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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

On 28th January, Sutton Council intended to discuss and amend its ‘low-traffic neighborhoods’ and ‘school streets’ schemes.

The meeting was put on hold because a recent High Court judgement against the Mayor of London implied that London Boroughs were misdirected and should not have been prevented from consulting in advance of implementing the schemes. Last year, the Mayor and the Conservative government required us to move at pace to introduce these schemes and only consult after the measures were in place. We told them at the time that this was a mistake. We have now been proven right.

After further discussions, Sutton Council will be recommending this Thursday that all schemes are removed. We are angry and hugely disappointed as some schemes were working well, but we have no choice given the legal judgement.

They will remove the LTN, consult with residents and act based on the consultations. Pretty much what people have been asking for the last 8 months.
No need to remove them to do that. Delay, defer, long grass. If there are genuine problems, tweak them. There are a pretty limited number of ways to modify the road network to remove traffic and make the streets safer for walking and cycling and if the those opposing current measures haven't managed to research and propose a viable alternative by now they're never going to.
No need to remove them to do that. Delay, defer, long grass. If there are genuine problems, tweak them. There are a pretty limited number of ways to modify the road network to remove traffic and make the streets safer for walking and cycling and if the those opposing current measures haven't managed to research and propose a viable alternative by now they're never going to.
" we have no choice given the legal judgement. "

Their lawyers seem to think otherwise.
That's obviously complete bollocks given TfL themselves are not changing anything (including Bishopsgate itself) before the appeal is heard.
Just repeating what Sutton Council said in their statement.
Croydon Council seem to think it serious enough to remove the LTN this week and stop any further plans until it's resolved.
Let's see what happens in the courts tomorrow and with TfLs appeal to appeal.
If I was inclined to bet I'd put my money on the institutions with the deepest pockets and the least to lose on a personal level.
The Railton Road parklet from the other side. No plants in yet but I guess it’s not the appropriate weather this week.

Spotted one on Jelf too.
Some more pics

In photos: A parklet is constructed on the Railton Road LTN, Brixton

In photos: A parklet is constructed on the Railton Road LTN, Brixton

What kind of utter knobhead can look at stuff like that and say “nah, let’s have cars instead”?
I anticipate the comments section under this article soon filling up with people accusing Brixton Buzz of unforgivable bias by virtue of simple recording the existence of this thing.

I think there are problems with the way that this was implemented and some people have justification for being pissed off, but the way some of the anti-LTN mob behave is way out of order.
The comments have already kicked off, but apparently..."you risk becoming the local version of Buzzfeed. ‘Local people get upset about a scheme which impacts them, look how angry they are, click me click me’ "
Today ws the day so been keeping an eye out. Court update from the Lambeth case

"So.... This morning at 10.30am the Judge found in our favour, that we have a case to be heard! And it will be heard in June 2021.

This gives us time to raise the funds for the case. Remember WE WIN LAMBETH FOOTS THE BILL WE WILL BE REFUNDED OUR COSTS!
Please let’s do this together The judge was extremely firm and fair.


the Judge even commented on the waste of taxpayers money.

Xxx Sofia"
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