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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

I must say I'm struggling to find a candidate for Mayor I want to vote for. I may not vote.

There are a lot of Independents who are right wing.

Khan is hardly inspiring. And I don't want to vote Labour and it be counted as support for the new Starmer leadership
This is example of the problem.

Your supposed to choose one side or the other.
I'm neither hard line advocate of LTNs or part of the let's get rid of LTNs, ULEZ, Cycle lanes we hate Khan One Lambeth.

I read the Independent article and put forward my view of what Khan is saying. Is there anything incorrect about the points I made?

I do object to implementation of LTNs in pandemic without consultation.
It's just that a while ago you were saying you supported LTNs in principle but were not happy with the way they have been introduced.

But now you are questioning basic aspects of them, suggesting that they worsen pollution or cause unacceptable delays to drivers. If these things had always been concerns I don't see that you would have said you supported them in principle.

It seems that you are now uncertain about whether they can work at all. So I am wondering whether something has changed your mind. Or maybe I misunderstood your previous position.
It's just that a while ago you were saying you supported LTNs in principle but were not happy with the way they have been introduced.

But now you are questioning basic aspects of them, suggesting that they worsen pollution or cause unacceptable delays to drivers. If these things had always been concerns I don't see that you would have said you supported them in principle.

It seems that you are now uncertain about whether they can work at all. So I am wondering whether something has changed your mind. Or maybe I misunderstood your previous position.

I was querying what Khan said about those who use Road for work in his Independent article.

Nothing more or less.
The complication that Open The Roads Anti LTN campaigners* have in endorsing Rosamund Kissi-Debra is that the coroners’ recommendation yesterday was to recommend that we impose severe emissions and particulate controls.

So that may be removing ltns but also means significantly reducing private car use, revolutionising last mile delivery, electrifying buses, scrapping silver town, lowering max speeds, further encouraging active travel at a level beyond the current plans etc.

Particulate emissions apparently didn’t go down during lockdown. Fewer drivers so they drove faster so they stayed constant.

*one Lambeth and their other variations, Jody Graber, Kurten etc.

And this is why we have 10+ years of tory tyrrany. Because we on the left are never pure enough. Might as well write in a vote for jeremy clarkson.
That is an extreme response indeed.

But having a Mayoral system of local government is a way of imposing US style top-down anti-radicalism - which is what Blair wanted when he introduced it.

If you recall it can be defeated - Ken Livingstone did it in 2000 just that because he had massive recognition and the official Labour candidate first time round, Frank Dobson, was unable to project anything - to the point there were press allegations he was suffering depression.

The mayoral vote this time is irrelevant - Khan will win.
It might be worth studying smaller parties regards the list members on the GLA.
A lot of GLA members at the moment seem to have aggression issues. A beefy bouncer might sort them out.
I think if both the greens and lib dems end 3 or so AMs that would help a fair bit - as they often seem more willing to hold the mayor to account on the smaller issues. The Tories sometimes do but they're often as interested in national politics and of course the Labour AMs, even when good, will have to be loyal to some degree.

And this is why we have 10+ years of tory tyrrany. Because we on the left are never pure enough. Might as well write in a vote for jeremy clarkson.

I usually vote Labour.

Labour party take peoples vote for granted in London. It leads to the kind of Council that Lambeth has. On libraries, estate regeneration and now LTNs Council pushes ahead with what it whats to do. Knowing that when faced with choice of Tories or Labour people will still vote Labour even if they don't like things the Council has done.

That strategy works up to a point. In the Red Wall it didn't in the end. The assumption in the Labour party is that people have no where else to go.

On that I may , like other people , still in end vote for a Labour mayor.

That does not mean I'm giving him a mandate for LTNs. It means I think the only other candidate likely to have a chance of winning us a Tory one. I don't want Tories in charge.
Labour party take peoples vote for granted in London. It leads to the kind of Council that Lambeth has. On libraries, estate regeneration and now LTNs Council pushes ahead with what it whats to do. Knowing that when faced with choice of Tories or Labour people will still vote Labour even if they don't like things the Council has done.


I don't want Tories in charge.

i once lived in Barnet. Have a look at that train wreck. No sane person wants tories in charge. There are barely any libraries left in Barnet. I agree with you about the entitlement of the lambeth lot but i just see us (yes im labour and was all in with corbyn) constantly killing ourselves with purity purges while the tories clean up with corrupt incompetents with great message discipline. Its depressing. And the whole LTN debate seems like a well engineered trap to split the left, no matter how well intentioned some of the antis are. ‘Strategic communications’ at its finest. Khan will be getting my vote.
And also strangely endorsing Jody Graber for his election campaign in Islington - he spoke at their town hall meeting and is the bloke who ‘took’ the anti LTN fundraising money to fund his campaign and who’s also been arrested recently for ABH and then intimidating a witness related to the ABH.

Keeping lovely company.
i once lived in Barnet. Have a look at that train wreck. No sane person wants tories in charge. There are barely any libraries left in Barnet. I agree with you about the entitlement of the lambeth lot but i just see us (yes im labour and was all in with corbyn) constantly killing ourselves with purity purges while the tories clean up with corrupt incompetents with great message discipline. Its depressing. And the whole LTN debate seems like a well engineered trap to split the left, no matter how well intentioned some of the antis are. ‘Strategic communications’ at its finest. Khan will be getting my vote.

The purists are the right of the Labour Party.

Before last election I told one of my local Cllrs that I would be voting Labour and hoped Corbyn would do well.

He was to put it mildly not overjoyed at this.

His exact words to me were "I know you like Corbyn he will have to go if he doesn't win election"

The Blairites (they now call themselves Progressives) don't want to work with anyone else. They disliked the increase in membership under Corbyn and weren't happy members choose Bell Ribeiro Addy as candidate for Streatham.

I think they wanted Corbyn to do badly.

Its not "us" who is the problem.

Khan who got chosen instead of Tessa Jowell has turned out to be of the same mould.

I'm fed up of this shit.

The New Labour Council decided to work with this Tory government to put in place LTNs without the promised consultation. It was not a trap. It was just typical of how this Council does things.
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That’s just crazy to say Labour Lambeth have worked with the Tories to introduce LTNs. They were in favour before and simply took the money that was made available.

As you’ve said before LTNs aren’t a left or right issue.
And to present LTNs as Tory policy is laughable when Wandsworth and Kensington & Chelsea wasted money by introducing them and then ripped them out without giving them a chance.
No one can get Shaun’s name right either.

I wonder whether anyone will ask him why he recommended reduced funding to youth centres when he was one of Cameron’s advisors.
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