you’d have to ask a different judge to make that decision. He acknowledged the serious issues and impact this could have across the nation and effectively asked for a second opinion from a higher court. I know you don’t want to argue legal details but do try and keep up
Are you going to lodge an appeal? When‘s the deadline?
i can’t keep up is that onelambeth, twolambeth or threelambeth ?
Three Lambeth technically (the CAB had it first, then Guy and others who are now campaigning for more representative local government).

But this is the One Lambeth account of the legal appeal and campaign that has Charles Jenkins as Treasurer.
Where have I said it is?

But unless you know something we don’t know, it’s more than likely that it’s been done by someone who doesn’t like LTNs isn’t it? And if you’re that way inclined, you’re likely to follow some of the anti ltns on social media and start copying and escalating the vandalism that gets applauded on their channels.

And I’ve never met Simon Still. I’ve not an LCC member and haven’t been for years.

Do you want to make any more unfounded allegations?

and likewise I don't think the vandals are friends of chowce nor should he answer to every act by those against the LTNs. I'm pretty sure the racism was someone who likes LTNs and i'm 100% sure is a cyclist.

You're lashing at one person who is a treasurer of a courst case.

Other people have been reasonable. You seem to be giddy that you have found someone, anyone and now want to tar him with the actions of others and make him answer for each act
and likewise I don't think the vandals are friends of chowce nor should he answer to every act by those against the LTNs. I'm pretty sure the racism was someone who likes LTNs and i'm 100% sure is a cyclist.

You're lashing at one person who is a treasurer of a courst case.

Other people have been reasonable. You seem to be giddy that you have found someone, anyone and now want to tar him with the actions of others and make him answer for each act
Only asking him to answer for the actions of his “organisation” that he is “treasurer” of. He could just be honest and admit there is no organisation really.
Only asking him to answer for the actions of his “organisation” that he is “treasurer” of. He could just be honest and admit there is no organisation really.

I told people pages ago there is no organisation it took me months to work out tht you have a ~admitted~ cesspit facebook group, separate groups for each area (oval, railton, etc), tens of smaller groups which are not even on the radar like my residents group, landor residents, etc, a group taking lambeth to court, a group trying to change the way the council operates, a group sorting out signs and stickers......and god knows what else is going on.
The arseholes won’t win. They might slow things down a bit, but they’re on the losing side and know it :)
It’s really backfired - so many people stopped this morning to say how they hated the vandalism and glad it was being repaired.

It would be such an easy thing to condemn but chowce5382 and the nutter that runs his Twitter account chose not to.
He granted leave to appeal against his own decision straight away. Very rate indeed. Normally you’d have to ask a different judge to make that decision. He acknowledged the serious issues and impact this could have across the nation and effectively asked for a second opinion from a higher court.

You would have gotten leave to appeal anyway. He found nothing in your arguments and probably took pity on you.

I know you don’t want to argue legal details but do try and keep up
Fucking hell, this from the guy who refused to argue the case a few weeks ago, probably because it was a load of rubbish.
It’s really backfired - so many people stopped this morning to say how they hated the vandalism and glad it was being repaired.

It would be such an easy thing to condemn but chowce5382 and the nutter that runs his Twitter account chose not to.
Already condemned it. Go back and have a read, challenge yourself 👍
You would have gotten leave to appeal anyway. He found nothing in your arguments and probably took pity on you.

Fucking hell, this from the guy who refused to argue the case a few weeks ago, probably because it was a load of rubbish.
You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about, but it’s sweet to see that you have the courage of your convictions. I didn’t argue the case whilst it was being decided out of respect for the judiciary. You wouldn’t understand that. But do carry on writing rubbish, it’s diverting 👍
You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about, but it’s sweet to see that you have the courage of your convictions. I didn’t argue the case whilst it was being decided out of respect for the judiciary. You wouldn’t understand that. But do carry on writing rubbish, it’s diverting 👍
Of course you did. :)
You mean the one after the 15 or so claiming it was an art installation? It’s all just a joke/game/way to fill time to you isn’t it.
Didn’t claim it was an art installation. I think I said that I had been told. One day you’ll understand nuance of language. Keep on trying
Like I said earlier, it's no mystery how the 35k was burned now, but it does affect Lambeth tax payers and that's the bit I'm pissed off about.
1. Why do you say burned?
2. Explain the bit about tax payers money.
BTW, interested to hear why you are so pissed off as I’m also pissed off about wasting taxpayers money on this and, frankly, never wanted or even thought we’d have to go to this extent
Didn’t claim it was an art installation. I think I said that I had been told. One day you’ll understand nuance of language. Keep on trying

You could have just condemned it but you decided to troll.

Do something constructive for our community rather than funnel money to lawyers in a vague hope on keeping the status quo.
1. Why do you say burned?
2. Explain the bit about tax payers money.
BTW, interested to hear why you are so pissed off as I’m also pissed off about wasting taxpayers money on this and, frankly, never wanted or even thought we’d have to go to this extent
1 I say burned because I read the judges summing up and there's not a lot there at all.

2 I'm presuming that Lambeths costs are coming out of their budget.
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