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Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood and LTN schemes - improvements for pedestrians and cyclists

Not long ago these workers were being praised for being Key Workers during the pandemic.
The guy I was talking to was delivering medical supplies in the lockdown.
Key worker or not, laws still apply. Drive within the limit, park legally and safely.
Great bit of joined up thinking on onelambeth:

‘I think all drivers should not buy petrol for 24 hours and let the government see how much they loose in petrol tax’
No just saying it's entirely plausible that it's more than just ordinary local people involved. And not all of the local campaigners are that ordinary - one of the speakers in their deputation last week has a senior role at a big bank.
He’s not very senior.
Great bit of joined up thinking on onelambeth:

‘I think all drivers should not buy petrol for 24 hours and let the government see how much they loose in petrol tax’

suggest they stop buying petrol forever in order to stick it to the government.

the really hilarious thing about this is that they think shell pay hmrc daily.

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And any second someone will rush to tell you that you're "factually inaccurate" or that it's just an anecdote and should be ignored or insist on an affidavit to prove your not lying. Maybe you're secretly backed and funded by some shadowy right wing organisation?

Don't start shit-stirring, people get very hot under the collar about cars but there are people debating this on here who have been members of this forum for many years and there's been very little accusations of this sort when it comes to actual posters reporting actual experiences, in fact I haven't seen any. When it comes to the OneGroup, yes there's plenty of evidence that this is classic astroturfing but no one's going to call Rushy a liar here. You're the one who's new here.
Just had a delivery of specialist bulky landscaping materials refused because the truck can no longer drive straight through and won't be able to turn safely, if at all. The only way out of the street is to back onto the main road which they will not do as it is around a corner onto a three lane red route. Alternative transport quotes - arranging for someone to collect in a large enough but small enough vehicle - add about £250 the cost of delivery from within the M25. Not to mention a lot of organising.

Lambeth put a letter out a couple of months ago which included a reference to people having expressed concern about large vehicles not being able to turn and rejected the concerns as unfounded.
How do the bin lorries turn? Or are they allowed through the gate?
Don't start shit-stirring, people get very hot under the collar about cars but there are people debating this on here who have been members of this forum for many years and there's been very little accusations of this sort when it comes to actual posters reporting actual experiences, in fact I haven't seen any. When it comes to the OneGroup, yes there's plenty of evidence that this is classic astroturfing but no one's going to call Rushy a liar here. You're the one who's new here.

There are a lot of us newbies here who have only posted in this thread and only heard of the forum via the BB articles or other places.

Some of us do come in strong but eventually find the 'flow'.
Don't start shit-stirring, people get very hot under the collar about cars but there are people debating this on here who have been members of this forum for many years and there's been very little accusations of this sort when it comes to actual posters reporting actual experiences, in fact I haven't seen any. When it comes to the OneGroup, yes there's plenty of evidence that this is classic astroturfing but no one's going to call Rushy a liar here. You're the one who's new here.

You're right i am new around here. Apologies for any offence, heat of the moment post.
I used to think this forum was pretty robust when it comes to differences of opinion, but it's like the Oxford Debating Society compared to OneLambeth.

Urban can get pretty scratchy on some forums and I'm not going to claim I've always been innocent but I think on the local forums there's always the feeling you might actually run into each other one day and we're mostly on the same side of most lines so it'd be daft to make real enemies. I think Gramsci's a good 'un even though he's obviously wrong on LTNs :D
I used to think this forum was pretty robust when it comes to differences of opinion, but it's like the Oxford Debating Society compared to OneLambeth.

They’ve had to ban a few posters and get much stricter on moderation following the fat shaming, doxxing and general threatening behaviour that some posters were making.
And any second someone will rush to tell you that you're "factually inaccurate" or that it's just an anecdote and should be ignored or insist on an affidavit to prove your not lying. Maybe you're secretly backed and funded by some shadowy right wing organisation?

I was more expecting a helpful link to some funky panniers or even a bike trailer. Or a discussion about whether landscaping materials were really a priority in these COVID times. And then something about how surely all the inconvenience is worth it now that it's safe for my son to play in the street. Amongst the turning bin lorries.

(FWIW I didn't think your post was outrageously out of character for this forum. If that is you posting in the heat of the moment then you are far more controlled than most of us ;) ).
They’ve had to ban a few posters and get much stricter on moderation following the fat shaming, doxxing and general threatening behaviour that some posters were making.
I think the guy who called me a prick just for answering a question from someone else about my supposed 'qualifications' to discuss anything to do with Brixton is still there.
Slightly random but as there are lots of cycle nerd types on here ... what is the best forum for getting advice on E gravel and mountain bikes? (Positive advice, that is).
I was more expecting a helpful link to some funky panniers or even a bike trailer. Or a discussion about whether landscaping materials were really a priority in these COVID times. And then something about how surely all the inconvenience is worth it now that it's safe for my son to play in the street. Amongst the turning bin lorries.

(FWIW I didn't think your post was outrageously out of character for this forum. If that is you posting in the heat of the moment then you are far more controlled than most of us ;) ).

