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A lot of places are being boarded up. Presumably to stop access, but if squatters get in, nobody can see them.
I would have thought the current lockdown rules would override any squatters rights and given the deserted streets, any potential group of squatters are going to really stand out.
If you are isolating but can't get a supermarket delivery slot - which is a very widespread problem - there are volunteers who will do your shopping for you in a Facebook group Lambeth Covid 19 Mutual Aid So don't be shy, people want to help. I've taken food to one person who is isolating because she has symptoms and another in the very high risk category who daren't risk going out.
If you are isolating but can't get a supermarket delivery slot - which is a very widespread problem - there are volunteers who will do your shopping for you in a Facebook group Lambeth Covid 19 Mutual Aid So don't be shy, people want to help. I've taken food to one person who is isolating because she has symptoms and another in the very high risk category who daren't risk going out.
Good job. Worth telling officially high risk / vulnerable (ie identified as such by their hospital) that they can get priority booking on some supermarket delivery services. You can ensure that you are registered and on the radar here : Get coronavirus support as a clinically extremely vulnerable person
Heartbreaking scenes

A prayer is said at the funeral in Chislehurst of Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab, 13, from Brixton, south London,

I walked through the park a few days ago and there were quite a few groups of people hanging out and some fucking idiot joggers were almost rubbing shoulders with me, they passed by that close. I'd stopped going since because I felt it was getting risky.
went for a walk round the park yesterday and experienced a jogger spitting (as they do) as he passed definitely not 2 metres away
From what I have been told, the hysteria on the Brockwell Tranquility Facebook page about joggers and a small number of groups not observing distancing rules contributed to closure. It was all getting a bit "vigilante" and there were concerns of public disorder on the first hot sunny Sunday of the year.
I cycled through the park a few days ago. Generally people were trying to keep social distance. People sitting on the grass in small groups were keeping a distance.

Ive just looked at the Brockwell Tranquility Facebook. The admin have had to step in to stop abusive posts. Saying admin will start to delete posts.

I also wonder where the 3000 figure comes from that the Council and press are using.

What Im not happy about , when I read the Brockweel Tranquility FB for example, is that it does start to sound like blaming individuals.
Well as long as the public are turning against other members of the public for "sunbathing", then they are diverted from the real issue, which is the Government's complete fuck-up regarding PPE and testing. Call me a cynic.
Cycled past Larkhall Park today and there were 3 plastic coppers walking past people who were quite obviously sunbathing in the park. I think it's this kind of mixed message that fosters resentment - it seems to be a bit luck of the draw as to how the rules are applied or interpreted.
It's very brave of the Police to go around in their big vans shouting a people for having a sit down on the grass away from anyone else. Are they in the right here? A lot of people, probably myself included, are misinformed or ignorant of what is allowed and whats not.

I agree that if there is a group of people sat around just getting pissed and not giving a shit they should be moved on.

As for joggers not giving a flying one, it sounds like they are suffering from the same righteous syndrome some cyclists suffer from. They believe that because they are exercising their body/temples, other considerations go out of the window and they can do as they please.
I just wanted to share a site we've set up to get the word out about Brixton businesses that are still operating during the lockdown and delivering or providing new/additional services. Let us know of any additions through the About page. Thanks! Brixton Local
Im going to have a rant.

Its the Queen speaking to the nation that has finally got me. Asked my neighbour about this. He won't be watching this.

The Queen has a big house and garden to isolate in. As my neighbour said no worries about income.

I don't need to be told we should all pull together. "We" aren't in this all together.

If you are on a low wage getting 80% of your income means you're going to struggle to cope.

For the Queen and the Richard Branson of the world this is not a factor.

Many people in London don't have gardens so parks are important. If you have giant garden behind Buckingham palace its a different life to most Londoners.

If the argument is going to be about people being selfish or stupid what I want to see is a levelling of society.

The Queen can lose her houses and gardens. Branson can have his airline taken into public ownership.

"We" can have all wealth distributed equally in this nation.

If that takes place then I would start to criticise selfish behaviour.

Its not going to take place. And when this health crisis ends its going to be the lower orders who suffer not the welll off. As happened after the last economic crisis.

Plus the Police are going to find it difficult to re adjust to not being able to dictate to people about their behaviour once this is all over imo.
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The Queen, who's that? Some body who appears on TV and radio telling us all how bad it is and we should all be pulling together.
The Queen, who lives in isolation from all the minions that pay into her tax free allowance.
The Queen, who has absolutely no connection with her apparently loyal subjects.
The Queen
There's a lot of bad feeling about the closure of Brockwell. Nick Robinson pushed the politicians quite hard on Radio 4.

A very sensible question was about older or more infirm people using the park, they aren't able to walk a circuit, why shouldn't they go there and sit down?

He said to Jenrick about people with large houses with large gardens, more bedrooms than inhabitants, people with second homes being the ones to tell those living in cramped conditions not to use the parks. Jenrick ducked the question.
A very sensible question was about older or more infirm people using the park, they aren't able to walk a circuit, why shouldn't they go there and sit down?

One thing that seems surprisingly un-discussed, is the risk associated with sitting on a bench, because if you sit on a bench you are highly likely to touch surfaces that someone else has touched recently. Seems to me that sitting on the grass is considerably less risky. Most parks have things like excercise equipment taped off, but not benches. It seems inconsistent.

(I have no desire to prevent less able people being allowed to sit down in the park, I just wonder if the risks of doing so on a bench should be taken more seriously)
Queue for Iceland stretches up to H&M!

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Those Tesco and Sainsburys metro shops are so expensive, I'm not surprised. It's fucking demeaning for a person to have to stand out in the road like that to get their family's weekly groceries. It looks like 1980s USSR.

Tesco and Sainsburys would still make a profit if they temporarily dropped their metro prices to supermarket levels. Given the current situation, would that be too much to ask?
Those Tesco and Sainsburys metro shops are so expensive, I'm not surprised. It's fucking demeaning for a person to have to stand out in the road like that to get their family's weekly groceries. It looks like 1980s USSR.

Tesco and Sainsburys would still make a profit if they temporarily dropped their metro prices to supermarket levels. Given the current situation, would that be too much to ask?

the quietest shop around here, spar, is also the biggest rip off, unsurprisingly
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