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There is also Richard Wilson’s 20:50 (from the Saatchi but also appeared at the Hayward a few years ago). On seeing it George Melly allegedly said that it made him want to release a cormorant.

Saw this in 1991 - would have much preferred to have seen this again on my dog walk this morning.

Seems to have been quite a PR disaster for chowce5382's group:

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.....he was saying he literally wanted this cormorant to get coated in oil, a sick joke surely or am I missing something ?
No, it was a joke, but the joke was about a literal cormorant.

Shall we go back to arguing about LTNs?
It really has backfired on you though - the photos of your friends vandalism has just caused a massive dent in the anti LTN cause.

The planters are now likely to be replaced or rebuilt with concrete and cameras. That trial will now go on for longer. It will cost all of us - as taxpayers - money.

What do you think Rook Irwin Sweeney will think of you?

If this is about people with disabilities- why does pouring a waste product that causes pollution and affects people with disabilities become a laughing matter to you?

You seem to hold him resonsible for everything done in the name of onelambeth. Asking for comment on things that nothing to do with him. That aint on

When BB published the article about those racist tweets by the cycling campaigner no one came in here calling anyone pro-LTN or a cyclist racist, asking each person for comment, if they denounce racism and so on.

You cant judge all by the act of one or expect one person to comment on every act of others.
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You seem to hold him resonsible for everything done in the name of onelambeth. Asking for comment on things that nothing to do with him. That aint on

When BB published the article about those racist tweets by the cycling campaigner no one came in here calling anyone pro-LTN or a cyclist racist, asking each person for comment, if they denounce racism and so on.

You cant judge all by the act of one or expect one person to comment on every act of others.
LCC took responsibility for that. chowce5382 won’t take any responsibility for his organisation and has just treated this vandalism as a joke.

This is in his neighbourhood but he doesn’t seem to give a shit.
You seem to hold him resonsible for everything done in the name of onelambeth. Asking for comment on things that nothing to do with him. That aint on

When BB published the article about those racist tweets by the cycling campaigner no one came in here calling anyone pro-LTN or a cyclist racist, asking each person for comment, if they denounce racism and so on.

You cant judge all by the act of one or expect one person to comment on every act of others.
Out of all of today’s conversation that’s your main point? Strange.

He names himself as their treasurer - that’s a role with responsibility and accountability.
Out of all of today’s conversation that’s your main point? Strange.

He names himself as their treasurer - that’s a role with responsibility and accountability.

How do you know it's anyone who is part of onelambeth and it's many different groups?

How are your racist friends doing?
LCC took responsibility for that. chowce5382 won’t take any responsibility for his organisation and has just treated this vandalism as a joke.

This is in his neighbourhood but he doesn’t seem to give a shit.
But I don’t think that C Holland said anything about it or formally denounced it. I also remember mentioning this in the long post I did and thebackrow said something like, “oh and they bring the racist tweets up again”. He obviously doesn’t take their content seriously or think there was anything wrong with them. I suspect he'll delete it now but would be nice to hear him denounce it.
But I don’t think that C Holland said anything about it or formally denounced it. I also remember mentioning this in the long post I did and thebackrow said something like, “oh and they bring the racist tweets up again”. He obviously doesn’t take their content seriously or think there was anything wrong with them. I suspect he'll delete it now but would be nice to hear him denounce it.
You can check back and see exactly what I said in the thread, but we’ve already established that truth and accuracy aren’t really your strong points.

you do seem rather obsessed with my posts when ive been far from the most active on this thread.
You cant judge all by the act of one or expect one person to comment on every act of others.
didnt onelambeth and some of their weird obsessive supporters social media bang on about little else for months?
How are your racist friends doing?
Oh the irony.
You can check back and see exactly what I said in the thread, but we’ve already established that truth and accuracy aren’t really your strong points.

you do seem rather obsessed with my posts when ive been far from the most active on this thread.

didnt onelambeth and some of their weird obsessive supporters social media bang on about little else for months?

Oh the irony.
So you condemned them? Do you think the person who wrote them was racist or that those tweets were racist?
Well seeing as no one can actually say fair point I guess its the Vandals vs the Racists.

