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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Given that the Ealing equivalent march got 1000+ people (ironically closing roads so they could march, creating their own LTN and displacing traffic) if I was one lambeth I’d be wondering where any of my 2000 Facebook followers were, or the other Twitter posters who all claim to have lived in the borough for 30 years were on the day.

Favourite quote from the clips I’ve seen online: “I ride a bike, but I also drive. You can’t sell me a car today but use sanctions and use tax and then tomorrow tell me I can’t drive it down the street”.

Bailey rocking up in a bus with an invalid MOT and blocking the road to get out sums it up.
Given that the Ealing equivalent march got 1000+ people (ironically closing roads so they could march, creating their own LTN and displacing traffic) if I was one lambeth I’d be wondering where any of my 2000 Facebook followers were, or the other Twitter posters who all claim to have lived in the borough for 30 years were on the day.

Favourite quote from the clips I’ve seen online: “I ride a bike, but I also drive. You can’t sell me a car today but use sanctions and use tax and then tomorrow tell me I can’t drive it down the street”.

Bailey rocking up in a bus with an invalid MOT and blocking the road to get out sums it up.
One Lambeth have gone back to social media to try and drum up support again as they are 10 grand short for the judicial review.
Given that the Ealing equivalent march got 1000+ people (ironically closing roads so they could march, creating their own LTN and displacing traffic) if I was one lambeth I’d be wondering where any of my 2000 Facebook followers were, or the other Twitter posters who all claim to have lived in the borough for 30 years were on the day.

Lack of parking has been given as a reason for the low turnout.
One Lambeth have gone back to social media to try and drum up support again as they are 10 grand short for the judicial review.
At least £13k - £10k of that go fund me has already been spent. Depends how amenable their lawyers I guess.

I think that the Grant Shapps legislation over rules the ‘we weren’t consulted’ argument and potentially the equality one too.

To address that, Lambeth can easily make a concession on blue badge holders and potentially other registered carers.
I still don’t understand who One Lambeth are - there’s two fb accounts two twitter accounts both pointing towards a gofundme page run by an unconnected individual.

They got a permit from the Met Police for the demo, but were also fundraising cash on the day (£400) to go to the gofundme account.

I’d be surprised if they got permission and a license from the Met Police to fundraise - they don’t give them out easily, esp not to unregistered organisations and Lambeth has cracked down on the frequency of them.

Fundraising without a permit is illegal - jeopardising the donations they’ve already received.
I still don’t understand who One Lambeth are - there’s two fb accounts two twitter accounts both pointing towards a gofundme page run by an unconnected individual.

They got a permit from the Met Police for the demo, but were also fundraising cash on the day (£400) to go to the gofundme account.

I’d be surprised if they got permission and a license from the Met Police to fundraise - they don’t give them out easily, esp not to unregistered organisations and Lambeth has cracked down on the frequency of them.

Fundraising without a permit is illegal - jeopardising the donations they’ve already received.
The gofundme page says

One Lambeth is organising this fundraising appeal on behalf of Charles Jenkins.

And also

Why is this appeal "on behalf of Charles Jenkins"? Who is he?
Charles acts as treasurer to pay the legal fees from money raised here.

As far as I can make out, this is him speaking on Saturday

And before that sounds like sour grapes - community fundraisers work hard to maintain public good will and adherence to the law. (Commercial street fundraising organisations having tarnished the reputation of street collections), and pitches for charities are hard to get, so when someone does it illegally it damages their legitimate activity too.

It also makes life a little complicated for the representing law firm. They won’t be able to confirm who is paying them for their time.
The gofundme page says

And also
As far as I can make out, this is him speaking on Saturday

Yeah but neither of the one Lambeth groups are organisations that could have a treasurer - they’re just a web page. The One Lambeth that’s campaigning about Cressingham and LTNS says on its website that it’s an unincorporated group of individuals, runs a conservative Facebook page but links to the gofundme page and runs a different one Lambeth Twitter account to the One Lambeth Justice Twitter account (and the private FB group ).

The actions of one seem to be the actions of both?
Any way, if the Met gave them a fundraising license, good for them.

Just not that clever to post videos of you breaking those street collection rules on twitter.
Yeah but neither of the one Lambeth groups are organisations that could have a treasurer - they’re just a web page. The One Lambeth that’s campaigning about Cressingham and LTNS says on its website that it’s an unincorporated group of individuals, runs a conservative Facebook page but links to the gofundme page and runs a different one Lambeth Twitter account to the One Lambeth Justice Twitter account (and the private FB group ).

