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Whiskey Tumbler was packed and the Effra Hall Tavern was jumping last night. I wanted to pop into the Albert on the way back but they'd stopped serving early again. Dogstar was reasonably busy. Couldn't go into the Prince of Wales as they demand full scannable ID just to get into the pub part. Fuck that.
I think I'm going to give up on the Albert for a while. The new landlord only seems interested in getting his mates in to DJ way too loudly to an empty dancefloor. A very very long term regular has just given up on the place after being told to fuck off last night. Not good. Not good at all.
why was the punter told to fuck off?
Ask him yourself. I've no interest in interacting with a rubbernecking shit stirrer like you. In fact, I'm putting us on mutual ignore. Bye.

that seems like a bit of an overreaction to a reasonable question, another poster asked summat similar upthread and didn’t get that response.
Yeah, our lass has told me of a couple of her friends getting hassled by older regulars, one touched a 18 y.o up and tried to kiss her so maybe being part of an an established male group should be open to scrutiny!
No, I meant there's context to why editor's reply was so abrupt. I know nothing about going ons at the Albert.
Yeah. But I was just commenting on what you said and what I know.

...im sorry if you think my comments are out of order but I think that it’s a matter for concern, and maybe if your kid told you a similar tale you might feel a bit like I do......
...im sorry if you think my comments are out of order but I think that it’s a matter for concern, and maybe if your kid told you a similar tale you might feel a bit like I do......
Of course it's a matter of concern but I'm really not sure why you're linking it with my response to a poster here. And who is in this 'established male group' you are referring to? :confused:
...im sorry if you think my comments are out of order but I think that it’s a matter for concern, and maybe if your kid told you a similar tale you might feel a bit like I do......
You've got the total wrong end of the stick.
I thought you were objecting to editor being rude to Mr paulee. I pointed out they have pre existing context.
I have zero objection to you calling out sexual harassment in the Albert. I'm a woman ffs. I just don't personally know anything about it because I never use the place.
I'm not sure where I said anything was out of order in any of your posts, because I didn't.
You've got the total wrong end of the stick.
I thought you were objecting to editor being rude to Mr paulee. I pointed out they have pre existing context.
I have zero objection to you calling out sexual harassment in the Albert. I'm a woman ffs. I just don't personally know anything about it because I never use the place.
I'm not sure where I said anything was out of order in any of your posts, because I didn't.
I have to admit that I'm completely baffled by his comments too.
Of course it's a matter of concern but I'm really not sure why you're linking it with my response to a poster here. And who is in this 'established male group' you are referring to? :confused:

the reason is because I think Mr paulee asks a reasonable question and you chose to shut it down
the established male group is regulars at The Albert, ime pub regulars of many years tend to know each other
at least by reputation and character, and this character has a bit of form from what I’m told, although he has not been identified to me in any way, shape or form....
when we are discussing the new regime at The Albert and talking about long standing regulars then maybe they shouldn’t be treated like a endangered species and maybe some of them need to be told to sling their hook for the well-being of others....which brings us back to the question posed by Mr. Paulee
the reason is because I think Mr paulee asks a reasonable question and you chose to shut it down
the established male group is regulars at The Albert, ime pub regulars of many years tend to know each other
at least by reputation and character, and this character has a bit of form from what I’m told, although he has not been identified in any way, shape or form....
when we are discussing the new regime at The Albert and talking about long standing regulars then maybe they shouldn’t be treated like a endangered species and maybe some of them need to be told to sling their hook for the well-being of others....which brings us back to the question posed by Mr. Paulee
I can't say I'm aware of any 'established male group' that gropes 18 year olds at the Albert, although I'm sure it's possible that it might happen.

But seeing as I'm not part of such a group anyway, perhaps you could name some names? It's quite a nasty slur to leave hanging in the air, and surely we all want these people outed and banned forever?

As (semi) regulars it's our responsibility to help keep the pub safe for young women and everyone else, so I'd certainly immediately report such incidents to the landlord if I saw them happening. Have you reported this incident?

Oh, and if you're suggesting that this is something to do with the reason why my friend fell out with the place, you're way, waaaaay off the mark.
I can't say I'm aware of any 'established male group' that gropes 18 year olds at the Albert, although I'm sure it's possible that it might happen.

But seeing as I'm not part of such a group anyway, perhaps you could name some names? It's quite a nasty slur to leave hanging in the air, and surely we all want these people outed and banned forever?

As (semi) regulars it's our responsibility to help keep the pub safe for young women and everyone else, so I'd certainly immediately report such incidents to the landlord if I saw them happening. Have you reported this incident?

Oh, and if you're suggesting that this is something to do with the reason why my friend fell out with the place, you're way, waaaaay off the mark.

