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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Some more details here - it's a judicial review and being heard in early June:

It could be pointed out in the above the focus is hardly on the individual bringing the case and much more around just wanting to get rid of LTNs.

And this is the law firm that's acting for them:

Hoping all this new found enthusiasm for accessible transport extends to campaigning to eradicate parking on pavements which blocks the path for wheelchair and mobility aid users, extending tactile surfaces and drop curbs, improving funding for disabled cycling and handcycles such as Wheels for Wellbeing, better accessibility at train and tube stations and consistent access to ramps to board/alight trains, and so on and so forth, otherwise it seems like a few angry car drivers are just picking and choosing to suit their own ends.
Some more details here - it's a judicial review and being heard in early June:

It could be pointed out in the above the focus is hardly on the individual bringing the case and much more around just wanting to get rid of LTNs.

And this is the law firm that's acting for them:

I don't see that that says it's a judicial review anywhere? The text is similar but not quite the same as what's on One Lambeth's own website https://onelambeth.co.uk/gofundme

which says

We have received back the legal advice from our appointed legal team and essentially, we have a strong case to challenge all the ETOs under a single court application. This must be done by Statutory Review which is the normal procedure for challenging Traffic Orders. Unlike Judicial Review this is NOT amenable to Legal Aid so we need to continue to raise funds:
Legal cases need a claimant who is affected by the issue (locus standi). In the case of judicial review this has to be a natural person I think. Same likely to be true with Human Rights Act challenges. The individual is however a hook to hang a challenge on and it is normal for the challenge to deal with the broader issues.
This is what the legal team say:

Looking them up and they specialise in human rights and public law. Sounds like they are doing good work in that area.

They aren't working for One Lambeth but are working for the disabled lady in Lambeth.

So its about rights of disabled.

Lambeth could just agree to give blue badge holders right to move freely around LTNs.
Formally they are working for the woman but effectively they are being paid by one Lambeth or at least a collection of donors brought together by one Lambeth.

I think it would be rather naive to think that all these people have donated money solely out of concern for the effects on one individual, or solely out of concern for effects on disabled people in general. I don't believe that most of those people would see a blue badge exemption being introduced as an outcome they would be satisfied with. It's certainly not what they seem to be calling for.

And I'm pretty sure the initial messaging to people was that donations were for a general legal challenge to the principle of the LTNs being introduced. I think they have fudged it somewhat since then and I wonder if some donors will end up feeling that their money has been used for something other than what they though it would be.
I wonder if some donors will end up feeling that their money has been used for something other than what they though it would be.

Some are giving significant regular donations & the average donation is around £50.

Surely a disability charity would fund some if there was a good case (or the LTDA).
Some are giving significant regular donations & the average donation is around £50.

Surely a disability charity would fund some if there was a good case (or the LTDA).
If have thought that if it's all about disabled people's mobility then the first step for an advocacy or campaign group organisation would be to lobby Lambeth directly on the blue badge question rather than spending vast sums of money in court.

The report looking at LTNs from disabled people's point of view that was posted a few pages back looked very good to me and I'd hope that the relevant people at Lambeth have read it and are considering what adjustments could be made. That report certainly wasn't calling for everything to be abandoned and reversed.
Surely a disability charity would fund some if there was a good case (or the LTDA).

It would be interesting to survey relevant residents with mobility challenges - find out if they would prefer blue badge exemption, vs LTN abandonment.

edit: have now found the report Teuchter mentioned. Participants self-selected, seemingly already knowing it was about LTNs. There is potential there for skewed results. There also seem to mistakes in the numbers. E.g car ownership yes/no totals 80% - leaving a 20% discrepancy. None of this necessarily invalidates the findings, but it doesn’t seem as robust as one might hope for, ideally.
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Thanks everyone for responding and finding more info

also the jr decides whether something is lawful or otherwise, whereas the statutory appeal is about whether the plan is right or wrong, not whether it contravenes the law.
Thanks for this. I'm still no clearer if the JR or Statutory appeal is to take out the LTN's OR to prove that Lambeth didn't consult residents and so, they need to do this properly (and if this means the LTN's might come out during this process, or if they stay in place and then adjustments are made following the legal stuff).
100% agree - would save both sides a whole load of time, trouble and money. Seems like a no brainer to me.

There are issues with how this works with the cameras as the badge is for an individual & not a vehicle but I'm sure they could work this out somehow eg. you choose a vehicle or vehicles to be assigned.

It does seem a sensible thing to do but unlikely to win over any of the people who were there on Saturday.
Hoping all this new found enthusiasm for accessible transport extends to campaigning to eradicate parking on pavements which blocks the path for wheelchair and mobility aid users, extending tactile surfaces and drop curbs, improving funding for disabled cycling and handcycles such as Wheels for Wellbeing, better accessibility at train and tube stations and consistent access to ramps to board/alight trains, and so on and so forth, otherwise it seems like a few angry car drivers are just picking and choosing to suit their own ends.
Surely not! :eek: :D
Someone had better update the fixing page too then

And their newsletters which still cite their involvement and thanks donors:

https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/c05b35f6-d6cf-49f5-81a9-360385ff86a4/OO_Feb_Mar.v3 (1).pdf

Is still up on their FB page and covers their LTN campaign in the Feb / March 2021 edition 2.

And they told Trickyskills they were involved in the fundraiser: One Lambeth launches with the aim of holding Lambeth Council to account over LTNs, housing , parks and libraries

“Ben adds:

“We’ve just launched a new membership scheme and donation page, and we’re grateful for subscribers or contributions. We are still raising funds for a court case in June and, again, support for that is really welcome.
We want to know what issues matter to people so are running a survey to hear direct from residents about what matters to them. And sharing our messages or offers of volunteer support is also helpful, as are offers of help from volunteers.”
100% agree - would save both sides a whole load of time, trouble and money. Seems like a no brainer to me.

I agree but this is New Labour Lambeth. They have been enjoying experience of pandemic as officers can just get on with job without having to deal with residents.

I predict Lambeth will not seek compromise but will go to court against this disabled lady. I hope her experienced legal team will give her the support she needs. As Lambeth get nasty in court.

When it comes to this kind of legal action Lambeth don't mind spending a lot of money.

I wish Sofia well and hope she copes with it.
Apparently there's been a split between those who want to pursue the legal route and those who want to use other means (not sure what they are). I have no idea why.
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