The actions of one seem to be the actions of both?
I agree, it seems very vague exactly who "One Lambeth" are, and I'm a bit surprised so many people have donated money to something so ill defined.

The fact that this chap is described as a "treasurer" suggests there is some kind of formal entity somewhere - or doesn't it necessarily? I don't know much about this stuff.
I think it’s just legalese from a non UK based crowd funding platform. He’s the named entity that you are legally giving your gift to, the person you go to if you want your donation back or want to ask a question.
The cheek of equating LTNs with bad air quality.
I too can ride a bike, but as freedom of choice still remains, I also drive a car -
Any reasonable person would understand that LTNs cause a build up in traffic and increased air pollution on other roads. Here in Lambeth it is also the crazy timing of road works near already congested areas affected e.g.. Loughborough Junction being one in particular, that is making it extremely difficult to manoeuvre around Brixton in a car or by bus. Inadequate signage of changes and countless roads with barriers is negatively impacting upon those with mobility issues, emergency services, and upon workers who just need to go and return to work on time! OPEN our roads !
Any reasonable person would understand that LTNs cause a build up in traffic and increased air pollution on other roads.

The way I heard it (and something that rings true for me) is that if anything LTN's are returning traffic back to the main roads where it used to be pre-sat navs, Google maps etc. which encouraged drivers to cut through side roads.

Whatever. Traffic is caused by people choosing to drive. Until that is reduced we'll (nearly) all continue to suffer.
Can anyone confirm exactly what OneLambeth is taking Lambeth Council to the High Court for? It's not clear (to me) from the crowd funder website if it's to remove the LTN's in Lambeth, just the one that the lady (Sofia) is affected by (Railton) or if it's about the lack of consultation. The only thing I can find with any detail is this which says they argue the council did not conduct an equalities evaluation ahead of introducing the Railton LTN in June 2020. If anyone here is involved with the campaign,/one lambeth can you clarify for me?

ETA I did find this on the onelambeth.co.uk website, but I'm still no clearer as to what it would mean in practice "We have received back the legal advice from our appointed legal team and essentially, we have a strong case to challenge all the ETOs under a single court application. This must be done by Statutory Review which is the normal procedure for challenging Traffic Orders. Unlike Judicial Review this is NOT amenable to Legal Aid so we need to continue to raise funds"
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I too can ride a bike, but as freedom of choice still remains, I also drive a car -
Any reasonable person would understand that LTNs cause a build up in traffic and increased air pollution on other roads. Here in Lambeth it is also the crazy timing of road works near already congested areas affected e.g.. Loughborough Junction being one in particular, that is making it extremely difficult to manoeuvre around Brixton in a car or by bus. Inadequate signage of changes and countless roads with barriers is negatively impacting upon those with mobility issues, emergency services, and upon workers who just need to go and return to work on time! OPEN our roads !
Emergency services have confirmed they dont impact service. I have never driven a car but am able to get to work on time. My mum, who doesn't drive, was perfectly able to get 3 kids of different ages to school, childcare, and all manor of places (and that was before you could wheel a pushchair onto the bus and had to have it folded up before the bus arrived ready to board). It amazes me that people dont think these things are possible or happen daily.
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Can anyone confirm exactly what OneLambeth is taking Lambeth Council to the High Court for? It's not clear (to me) from the crowd funder website if it's to remove the LTN's in Lambeth, just the one that the lady (Sofia) is affected by (Railton) or if it's about the lack of consultation. The only thing I can find with any detail is this which says they argue the council did not conduct an equalities evaluation ahead of introducing the Railton LTN in June 2020. If anyone here is involved with the campaign,/one lambeth can you clarify for me?

ETA I did find this on the onelambeth.co.uk website, but I'm still no clearer as to what it would mean in practice "We have received back the legal advice from our appointed legal team and essentially, we have a strong case to challenge all the ETOs under a single court application. This must be done by Statutory Review which is the normal procedure for challenging Traffic Orders. Unlike Judicial Review this is NOT amenable to Legal Aid so we need to continue to raise funds"

From listening to the speaker at the demo the Sofia case is judicial review. Its that Lambeth brought these LTNs in without proper equality impact assessment. Or proper consultation with those of "protected characteristics"

Problem is that these LTNs were brought in during pandemic as emergency measures. Lambeth are likely to argue they had power to do this in pandemic.

Not something I'm happy with.

As other posters have pointed out Lambeth could alter scheme to allow disabled people free movement. This would undercut the One Lambeth campaign.