I am not saying a group does the groping, but an individual who is part of an amorphous group
I can’t name names, and if I could I wouldn’t because it would be possibly criminal to do so without proof, as you say a nasty slur, remember this didn’t happen to me but someone my kid knows and I don’t have deep conversations with young women i barely know about that type of thing, my kid dropped it into conversation when we were talking about more general matters,.i don’t have a description apart from ‘an old guy who’s a regular’ young people her age tend to keep their social lives quite secret from the parents...
i have not reported the incident, I am not the victim and only heard about it sometime after it happened, , I imagine the victim had her reasons for not doing so....this happened under the previous management btw...
Apologies if I did not make clear I was definitely not making any suggestion about your friend, you actually referred to ‘a regular’ iirc and you made the comment about them being told to fuck off on a public forum so I would assume that means it’s up for discussion....the response to Mr Paulee could have been brushed off with a more diplomatic response but I guess you reacted the way you thought best.
just for the record my kid has been repeatedly subjected to weird sexual stuff from randoms since before she hit puberty, in school, on the street, public transport and in pubs and bars, it’s something we have had conversations about, like a lot of London kids she is very streetwise, and her friends likewise, some 30 something creep tried it on in a local pub with her and got a big shock when a group of 10 young guys she knew fronted him, her generation don’t tend to let these matters lie. I’m glad to hear you have the same outlook
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The Albert was fucking shit tonight, with self indulgent DJ mates of the landlord clearing the place out and playing to an empty dancefloor.

Here's how it looked at 12.30. About 15 people in the entire place (all notably as far away from the decks as possible) and then they shut around 1am and aggressively pushed people out straight away. I was chatting to a blind guy who'd just bought a full pint and he was forced to go out into the street to drink it.

Not a good vibe.

Popped into the Albert for one. Busier than yesterday. The DJ is playing 414 hard house. Not a single person is dancing or paying attention despite the volume. I'm leaving!
It was really busy around Brixton tonight: Effra Social broke their takings record, Hootananny was rammed, there was a massive queue outside the Prince of Wales and Gremio was really busy around 230am. The Dogstar is now staying open till 3am and that was pretty busy too, Good to see the Brixton Art Club open late too...
Ended up at the Railway tonight. Pretty quiet initially but by the time we left it was quite busy and the dancefloor was being cleared for action
There was an incident in the albert about six weeks ago when a bloke who was already regarded as a creep towards women went into the disabled loo when a teenage woman was in there. He said something along the lines of "we are all family here" before she ran screaming out of the loo. The bloke concerned got battered in the pub that night right after this. He has not been in the pub since. He got battered again a week ago by another mate, sparked out in the street. He has not been seen in Brixton since.
This rapey bastard is not part of any group of regulars at the Albert and it's a slur to suggest he is/was.
Id quite enjoy that music but not really the place for it.
When there's zero people dancing and locals are coming up to me (!) to ask for the music to be turned down and totally changed, something's clearly not quite right!

Even the manager apologised for the music as I was leaving, but he must have booked the guy.

Arrogant, self indulgent DJs playing inappropriate music waaaaay too loudly in pubs are one of my pet hates. Read the fucking crowd or fuck off back to your bedroom, FFS.

The place continues to close early too. It was 1am again last night.
There was an incident in the albert about six weeks ago when a bloke who was already regarded as a creep towards women went into the disabled loo when a teenage woman was in there. He said something along the lines of "we are all family here" before she ran screaming out of the loo. The bloke concerned got battered in the pub that night right after this. He has not been in the pub since. He got battered again a week ago by another mate, sparked out in the street. He has not been seen in Brixton since.
This rapey bastard is not part of any group of regulars at the Albert and it's a slur to suggest he is/was.
That is fucking awful for the women concerned.
Sounds like the Albert is taking just a tiny, weeny fraction of the money which was once spent there. It's not sustainable. Post-Covid normality should improve things a bit in the summer. But I bet the pub is doomed. There's a very high churn of pubs, bars and restaurants on that stretch of CHL. Can someone with hospitality industry knowledge shed any light? Brewdog and 3 Little Birds look empty whenever I pass. Market House gone.
Sounds like the Albert is taking just a tiny, weeny fraction of the money which was once spent there. It's not sustainable. Post-Covid normality should improve things a bit in the summer. But I bet the pub is doomed. There's a very high churn of pubs, bars and restaurants on that stretch of CHL. Can someone with hospitality industry knowledge shed any light? Brewdog and 3 Little Birds look empty whenever I pass. Market House gone.
sounds like they don't have a long term plan for it at the moment. maybe they'll sell the freehold?
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