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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Today ws the day so been keeping an eye out. Court update from the Lambeth case

"So.... This morning at 10.30am the Judge found in our favour, that we have a case to be heard! And it will be heard in June 2021.

This gives us time to raise the funds for the case. Remember WE WIN LAMBETH FOOTS THE BILL WE WILL BE REFUNDED OUR COSTS!
Please let’s do this together The judge was extremely firm and fair.


the Judge even commented on the waste of taxpayers money.

Xxx Sofia"

Good news! :)
The irony of the same old posters in the Brixton Buzz comments complaining about the tatty state, graffiti and vandalism of the Shakespeare Road planters being the very same campaign cheering on and justifying vandalism of said planters.
What you want is them gone completely, be honest.
Of course that's what I want, I've never said otherwise.

I want them removed and then proper consultations with all the residents in the affected area. If the residents decide to put them back or not then that's an end to it.
It's always been more about Lambeths behaviour and complete disregard for most of the people affected than about a few plant pots in the road.
Of course that's what I want, I've never said otherwise.

I want them removed and then proper consultations with all the residents in the affected area. If the residents decide to put them back or not then that's an end to it.
It's always been more about Lambeths behaviour and complete disregard for most of the people affected than about a few plant pots in the road.
What's the "affected area" and how does the consultation determine what people want? Is there a vote?
Of course that's what I want, I've never said otherwise.

I want them removed and then proper consultations with all the residents in the affected area. If the residents decide to put them back or not then that's an end to it.
It's always been more about Lambeths behaviour and complete disregard for most of the people affected than about a few plant pots in the road.
It was never the case that there would be no consultation at all though.

What better way to find out what something is like?. These schemes need time to bed in.
The irony of the same old posters in the Brixton Buzz comments complaining about the tatty state, graffiti and vandalism of the Shakespeare Road planters being the very same campaign cheering on and justifying vandalism of said planters.
It's turned the street into the Wild West:

Buzz comment said:
The no man’s land created by the planters on Shakespeare Road is pretty bleak with street drinking, graffiti, accumulation of rubbish and men seen peeing into the planters on several occasions. Not nice for lone women to walk through (or line men for that matter). at any time of day but particularly after dark.
new twitter account "One Lambeth Justice" making a completely tasteful connection between stopping rat running traffic and, er, [edited - that's not a recent pic] 1980's? Police treatment of black youth in their choice of profile pic.
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Useful work from Cycling UK getting FOI responses from ambulance trusts - I don't know if there was a response from the ambulance trust covering this LTN but they should all be available to the public if someone wanted to look through them for one.
There's only one argument against them. "I don't want to be mildly inconvenienced for the sake of others". That's it. That's all they have.
It’s been interesting. I suspect the genie is out of the bottle now and people won’t enjoy the resumption of rat running when it’s allowed again. Add chronic air pollution, concerns about climate change and the Trumpish response of the pro-rat-running lobby and I foresee a much more anti-car regime being on place in a couple of years from now.
I guess we can add homophobia to the “things that are fine with OneLambeth” list.


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Changes to the A23. It's been a long time since I cycled through Brixton, Its such a mess I avoid it entirely.

Changes to the A23. It's been a long time since I cycled through Brixton, Its such a mess I avoid it entirely.

Cheers for posting that.

(awaits indignant comments)
Changes to the A23. It's been a long time since I cycled through Brixton, Its such a mess I avoid it entirely.

This should probably be in a separate thread, as it's nothing to do with LTN
Details: A23 Oval - Streatham - Transport for London - Citizen Space
From Oval to Brixton, the changes are mostly just enlarging ASLs, removing parkling bays and a load of bike symbols painted on the road.
Also, new ASL at Vassall Road junction
Bus lanes widened on the wide bit of Brixton Road just North of the Railway (so it's effectively 2 lanes of bus/bikes and 1 lane of cars each way, instead of 1 and 2)
Zero material change through Brixton center apart form the ASLs are enlarged a little bit.
Brixton Hill bus lanes made 24/7, ASLs enlarged

Barely seems worth the effort. The "early release" cycle phases at lights will be nice, but I'll still be going round, not through, Brixton center.