I'm afraid the Lambeth Council mentality is take opposition as personal slight and dig their heels in. Lambeth will go all the way to Judicial Review.

I think a Judicial review would be a good thing. Given that Lambeth have used pandemic to push this through.

These are permanent changes not temporary for duration of pandemic.

Judicial review is one way an ordinary citizen can question the State.
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On Sofia the disabled lady taking Lambeth to court over Railton LTN.

Just like to clarify no one here is criticising a disabled resident for seeking a Judicial Review of Council action they feel affects them adversely? Which they don't feel they were properly consulted about?

That is leaving aside One Lambeth.
Today on Nextdoor, one Lambeth put the same tired old thread out and were inundated with counter arguments which clearly they didn’t like and deleted the thread. I see tonight it’s back again, minus any comments. I find them distasteful as a group, unwilling to debate (as we do here) and like others, I too feel they are using Sofia to their own ends without actually caring much about her. I hope I’m wrong.
Part of the problem is that someone like Sofia has no where else to go.

As Lambeth has been run for years as a One Party State under New Labour no back bench Cllrs will touch this with a bargepole. They shit their pants at prospect of being called in to chat to Chief Whip.

Lambeth did have some very good LD Cllrs. Who I reckon would have tried to take issues around LTNs up. Sadly they went through no fault of their own.

The political vacuum is filled by the unsavory right.

This is fault of how the political system works.

Greens appear to be silent on issue. As they were in Coldharbour Ward over LJ Road closures. Neither supporting or opposing Labour Council on this.
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Although the greens have been notably quiet through most of this, the flier that came through the door in the past few days states quite positive support for LTNs.
Can anyone confirm exactly what OneLambeth is taking Lambeth Council to the High Court for? It's not clear (to me) from the crowd funder website if it's to remove the LTN's in Lambeth, just the one that the lady (Sofia) is affected by (Railton) or if it's about the lack of consultation. The only thing I can find with any detail is this which says they argue the council did not conduct an equalities evaluation ahead of introducing the Railton LTN in June 2020. If anyone here is involved with the campaign,/one lambeth can you clarify for me?

ETA I did find this on the onelambeth.co.uk website, but I'm still no clearer as to what it would mean in practice "We have received back the legal advice from our appointed legal team and essentially, we have a strong case to challenge all the ETOs under a single court application. This must be done by Statutory Review which is the normal procedure for challenging Traffic Orders. Unlike Judicial Review this is NOT amenable to Legal Aid so we need to continue to raise funds"
I am very unclear too and get the feeling that exactly what the money is funding (and the amount required/requested) has changed over time, perhaps along with legal advice changing as they get further into the process. Maybe they are providing more detail to people who have actually donated and/or those in the membership-controlled Facebook group.

My guess is that their legal position has turned out not to be as strong as they thought (or were advised) it was in earlier stages.
From listening to the speaker at the demo the Sofia case is judicial review. Its that Lambeth brought these LTNs in without proper equality impact assessment. Or proper consultation with those of "protected characteristics"

Problem is that these LTNs were brought in during pandemic as emergency measures. Lambeth are likely to argue they had power to do this in pandemic.

Not something I'm happy with.

As other posters have pointed out Lambeth could alter scheme to allow disabled people free movement. This would undercut the One Lambeth campaign.

I'm afraid the Lambeth Council mentality is take opposition as personal slight and dig their heels in. Lambeth will go all the way to Judicial Review.

I think a Judicial review would be a good thing. Given that Lambeth have used pandemic to push this through.

These are permanent changes not temporary for duration of pandemic.

Judicial review is one way an ordinary citizen can question the State.
Thanks Gramsci for the info. I still am not clear exactly what the JR is actually asking for though. The info I cut and pasted from the OneLambeth website above seems to indicate that they are going for a Statutory Review not a JR. Maybe there are two challenges? It's really unclear what they are fundraising for. I wonder if I can find out another way? Maybe a FOI to Lambeth although that will take at least a month.
And to answer your other point, I don't get the impression that anyone here is criticising Sofia for taking action. I can't see how anyone would disagree that we need legal instruments for the public to be able challenge decisions taken by government/those in power.
I am very unclear too and get the feeling that exactly what the money is funding (and the amount required/requested) has changed over time, perhaps along with legal advice changing as they get further into the process. Maybe they are providing more detail to people who have actually donated and/or those in the membership-controlled Facebook group.

My guess is that their legal position has turned out not to be as strong as they thought (or were advised) it was in earlier stages.
Yes, that's possible. I really don't want to donate to something I don't support just to find out though, just feels wrong on all levels
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