Like the mods vs the rockers.
I mean OneLambeth openly praised the vandalism of planters that had nothing to with LTNs, I’ve not seen anyone try to defend the racist tweets.
Classic deflection tactics. Absolutely indefensible vandalism but instead of saying, yes it is, there’s a series of bizarre posts, where the truth is probably in there somewhere but when that fails and it has as it’s all over more mainstream social media, we’ll change it to, oh but you’re all racists. You’ve lost the argument, you’ve lost the legal challenge. I’m actually embarrassed for you. No-one wins when you are happy to trash your own community.
So you condemned them? Do you think the person who wrote them was racist or that those tweets were racist?
why would I need to? I think this obsession with everyone making some virtue signaling expression about each and every public event is both bizarre and unhealthy.

As far as I can see the person concerned apologised for them and resigned from their job and role in Lambeth Cyclists. It seemed to be an isolated out of character outburst from years in the past and I’ve seen no suggestion that there was any racism expressed or implied in any of their work or anything they campaigned for.

That OneLambeth are still banging on about it and trying to tar other people by association months after it emerged and years after it happened, while allying themselves with that right wing shit Tim Briggs would seem to show that they’re fully aware that they have lost the argument both on evidence and public opinion.

So you’re trying to deflect from the criminal damage being done in your name by going ad hom once again - presumably because you need the support of these criminals.
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Classic deflection tactics. Absolutely indefensible vandalism but instead of saying, yes it is, there’s a series of bizarre posts, where the truth is probably in there somewhere but when that fails and it has as it’s all over more mainstream social media, we’ll change it to, oh but you’re all racists. You’ve lost the argument, you’ve lost the legal challenge. I’m actually embarrassed for you. No-one wins when you are happy to trash your own community.

I didn't deflect! I just copied the same reasoning. Seems to hit a nerve when the shoe ison the other foot
why would I need to? as far as I can see the person concerned apologised for them and resigned from their job and role in Lambeth Cyclists. It seemed to be an isolated out of character outburst from years in the past and I’ve seen no suggestion that there was any racism expressed or implied in any of their work or anything they campaigned for.

That OneLambeth are still banging on about it and trying to tar other people by association months after it emerged and years after it happened, while allying themselves with that racist right wing shit Tim Briggs would seem to show that they’re fully aware that they have lost the argument both on evidence and public opinion.

So you’re trying to deflect from the criminal damage being done in your name by going ad hom once again - presumably because you need the support of these criminals.
“Any of their work or anything they campaigned for” you obviously know this person well enough to comment on their professional career. Of course, if they told you that, then it’s hardly believable as they wouldn’t have noticed if they were racist or not given that they didn’t realise their tweets were racist in the first place. Or maybe they did.
I’d heard that he was pushed and so “resigned”
“Any of their work or anything they campaigned for” you obviously know this person well enough to comment on their professional career. Of course, if they told you that, then it’s hardly believable as they wouldn’t have noticed if they were racist or not given that they didn’t realise their tweets were racist in the first place. Or maybe they did.
I’d heard that he was pushed and so “resigned”
LCC dealt with it as a respectable organisation should and he decided to resign as I saw it.

You and your organisation takes no responsibility for anything - vandalism it encourages, accusations of ethnic cleansing - you’ve funnelled £55k to lawyers on a punt to scrap LTNs that looks v unlikely. You’re not adding anything positive and seem to have no interest in you neighbourhood or community. £55k used wisely would be huge but you’re on the wrong side of an argument and not adding anything constructive.

You say you’re treasurer but what do you actually do?
LCC dealt with it as a respectable organisation should and he decided to resign as I saw it.

You and your organisation takes no responsibility for anything - vandalism it encourages, accusations of ethnic cleansing - you’ve funnelled £55k to lawyers on a punt to scrap LTNs that looks v unlikely. You’re not adding anything positive and seem to have no interest in you neighbourhood or community. £55k used wisely would be huge but you’re on the wrong side of an argument and not adding anything constructive.

You say you’re treasurer but what do you actually do?
I’m just asking him a question about whether he personally condemns those tweets. Its what you asked me on a number of occasions. I’m sure he can answer himself. I seem to have hit a nerve with you though. How about you let him answer
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