Certainly not worth using the words "bike lane"
This should probably be in a separate thread, as it's nothing to do with LTN
Details: A23 Oval - Streatham - Transport for London - Citizen Space
From Oval to Brixton, the changes are mostly just enlarging ASLs, removing parkling bays and a load of bike symbols painted on the road.
Also, new ASL at Vassall Road junction
Bus lanes widened on the wide bit of Brixton Road just North of the Railway (so it's effectively 2 lanes of bus/bikes and 1 lane of cars each way, instead of 1 and 2)
Zero material change through Brixton center apart form the ASLs are enlarged a little bit.
Brixton Hill bus lanes made 24/7, ASLs enlarged

Barely seems worth the effort. The "early release" cycle phases at lights will be nice, but I'll still be going round, not through, Brixton center.

Certainly not worth using the words "bike lane"
If it isn't physically separated from cars, it isn't a bike lane IMHO. It's just paint.
If it isn't physically separated from cars, it isn't a bike lane IMHO. It's just paint.
It's not even paint. It's just removing loading bays and making bus lanes 24/7
The road is wide enough (for 90% of its length) for a fully segregated lane, but there's no money for that sort of thing at TfL any more.
This should probably be in a separate thread, as it's nothing to do with LTN
Details: A23 Oval - Streatham - Transport for London - Citizen Space
From Oval to Brixton, the changes are mostly just enlarging ASLs, removing parkling bays and a load of bike symbols painted on the road.
Also, new ASL at Vassall Road junction
Bus lanes widened on the wide bit of Brixton Road just North of the Railway (so it's effectively 2 lanes of bus/bikes and 1 lane of cars each way, instead of 1 and 2)
Zero material change through Brixton center apart form the ASLs are enlarged a little bit.
Brixton Hill bus lanes made 24/7, ASLs enlarged

Barely seems worth the effort. The "early release" cycle phases at lights will be nice, but I'll still be going round, not through, Brixton center.

Certainly not worth using the words "bike lane"

I think a dedicated thread might be a good idea yes.
It’s been interesting. I suspect the genie is out of the bottle now and people won’t enjoy the resumption of rat running when it’s allowed again. Add chronic air pollution, concerns about climate change and the Trumpish response of the pro-rat-running lobby and I foresee a much more anti-car regime being on place in a couple of years from now.

Few years back the Council tenants on Loughborough estate along with their good Labour Cllr Rachel Heywood opposed Council road closures and won.

I don't see in my area clamour from my nearby working class Council tenants for this Council to reinstate an LTN on their patch.

Council have wisely left Loughborough Junction alone whilst implementing new LTNs elsewhere.
I dont get it.

If One Lambeth use legal methods to oppose LTNs they are wasting "taxpayers money".

If some people mouth off on social media it shows One Lambeth are socially bigots.

As a neutral in this from what I can see is that those people organised to oppose LTNs can't win in eye of those fervant supporters.
Few years back the Council tenants on Loughborough estate along with their good Labour Cllr Rachel Heywood opposed Council road closures and won.

I don't see in my area clamour from my nearby working class Council tenants for this Council to reinstate an LTN on their patch.

Council have wisely left Loughborough Junction alone whilst implementing new LTNs elsewhere.

Rachel Heywood. Thats a name I have not heard in a long time. She was good to us and its terrible what they did to her.

Don't think the junction isn't up in arms. Seeing the impact of these schemes all over again.

First thing the vaccinated elderly around me want to do? Have a F2F with the councillors.
Yesterday the equivalent One Hackney group* lost their application to the High Court to submit a judicial review case to remove the LTNs.

Lost mostly (I think) on procedural grounds - they submitted their application too late, which for a JR is sadly an expensive mistake.

*the second one as the funds from the initial fundraising drive were taken by one of the group admins to launch his own UKIP type political election campaign.

More LTN infrastructure is going in across Hackney but using ANPR instead of bollards (to allow emergency services).
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