Thanks. I do try to not just respond to posts without taking a breath and thinking, i didn't that time.
People are getting even more pissed off at this end of Shakespeare Road. Someone emailed a councillor to ask when they were starting the 1st round of consultations promised after 6 months, not unreasonable to ask 4 months in. The reply was that they'd just been allowing us to get used to the barrier for the last 4 months or so and they'd start the 6 month clock in a few weeks time. So... May 2021 at least before they bother to ask us what we think, and they can stretch it out to May 2022 if they want. Just after the next round of council elections.
Slightly random but as there are lots of cycle nerd types on here ... what is the best forum for getting advice on E gravel and mountain bikes? (Positive advice, that is).
The cycle chat thread :

What's the LTDA's reason to be so against increased cycle infrastructure, and things like the LTNs? Is it because they are concerned about pollution on main roads, or access for disabled people, and other things that the residents' groups claim worry them?

Or is it about protecting their business? It may be quite legitimate for a trade association to act in their members' commercial interests - that's what they are there for, but if they get involved with what are supposed to be "concerned residents" groups, you then have campaigns that are being led by a mixture of motivations, some of which do not match what they present themselves as being led by.

My query was about shadowy right wing supporting anti LTN groups.

Think its now agreed here that the Cabbies LTDA is not that.

From what Ive seen of Cabbies is they are upfront about opposing schemes. Seen them block roads in central London over these issues.

They don't organise in the background.

Campaigns can contain both commercial issues and resident lssues. Take the campaign to keep the car park for Brixton market. Residents groups ( including me) and local reps of market traders ( commercial interest) found common ground and worked together.

Realistically as we live in society were one sells one labour to live issues will often contain both commercial and non commercial interests. In case of Cabbies and small business these are often sole traders/ self employed so not big business.

Even with existing opposition to LTNs this is the case. Small business/ shopkeepers are also not happy with LTNs in some cases. So anti LTN never was purely about residents.

Another thing as LTNs are being rolled out across London I dont see why those who make living on the roads providing a service should not work with residents groups if residents want that..

Was helping a van driver yesterday. We got stuck on Brixton Hill in afternoon. It is now down to one lane as bus lane is now 24hours. Took ages to get through Brixton. This is down to Mayor and TFL. Chatting to the van driver and the new LTNs across central London plus 24 bus lanes means longer time for deliveries. Causing him, as I saw yesterday, a lot more stress.

We ended up being late for the next job.

As he said traffic is being funneled into main roads.

He is like Cabbies providing a service to people and trying to make a living. They aren't people who are to lazy to walk to shops. Who need LTNs to nudge them to walk or cycle.

I do think these people ( who are not big business but ordinary people just trying to get by providing a necessary service) should have a say in road use.
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Slightly random but as there are lots of cycle nerd types on here ... what is the best forum for getting advice on E gravel and mountain bikes? (Positive advice, that is).

Personally I would go and have a look at Bikes.They are big outlay of money to buy. So you really need to see them and try them imo. Evans shops have range of electric bikes on show. Evans shops are variable some have knowledgeable staff some dont.

Decathlon ( surrey quays and Wandsworth) do the cheaper end of the range. Ive found staff at Decathlon helpful.

For Bike porn exotica Velorution in Great Portland street has range of electric bikes. Worth a look just to see the weird and wonderful collection they have.

Decent electric bikes are still pricey. I know someone who got one of Ebay. Worth a look. He is knowledgeable about E bikes and picked up a bargain.

Bikes are in short supply at moment so not easy to get a cheap deal.

On the other hand good E bikes Ive seen are as good as mopeds in London without the added cost running a moped.

Pure Electric have shop in Victoria (
52 Grosvenor Gardens, Belgravia, London SW1W 0AU)
is also one Ive been standing outside going yes I want one.

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They’ve had to ban a few posters and get much stricter on moderation following the fat shaming, doxxing and general threatening behaviour that some posters were making.

They have always been pretty hardline unlike some other groups where anyhig goes. Still a lot of hate though. The running joke in our whatsapp group (which is toxic) is that after LTNs the admins of OneLambeth are the most hated things in the world because they wont let some people do and post whatever they want
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if TFL have to extend the congestion charge to Clapham and Catford these arguments will be irrelevant except to those who can afford the £15 per day
If shapps and boris and cummings force this on us, itll be no more than a week before the racist hypocritical astroturf campaign to blame it all on khan and to promise a roll-back under a tory mayor begins. And yet instead of this on the front page, we get boris’ bit on the side and empty brexit posturing.
If shapps and boris and cummings force this on us, itll be no more than a week before the racist hypocritical astroturf campaign to blame it all on khan and to promise a roll-back under a tory mayor begins. And yet instead of this on the front page, we get boris’ bit on the side and empty brexit posturing.
They've started already on One Lambeth - blaming it on Khan. To be fair, there are also quite a few people pointing out that this is not a Khan proposal and comes from central government.
Thanks. I do try to not just respond to posts without taking a breath and thinking, i didn't that time.
People are getting even more pissed off at this end of Shakespeare Road. Someone emailed a councillor to ask when they were starting the 1st round of consultations promised after 6 months, not unreasonable to ask 4 months in. The reply was that they'd just been allowing us to get used to the barrier for the last 4 months or so and they'd start the 6 month clock in a few weeks time. So... May 2021 at least before they bother to ask us what we think, and they can stretch it out to May 2022 if they want. Just after the next round of council elections.

Doesn't seem unreasonable to start the consultation from the time the fines start being issued given Shakespeare Road residents have been putting up signs and telling people they can drive through up to now.
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